Saturday, May 26, 2012

Religion Its Almost Like Being In Love

Religion Its Almost Like Being In Love
When I criticize Christianity believers will say I was never a Christian because I now treat it like it really is, a belief system of doctrines. Christians tell me instead it's a relationship with God-in-Christ. You know, the more I think of it the more they are right. They DO treat their religion like it's a relationship. They are madly and passionately in love. The problem is that there is no object of their love, and this is a problem of enormous consequences, primarily in that people in love are blind to their lover's faults.Think of all of those young couples "in love" who are at each other's throats only a couple years later. While they are in the romantic love stage, they are "caught up in the emotion." Their lover can do no wrong. Their lover is perfect. Their lover has no faults; oh, sure he or she has idiosyncrasies, but nothing that could possibly impede this relationship. At least not until the fairy dust settles and they are able to start seeing each other as flawed human beings, sometimes horribly flawed. Amazing as it seems, strong emotions can cause massive distortions in perceptions. They can make A look like Not-A. Strong emotions can also completely shut down our ability to think self-critically. Link
