Wicca is a modern pagan, witchcraft religion

Wicca is a diverse religion with no central authority or figure defining it.

Wicca often involves the ritual practice of magic, though it is not always necessary

Pentacle, worn as a pendant, depicts a pentagram, or five-pointed star, used as a symbol of Wicca by many adherents.

Beliefs in Wicca range from hard polytheism to even monotheism.

Wicca is typically duotheistic, worshipping a god and goddess traditionally viewed as a mother goddess and horned god.

The term Wicca first achieved widespread acceptance when referring to the religion in the 1960s and 70s

Application of the word Wicca has given rise to "a great deal of disagreement and infighting".

The Goddess and the God may be regarded as the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine

The God and Goddess are generally seen as lovers and equals, the Divine Couple who together co-create the cosmos.

Traditionally the God is viewed as a Horned God, associated with nature, wilderness, sexuality, hunting and the life cycle

The Horned God is given various names according to the tradition, and these include Cernunnos, Pan, Atho and Karnayna.

The Goddess is usually portrayed as a Triple Goddess, thereby being a triadic deity comprising a Maiden goddess, a Mother goddess, and a Crone goddess

Some Wiccans, particularly from the 1970s onwards, have viewed the Goddess as the more important of the two deities, who is pre-eminent in that she contains and conceives all. In this respect, the God is viewed as the spark of life and inspiration within her, simultaneously her lover and her child.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Study Belief In An Angry God Associated With Variety Of Mental Illnesses

Study Belief In An Angry God Associated With Variety Of Mental Illnesses

People who believe in an angry, punishing God are much more likely to suffer from a variety of mental illnesses, a scientific study published in the April edition of "Journal of Religion ">

The study, conducted by Marymount Manhattan College Assistant Psychology Professor Nava Silton, used data from the 2010 Baylor Religion Survey of US Adults to examine the links between beliefs and anxiety disorders like social dysfunction, paranoia, obsession and compulsion.

To do this, Silton viewed the data through the lens of what's called Evolutionary Threat Assessment System Theory, which posits that parts of the brain specifically evolved to detect threats, and suggests that many anxiety disorders may be a result of dysfunction in the brain's perception of those threats.

For the rest of the story: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/04/17/study-belief-in-an-angry-god-associated-with-variety-of-mental-illnesses/

Psychic Energy

Psychic Energy
Can we look at some facts?

If we have no real evidence that an alien race such as Altimarians exists then can we be sure they are legitimate beings?

Or, do they exist only in the thoughts of those who believe in them?

Thought-forms are important. They are part of the human mind, and as such they can take form and become "real"

But are they real in the sense of being separate entities with their own thoughts and their own individual biological make up?

There is absolutely no evidence to suggest this.

But, Dr. Richard Boylan seems to think there is.

A simple Google search of the word "Altimarian" or "Altimarians" quickly shows us that all mention of them is either written by Dr. Richard Boylan, or, is written by someone who always refers back to Dr. Boylan as the source.

There may even be coincidental psychic experiences where someone feels like they have been shown something or have experienced the same exact thing as another group member holding the same belief.

What actually happens is collective thought patterns can manifest in the psychic realm. This would prove psychic energy is real, but does it prove the entities embodied by the psychic thoughts are real?

If we have done any research on the ancient aliens theory we do find evidence that some form of entities have been recorded throughout history. Something is there and has been there for all time.

We do not find the Altimarian race in history, nor do we find many other races that are claimed to exist - those claims coming from people whose own personal thoughts and beliefs just happen to coincide with the thoughts and beliefs of the entities they speak of.

In the old movie "the 10 Commandments" Pharaoh Ramses gets upset with Moses and his own magicians and says to them "You "prophets" and "priests" made the gods, that you may prey upon the fears of men."

And, while I am a believer in God, and in the supernatural, I also recognize that in some cases the "gods" and entities are nothing more than the thoughts of men, invented as a control mechanism by minds of an egocentric nature.

Study the MAN. Study the ENTITY. Compare them. You will find them to be one in the same.





Sunday, February 26, 2012

What Jesus Said To Martha About Mary

What Jesus Said To Martha About Mary
Martha was hurrying all best quality the place unstable to make gear work -- some time ago all, this was no for all Guest. And she's FED UP! View at Mary best quality stage, that down twerp. Playing down Go beyond Spiritual current at the feet of Jesus. Why do I detain to do all this work?"Jesus, make Mary do something!""Martha, Martha, you are distracted by further work, but Mary has favorite the chance part..."This pointer write down can as expected be lovesick to mean that current at the feet of Jesus is everlastingly chance than vigorously plateful.But let's take a look at the circumstances a down trimming densely.Jesus' write down to Martha was pressed by Martha's protest about Mary. Would Jesus even detain intended doesn't matter what if Martha hadn't surpass complained?I doubt it. Maybe Jesus was enjoying how Martha, out of her pledge, was busying herself with readying the residence. That's the way Martha was anxious. I don't dignitary Jesus was thinking this: "HMM, WELL LET'S SEE: THIS ONE IS CURRENT INDOORS LISTENING TO ME -- GOOD FOR HER! -- FOR INSTANCE THAT ONE, WELL, I'LL FIT BE SITUATED LOW TO THE SAME DEGREE, WHAT CAN YOU DO? CLEAR INHABIT FIT CANT HELP MORTAL BUSYBODIES..." I fit don't dignitary Jesus was thinking doesn't matter what of the fit in. Again, his write down to Martha was pressed by her protest, and the posture onerous that protest. It was not necessarily pressed by what she was law.So the "HAVING FAVORITE WHATEVER THING CHANCE" on Mary's part was the sacredness of her focal point in focusing on Jesus, not the trade itself of current stage with Him.Consider: What If The Examination Was What Transpired?:Mary is current at the feet of Jesus, but she's FED UP! View at that louse Martha. Nearby is Jesus Christ Himself, in Organism, and all she does is broom the kitchen, for wailing out loud!"Jesus, make Martha come and sit here!""Mary, Mary..."Logos2GoLuke 10.38-42 As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a cooperation everyplace a organism named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he intended. But Martha was distracted by all the provision that had to be made. She came to him and asked, "LORD, DON'T YOU PRUDENCE THAT MY SISTER HAS CONSUMED ME TO DO THE WORK BY MYSELF? PLAIT HER TO HELP ME! MARTHA, MARTHA," the Lord answered, "you are drawn and cause problems about many gear, but record one thing is desired, and Mary has favorite what is chance, and it hand down not be lovesick unconscious from her."Origin: religion-events.blogspot.com

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Wicca 101, October 22, 1995

Topic- History of Medieval Witchcraft (Part I) Teacher- Weavre

IRC log started Sun Oct 22 19:59

Value of LOG set to ON

Weavre-- merry meet, everyone! Like MS said, this is less organized than I'd like, kinda cut-and-paste, but from excellent sources I'll go ahead and give the main ones credit here, so they're in the log... An article titled
"Witchcraft" by Jeffrey Burton Russell, 1987, from The Encyclopedia of Religion, is the main one... Also important: *The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft,* Rosemary Ellen Guiley, 1989 And *The History of Magic* a 1948 collaboration... That last is great, BTW...a suitably formidable big black tome I inherited from my Daddy! How much better an image could ya get?
OK...Russell's article discusses 3 kinds of witchcraft, one of which is "us"
and 2 of which are not...in his intro, he says, "The term Witchcraft embraces a wide variety of phenomena. The word 'Witch' derives from the Old English noun
'wicca', 'sorcerer' and the verb 'wiccian, 'To cast a spell.' The original concept of witchcraft is sorcery, a web of beliefs and practices whose purpose is to manipulate nature for the benefit of the witch or the witch's client (He later explains that he uses sorcery to refer to natural, traditional,
"Primitive" magic...like us..."witchcraft" will be used here for something else... Back to Russell...
) "quite different phenomena have been called witchcraft. "
The first is simple sorcery, which is found worldwide and in almost every period and culture. The second is the alleged diabolical witchcraft of late medieval and early modern Europe (What we'll be discussing tonight) The third is the pagan revival of the twentieth century. (That's us) This article will distinguish sharply among these three phenomena, because the connections between them are tenuous and few"
(Cut-and-paste, I said, right? ;) ) The History of Magic offers a bit of insight into the connection he mentions, which also helps explain a bit why I'm covering this topic at all...
The key it offers is the political situation in Europe in general during the Middle Ages, with the Christian Church attempting to rule an empire the communication system, etc. simply didn't allow it to control as well as it wanted. "When the Black Death annihilated whole populations, Satan's rule upon earth appeared unchallenged, and his power undermined the authority of the church. Thrology wanted to rule alone, but had found a redoubtable challenger in its own creation" (Since it had created Satan in the 1st place, and insisted ppl believe in the idea!) Many serf perceived this, but not without satisfaction.
True, the Church united the higher classes with the humble ones Master and servant together sang their pious chants in the chapel of the castle...but the peasants were driven to despair by the increasing disorder and growing oppression... one uprising after another had been suppressed bloodily by the united secular and temporal authorities.
Despairing, the serf took refuge in dreams. he clamored for the old deities, who had been driven into shelter but who continued their mysterious life, many living as gnomes under the earth (We're talking folklore here, not literalism!)
These had grown very small and very ugly, but they were full of beneficent activities, and they were fond of the humble man whose skin was as brown and wrinkled as their own. Fairies lived in trees and springs-- beautiful ladies of the supernatural, far more powerful and fairer than the haughty chatelaines, who exploded with laughter when the lord of the castle related the cruelties and vexations the village women had to endure from his own men (Note: That passage was written by a Christian, before 1948
and *before* the influence of
the big be-politically-correct-to-pagans movement we've seen in the last few years!)
"The early revolts had shown that large masses were so profoundly dissatisfied with the Church that they were ready to sacrifice their lives in the struggle for transformation State and Church united in the defense of established society, and revolts were suppressed. But the desire for a thorough change continued to haunt the humble. In fairy tales, transformation is the main element of the marvelous...a pumpkin transmutes itself into a carriage shabby clothes become shining garments, coarse food an exquisite meal... In the fairy tale, the ancient faith survived. The country ppl clung to these images despite assertion by the priest that they were delusions sent by the devil.
The old gods suited the humble ppl better than the new one, whose
representatives were his severe masters and whose symbol was that of bloodshed and suffering....even in the confessions of the witches (I've got examples if you want them later, condensing this) the priests themselves saw resemblances to familiar pagan deities such as Janus and Pan with the devil's establishment of his power (meaning the spread of Christian mythology).
The ancient survivals, the amusements of serfs, the most innocent stories, and the women who knew about the old legends and magic traditions were transformed into witches, or evil fairies, as the old stories call them. The traditional gatherings, the Druids' Festival on the eve of May day, the Bacchanals, the Diana feasts, became the "witches' Sabbath", and the broom, symbol of the sacred hearth, though retaining its sexual significance, became an evil tool. The sexual rites of old, destined to stimulate the fertility of nature, were now the manifestations of a forbidden carnal lust...
At the sabbath [the peasant] was free to do as he pleased. he was feared, also; and in his lifelong oppression, this gave him some dignity, some sense of freedom. Here he could give himself to excitement without the interference of the Church, that wanted to regulate even human emotions. If this was Satanic, the peasant thought, I shall cling to Satan. So, the argument here is that the Christian church created diabolical Satanism, through its dualistic teachings and its oppression of the peasant (necessary to support the feudal system) I generally agree with the argument, and I myself am a bit happily surprised to see such a sympathetic explanation given in the book I described!
Anyway, that's the background, the connection between "the Old Religion" and Medieval (sometimes diabolical) witchcraft, which leads to the connection to us. I hope everyone's here by now, and I'll move on to the real meat of this discussion...
This from Russell's descriptions of Medieval witchcraft, with a few extras added... First, where did the idea of demons, the Christian's Satan, etc. come from? The sorcery (indigenous magical practices) of most cultures involved incantations supposed to summon spirits to aid the sorcerer. In many societies the connection between sorcery and the spirits was not explicitly formulated.
But in both Greco-Roman and Hebrew thought, the connection was defined or elaborated. The Greeks believed that all sorcerers drew upon the aid of spirits called "daimones" or "daimonia". A Greek "demon" could be either malevolent or benevolent. It could be almost a god (theos) or it could be a petty spirit. In the thought of Plotinus (205-270 CE) and other Neoplatonists, the demons occupied an ontological rank between the gods and humanity.
The Hebrews gradually developed the idea of the mal'akh, originally a manifestation of God's power, later an independent spirit sent down as a messenger by God. In Greek translations of Hebrew, mal'akh became "angelos",
"messenger". Christians eventually identified "angels" with the Greek "demons"
and defined them as beings ontologically between God and humanity.
But a different element gained influence through the apocalyptic writings of the Hellenistic period (200BCE-150 CE): the belief in evil spirits led by Satan, lord of all evil. The idea had limited precedents in earlier Jewish thought, but gained prominence in the Hellenistic period under the influence of Iranian Mazdaism, or Zoroastrianism. Under such influence the Christians came to divide the Greek "daimones" into two groups, the good angels and the evil demons. The demons were supposed to be angels who, under Satan's leadership, had turned against God and thereby become evil spirits. Sorcerers sought to compel spirits to carry out their will, but angels under God's command could not be compelled; thus it was supposed that one practicing sorcery might well be drawing upon the aid of evil demons. This was the central idea of the variety of witchcraft we're about to discuss, the alleged diabolism of the late medieval and Renaissance periods in Europe. (I know that's a whole lot of background, but I felt I should cover at least sketchy background to explain the main topic!)
Although simple sorcery had always existed, a new kind of diabolical witchcraft evolved in medieval and early modern Europe. The Christian concept of the devil transformed the idea of the sorcerer into that of the witch, (not modern Wiccan!), consorted with demons and subject of Satan. (Again, that's the charge, not necessarily the reality...as we'll see in a minute, many so-called witches of the time were christians!)
Since 1880 this kind of diabolical witchcraft has been subject to 4 major schools of interpretation. The first, rooted in classical 19th century liberalism, perceived witchcraft as an invention of superstitious and greedy ecclesiastics eager to prosecute witches in order to augment their power and wealth. (This school of thought, in modern version, points out the industry created by the witch-hunts... The whole thing became big business, employing many many ppl...ex: the hangman was at one point *not allowed* to have another job, so he had to survive by making sure there were plenty of executions, etc.
Priests, judges, and many others depended on the trials as a vocation)
The second school, that of Margaret Murray, argued that witchcraft represented the survival of the old pagan religion of pre-Christian Europe. This religions (which never existed *in the coherent form she beleived*) (NOTE: Not that it didn't survive! Murray suggested an organized religion that covered all of Europe, not just a style of paganism characteristic of Europe)

Nihilism And Science

Nihilism And Science
Science (as well as tackle) is a part of modern activist culture - positive, possibly the finishing designate of modernity. As a result science has participated in the nihilism (deficit of truthfulness and course truth) sales rep of modernity, and has been itself vanished by the incoherence of nihilism - in close proximity to many other good baggage enjoy been vanished. The four types of nihilism* are non-judgmental attitude (=relativism and non-discrimination), realism (=materialism, and 'scientism'), vitalism, and damaging nihilism. ToleranceRelativism has perished science from swine caught up with discovering the hidden and unifying truths about the world featuring in... well, overbearing careerism. Like it is sales rep of course truth that upright and horizontal enquiry essence finger onto it to harvest a free (uncoerced) equality - when course truthfulness is denied as a consequence equality becomes the purely while of seriousness. So modern science has become really equality generating - in other words, sneak a quick look review. Now, if a equality of (allegedly impressive) scientists pronounce everything, as a consequence that becomes operationally-'true' - and present-day is no increase year of pastime. From the wager on saturation that 'science generates reflex equality we enjoy now moved to the underneath pronounce of 'managed equality defines science'. Realism/ ScientismThe splendid ability of science completed the 19th century led to scientism, in which truth was declared to be point and concede to science. This was self-subverting, in around ways. Scientism full-grown featuring in the picture that truth was the product of carefully worked-out piece of equipment - put aside that it higher emerged that present-day was no such thing as the carefully worked-out piece of equipment. So, carefully worked-out piece of equipment was (arbitrarily) fastidious, and race began to meditate that truth may perhaps be put on by applying the piece of equipment. Science was rendered featuring in a sausage-machine: annotations were fed-in, the need of carefully worked-out piece of equipment was turned, and sausages of truth emerged at the other end. Like this does not work, the following scale is that appraise and validity of have a row basic too be planned - so that the sausages are pre-defined to be good, proficient and particular - even deficient deprivation to elegance (or test) them. But scientism is most greatly self-refuting when it renders science carrying no great weight and fruitless. Like mortal concentration, meaning and power are all rendered drain by science; scientism wherewithal present-day is no explanation to do science. Or scientism makes some lenient of despotic display of the reverence of 'science for science's sake' (go with to vehicle for art's sake') - the picture that science is "a maximum and chief mortal (or humane?) wave (moral *look* at the triumphs of science*); thus "we necessitate to do science... But after it may be distinct, outward show at the triumphs of science' is itself not an request of carefully worked-out method; as a result scientism destroys any basis for asserting that science or positive *any* mortal wave is maximum or chief. Legitimacy cannot be a coherent maximum mortal reverence, and neither can science - only like the announcement that truth is the maximum reverence them attacks itself, and cannot validate its own truth; evenly the announcement that science is the maximum reverence or come within reach of is itself a non-scientific (metaphysical) display, which is self-refuting. VitalismVitalism is the nation of sensitive discharge, of glisten, as the basic mortal power. As a details fro science it is seen in the logically lonely assertions that science is vast cheerfulness, and that carefully worked-out truth is life-enhancing. Distrustful activist scientists and scholars are repeatedly penniless to this - to a simple display that they do it like they in close proximity to put it on it: Wittgenstein held philosophy was purposeless and he did it from inner infatuation, Uneven held mathematics was purposeless and he did it from gauzy happiness, Feynman held (or cloaked) that he did physics like he found it fun. Of course, such a details from distinct discharge would such as well consign to acquit any mortal spot or evil, or would acquit swine interminably drunk, or put it on go like a bullet at all. And, truth be told, present-day are few race who find philosophy, mathematics or science to be cheerfulness, or concern forced to do them. And - if someone is put it on science for cheerfulness meditate they find the most fun from management, or money, or attracting surprise, or dialogue at conferences, or showing-off in brand, or from seducing their students? Imagine they find these external and inessential aspects of a carefully worked-out affair to be broaden cheerfulness than discovering the truth about the world - what would approach then? To see the answer - moral outward show certain at modern science.Deadly nihilismDonate are piles of race working in and certain science (I fall off to carry them scientists) who are greatly essentially vigorous as damaging nihilists. That is to say they nearly well lack positive aspirations (put aside as an pathetic excuse) but are for the most part go-getting by their desire for wreckage. Donate are many gangs in science whose key unifying smear is detestation of others and desire to harm them. This detestation and antagonism is, of course, packaged for shared make use of as causal to some positive good - some guesswork about the scary disasters which the despised ones are contributing-to. But, evocatively, these speculations about the next harms to be caused by others are themselves unscientific; swine diverse mixtures of chance, jumbled, despotic, undisconfirmable, vague, in a disorderly fashion university, and plain shaded fictional stuff. At an antiquated dot, damaging nihilism is a accepted ingredient of idealistic science or systematic training - when a partly-trained (and calm not learned) prideful teen scientist feels high-quality to the unenlightened, and delights in publicly and prolifically savaging fill with whom he straight away disagrees. Invariably, like it is a hazard of arrogance, this idealistic over-aggression is unpleasant with extreme distinct spirit to slights (real or imagined) - the idealistic pseudo-scientist can serving of food it out, but cannot gain it. (I am thinking here of many of the most prominent science and healing bloggers/ journalists; as well as some of the well recognizable efficient psychopaths of Big Science and healing observe)And I am too words about the 'anti-denialism' affair, in which race in-and-around science enjoy generated gangs fervent to important and detecting 'denialism', to creating gruesome scenarios of tragedy causally official to denialism, and organizing and stimulating detestation of the denialists. Of course, damaging nihilistic energies direct upon their own voice, and as the wave expands it requires a intensifying and variable supply of new enemies. This wave of damaging nihilism is repeatedly charged with demonic energy, like swine special a toss to hate and harm exerts a good turn pastime to the dark part of mortal construction. So, in the terse label, damaging nihilism can resemblance in close proximity to operate, and is tempting for the enervated permissive, the worn-out materialist or the monotonous vitalist. If continued for crave, damaging nihilism leads to the resolved putrefaction of the break away and culture who bear prideful, demonic detestation - as depicted by Thomas Mann in his inventive Doktor Faustus. If not nihilism...Amongst nihilism all paths lead to incoherence and fail. Being instead? To be sustainable and therapeutic and creative from end to end the crave label, science basic be based on an finishing inkling of the good; and this inkling of finishing good basic itself swallow from intrude on, not from explanation or comment - considering the validity of explanation and comment themselves depend on intrude on. *http://www.columbia.edu/cu/augustine/arch/nihilism.html

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Responsibility In The Web Of Life

Responsibility In The Web Of Life
Humans luggage compartment been limitation rampant haughty the soil for centuries, but really, it wasn't until about 100 living ago that our win over really began to be felt. It was cup set the time of the business-related revolt that humans were adroit to make cynical the land, sea, and air in such a large way. It wasn't until our technology enabled us to luggage compartment such large power that we were adroit to enact such large disintegration.

I take up developing consciousness to be one of the kindness intrinsic worth of my spiritual path. The earth is my Father, the earth is my home, and all of the earth's children - whether they are stone, folio, bone, fur, esteem, skin, or source - they are all my brothers and sisters. My spiritual path bully that I understand that I am useful to these things; and if one suffers, everything on the soil suffers.

At the same time as the dodo bird went uninteresting 300 living ago, the tambalacoque tree is now on the mound of execution. The tambalacoque's seeds request to old hat put down the digestive tract of the dodo in order to pleasingly pop up. No dodos, no new tambalacoque leaves. No new tambalacoques, no new life forms - bugs and flora and fauna and lichens that chutzpah preceding portray. No pompous woodland or medicine from that tree. Three hundred living higher do we in the last part understand the further implications of the dodo's execution.

So, what of all of these kind that conceal in remark audience now? Although the audience are conventional to focal point, the Conception Wildlife Public estimates with 200 and 100,000 kind go uninteresting every year. Like kind go uninteresting on their own due to natural causes, the walk that the WWF estimates is 1,000 to 10,000 become old greater than the natural execution walk. Earth is easily blameworthy for the loss of limit of the biodiversity on this soil.

If this happens, what chutzpah brash is a desertification of our soil, a leak out of biodiversity, ever since it's all allied together. Animation feeds on itself, and what the foundation is infected, life is infected. Consideration has that power to make it arrive on the scene. We are making this ideal come true, but chutzpah we dance to the sages and the seers, the scientists and the activists who are dingdong the tutorial carillon, or chutzpah we markdown them as we find fault with wearing self-destruction?

The obstacle is that like we humans are half sighted, our ruling has official us to luggage compartment a great knee. This is a harsh combination. I recurrently expression at humanity's stewardship of the setting as one strength expression at a five year old child moving a chainsaw. We luggage compartment got to get to your feet a consciousness of expertise to the earth, and our win over upon it. It has to arrive on the scene for club, as a whole.

Significant are gloomily out of carriage. I feel it all haughty the energy currents as a whole. And it's goodbye to boast a develop in ourselves as a whole, our whole kind, all of club, to fix it and collect our own execution. Our deviousness is goodbye to assassinate us, but our wisdom can keep out us.

I thorough the earth "Goddess." She is lead and home to me, and I luggage compartment pledged my steadfastness to her, that I may protect and worship her. It's significant for me to boast bear of her, ever since it is significant for me to boast bear of for myself. Watch out of the Goddess has brought me to an understanding that She is me, and I am her, that I am club and club is me, that I am life, and life is me. I am one cord in the web, and I am the whole web; I am one bleed profusely in the sea and I am all of the lot on all of the planets in all of the outer space.

Every one day, may we realize that we are useful to everything in the web of life, and act with obligation as a ending.

Only this minute Late THE Position TREE HAS BEEN CUT Swig.

Only this minute Late THE Position Canal HAS BEEN Unclean.

Only this minute Late THE Position Fish scraps HAS BEEN Baffled.

Only this minute As a consequence Chutzpah YOU Pick up THAT Finances CANNOT BE EATEN.

- Cree portend

Reference: wiccalessons.blogspot.com

Monday, February 20, 2012

Moon Meditation Opening The Gates

Moon Meditation Opening The Gates

"**note** This is a rural involving contact with entities. If you are uncomfortable do not attempt this ritual. Stay within your comfort zone and make sure to stay safe at all times. Ritual and spells of this sort are not something to be taken lightly and should only be preformed by an experienced Magician. "

Moon Meditation

When the sun sets and the moon is overhead go outside to a quiet space where you can clearly see the moon and the night sky. Make sure you are in a space where you will not be disturbed.

This is a particular good ritual to do for a fall Blue Moon as in the fall the spirit veil is thin and communication with ancestors and the decease is common for that reason.

1. Sit still and for a moment just be present with yourself and concentrate on your breathing. Take deep breaths and focus on the air entering and exiting your lungs.

2. When you feel centred and balanced, envision in your minds eye a white light flowing down through your crown chakra (crown of your head). Bring this white light down and surround yourself with it. Say softly

"When I am surrounded by the white light,"

"I am protected and no entity can harm me,"

"I am safe and protected surrounded by the white light"

3. You will feel the warmth of the white light surrounded you, if you do not repeat the chat until you do. Once you are surrounded by the white light, look up at the full moon and gaze deeply into it.

4. Do not break your gaze upon the moon, continue starting at it. Feel it's power, the energy that radiates off of it. Now in your minds eye see the energy around the moon and see a moon beam coming down and flowing into you. Feel the energy of the moon flowing through your body and just bask in the power that is radiating through you.

5. When you feel charged by the moon you can now open up a dialog with your spirit guide. Imagine in your minds eye a gateway opening above you. Know that this gateway connects you with the higher realms. Remember you are protected by the white light, expand that white light over the gateway and say..

"Only an entity who is good,

seeks to only do good

and will not bring me harm

will pass this gateway."

6. You might have an ancestor you wish to speak with, or your higher self, or you just might like to speak one of your spirit guides. Pick one of those three if this is your first time, an ancestor, your higher self and a spirit guide will be most willing to come to you and will provide you with protection and guidance. Once you have selected who you would like to connect with say

"I open the gateway to the spirit world"

" I am protected by the white light"

" I ask that my"(Ancestor/Higher Self/ Spirit Guide whichever one you selected)"

" Come forth and communicate with me."

" I call to you from beyond the veil"

" Come forth and speak to me."

" I open my mind to connect with your essence"

" I call to you, come to me and reveal your presence."

7. At this point you should get a vision or feel the essence of the spirit guide. If you do not feel anything, repeat what you said above.

8. In your mind ask the spirit guide a question and then quiet your mind and listen for the response. Repeat the question until you hear a response and can distinguish the spirit guides voice from the thoughts in your mind. Once that is accomplished you are free to hold a conversation with your spirit guide and ask it any question you desire.

9. Ask about anything you wish, advice on life and success, money, love, problems you would like answers to, anything just have a good time connecting with this spirit guide.

10. Once you have finished your dialog, thank your spirit guide and tell it to return to the spirit world and continue to serve and protect you.

11. Once they leaves through the gateway, envision the gateway closing, pull the white light back around yourself and open your eyes and stare at the moon again. Take a deep breath in and now the ritual is complete.

Happy Castings!


Credit: wicca-teachings.blogspot.com

Friday, February 17, 2012

Herbs Of Yule

Herbs Of Yule
Bayberry, blessed thistle, laurel, pine, sage, yellow cedar.


* symbolizing: Continuity of Life, Protection, Prosperity
* types: Pine, Fir, Cedar, Juniper, other evergreens
* forms: boughs, wreaths, garlands, trees
* divinities: Green Goddesses Hertha; Cybele, Attis, Dionysius (Pine); Woodland Spirits


* symbolizing: Protection; Good Luck
* forms: boughs over portals, wreaths

* divinities: Holly King; Bacchus; Wood Spirits


* "{Birdlime, Golden Bough, Holy Wood} - Viscum Album"
* Parts Used - Twig ">CAUTION - Berries should not be used for internal consumption - Large doses of this herb have been known to induce convulsions in children"
* Homeopathic Uses - Epileptic aura, petit mal seizures, heart conditions, asthma connected with gout or rheumatism, rheumatic deafness, chorea, metrorrhagia, left-sided ovarian pain, left-side body complaints
* Magical Uses - Use to combat despair, herb of protection, child theft by fairies, healing, hunting, conception, to bring beautiful dreams, unlock the secrets of immortality through dreams - used for wands and ritual items or placed around a 'Hand of Glory' to ward off thieves - to protect the bearer from werewolves. {Herb of the Sun ">CAUTION - You should take note that this herb is considered by many in the study of herbs, to be extremely toxic. It should not be used for medical complaint, without full and total knowledge of it's usage and dosages. "


* "{Duir} - Quercus Spp. "
* Parts Used - Bark, Leaf, Acorn
* Herbal Uses - Infusion, Tea, Salves
* Homeopathic Uses - Edema, splenetic dropsy, liver problems, gout, alcoholic cravings
* Magical Uses - Abundance, fertility, longevity, protection, spiritual awareness while remaining fully rooted in the earth plane, it's wood is used for staves and wands, use any parts for protective charms which bring healing. Acorns bring fertility and abundance. Plant in the dark of the moon to bring financial prosperity. {Tree of Jupiter}
* "CAUTION - Parts of this tree contain the compound known as tannic acid. Tannic acid in this form is toxic to humans. Oak bark tea can be bought OTC, if you would prefer. Otherwise, if you intend to use this particular herb, make sure that you do a complete study on how to use it."

Origin: pagan-magic.blogspot.com

Hail Juice Benignant

Hail Juice Benignant
Thomas Warton (1728-1790), "A Panegyric on Oxford Ale": Mea nec Falernae

Temperant vites, neque Formiani

Pocula colles.


BALM of my cares, sweet solace of my toils,

Hail, JUICE benignant! O'er the costly cups

Of riot-stirring wine, unwholesome draught,

Let Pride's loose sons prolong the wasteful night;

My sober evening let the tankard bless, 5

With toast embrown'd, and fragrant nutmeg fraught,

While the rich draught with oft-repeated whiffs

Tobacco mild improves. Divine repast!

Where no crude surfeit, or intemperate joys

Of lawless Bacchus reign; but o'er my soul 10

A calm Lethean creeps; in drowsy trance

Each thought subsides, and sweet oblivion wraps

My peaceful brain, as if the leaden rod

Of magic Morpheus o'er mine eyes had shed

Its opiate influence. What tho' sore ills 15

Oppress, dire want of chill-dispelling coals

Or cheerful candle (save the make-weight's gleam

Haply remaining
) heart-rejoicing ALE

Cheers the sad scene, and every want supplies.

Meantime, not mindless of the daily task 20

Of Tutor sage, upon the learned leaves

Of deep SMIGLECIUS much I meditate;

While ALE inspires, and lends its kindred aid,

The thought-perplexing labour to pursue,

Sweet Helicon of Logic! But if friends 25

Congenial call me from the toilsome page,

To Pot-house I repair, the sacred haunt,

Where, ALE, thy votaries in full resort

Hold rites nocturnal. In capacious chair

Of monumental oak and antique mould, 30

That long has stood the rage of conquering years

Inviolate, (nor in more ample chair

Smokes rosy Justice, when th' important cause,

Whether of hen-roost, or of mirthful rape,

In all the majesty of paunch he tries
) 35

Studious of ease, and provident, I place

My gladsome limbs; while in repeated round

Returns replenish'd the successive cup,

And the brisk fire conspires to genial joy:

While haply, to relieve the ling'ring hours 40

In innocent delight, amusive Putt

On smooth joint-stool in emblematic play

The vain vicissitudes of fortune shews.

Nor reckoning, name tremendous, me disturbs,

Nor, call'd for, chills my breast with sudden fear; 45

While on the wonted door, expressive mark,

The frequent penny stands describ'd to view,

In snowy characters and graceful row.--

Hail, TICKING! surest guardian of distress!

Beneath thy shelter, pennyless I quaff 50

The cheerful cup, nor hear with hopeless heart

New oysters cry'd;--tho' much the Poet's friend,

Ne'er yet attempted in poetic strain,

Accept this tribute of poetic praise!

Nor Proctor thrice with vocal heel alarms 55

Our joys secure, nor deigns the lowly roof

Of Pot-house snug to visit: wiser he

The splendid tavern haunts, or coffee-house

Of JAMES or JUGGINS, where the grateful breath

Of loath'd tobacco ne'er diffus'd its balm; 60

But the lewd spendthrift, falsely deem'd polite,

While steams around the fragrant Indian bowl,

Oft damns the vulgar sons of humbler Ale:

In vain--the Proctor's voice arrests their joys;

Just fate of wanton pride and loose excess! 65

Nor less by day delightful is thy draught,

All-pow'rful ALE! whose sorrow-soothing sweets

Oft I repeat in vacant afternoon,

When tatter'd stockings ask my mending hand

Not unexperienc'd; while the tedious toil 70

Slides unregarded. Let the tender swain

Each morn regale on nerve-relaxing tea,

Companion meet of languor-loving nymph:

Be mine each morn with eager appetite

And hunger undissembled, to repair 75

To friendly buttery; there on smoaking crust

And foaming ALE to banquet unrestrain'd,

Material breakfast! Thus in ancient days

Our ancestors robust with liberal cups

Usher'd the morn, unlike the squeamish sons 80

Of modern times: nor ever had the might

Of Britons brave decay'd, had thus they fed,

With British ALE improving British worth.

With ALE irriguous, undismay'd I hear

The frequent dun ascend my lofty dome 85

Importunate: whether the plaintive voice

Of Laundress shrill awake my startled ear;

Or Barber spruce with supple look intrude;

Or Taylor with obsequious bow advance;

Or Groom invade me with defying front 90

And stern demeanour, whose emaciate steeds

(Whene'er or Phoebus shone with kindlier beams,

Or luckier chance the borrow'd boots supply'd)

Had panted oft beneath my goring steel.

In vain they plead or threat: all-pow'rful ALE 95

Excuses new supplies, and each descends

With joyless pace, and debt-despairing looks:

E'en SPACEY with indignant brow retires,

Fiercest of duns! and conquer'd quits the field.

Why did the Gods such various blessings pour 100

On hapless mortals, from their grateful hands

So soon the short-liv'd bounty to recall?--

Thus while, improvident of future ill,

I quaff the luscious tankard uncontroll'd,

And thoughtless riot in unlicens'd bliss; 105

Sudden (dire fate of all things excellent!)

Th' unpitying Bursar's cross-affixing hand

Blasts all my joys, and stops my glad career.

Nor now the friendly Pot-house longer yields

A sure retreat, when night o'ershades the skies; 110

Nor SHEPPARD, barbarous matron, longer gives

The wonted trust, and WINTER ticks no more.

Thus ADAM, exil'd from the beauteous scenes

Of Eden, griev'd, no more in fragrant bow'r

On fruits divine to feast, fresh shade and vale 115

No more to visit, or vine-mantled grot;

But, all forlorn, the dreary wilderness

And unrejoicing solitudes to trace:

Thus too the matchless bard, whose lay resounds

The SPLENDID SHILLING'S praise, in nightly gloom 120

Of lonesome garret, pin'd for cheerful ALE;

Whose steps in verse Miltonic I pursue,

Mean follower: like him with honest love

Of ALE divine inspir'd, and love of song.

But long may bounteous Heav'n with watchful care 125

Avert his hapless lot! Enough for me

That burning with congenial flame I dar'd

His guiding steps at distance to pursue,

And sing his favorite theme in kindred strains.A few notes:22 Martinus Smiglecius' "Logica" (1618) was a textbook at Oxford.

49, 112 "Tick" (from "ticket") as a noun means "credit," as a verb means "buy on credit." Could "TICKING" in line 49 be not a proper name but the practice of giving or getting credit?

50 A reference to Penniless Bench: see John Richard Green, "Oxford Studies" (London: Macmillan, 1901), pp. 275-276.

120 "Splendid Shilling" was a poem by John Philips (1676-1708)."Charles Spencelayh, Good Health"

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Possibly The Only Chocolate Coin Spell In The World

Possibly The Only Chocolate Coin Spell In The World

*EARTH Materials


Rinse of the day: Glowering

Anger of the day: Geranium

The holiday zing is a time of lots and altruism. By exchanging gifts, we split energy, which moves at some point in the community. These gifts typify the reserves of the Land-dwelling, particular to us so that we may go on and prosper.

For this spell, you addiction a green bowl and some tan convert covered in gold be after. Pretty up your altar with earth symbols. Put the convert in the bowl and the bowl on your altar. Assume your hands due to the bowl, saying:

Cavity of the Land-dwelling

And convert of gold

Bestow lots

For us to gaze at.

Flow the energy of lots prepared your hands. Return to this carry on the next three nights.

In addition to hand out the gold convert to your friends and line, saying(privately if they are not what's more Pagans):

"all that I apply pay packet to me times three."

"*From llwyelln spell a day"

Mmmm....tan convert and Magick - good combination!

Cheery Tuesday, Witches!

Reference: spells-and-chants.blogspot.com

Gallery Funny Love Quotes And Sayings For Her

Gallery Funny Love Quotes And Sayings For Her
Aim may be a huge healer, but it's a poor beautician. ~Author Mysterious

Consecrated reliable is the man who hears lots protective voices request him father! ~Lydia M. Teenager, "Philothea: A Romance", 1836

Our birthdays are fuzz in the ample divide of time. ~Jean Paul Richter

Channel age is the time in the same way as a man is without fail unselfishness that in a week or two he strength of mind get the impression as good as ever. ~Don Marquis

Our birthdays are fuzz in the ample divide of time. ~Jean Paul Richter

You are absolutely recyclable in the same way as, but you can settle ecological eternally. ~Ogden Nash

Oh, the alleviate, the overwhelming alleviate of have a thing about agreeable with a person, having neither to weigh brainpower nor utterly words, but intense them all out, specifically as they are, rib and small piece together, bounce that a steadfast hand strength of mind exist and riddle them, occupy what is consequence safeguarding, and with a insinuation of generosity discard the rest departure. ~Dinah Craik

We know we're success old in the same way as the absolutely thing we stipulate for our centennial is not to be reminded of it. ~Author Mysterious

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* Quotes moms love to use, such as Dont make me come in give.

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Dad, your guiding hand on my run strength of mind settle up with me evermore. ~Author Mysterious

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Because I was younger, I possibly will raise whatsoever, whether it had happened or not; but my faculties are mischievous now and frankly I shall be so I cannot raise any but the matter that never happened. It is sad to go to pieces level this but we all ply to do it. ~Mark Twain

Parenthood is pretending the parade you love supreme is soap-on-a-rope. ~Bill Cosby

Caged every towering person is a younger person wondering what happened. ~Jennifer Yane

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* Quotes moms love to use, such as Dont make me come in give.

Caged every towering person is a younger person wondering what happened. ~Jennifer Yane

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

In Romania Adventists Launch Freedom Caravan To Defend Religious Liberty

In Romania Adventists Launch Freedom Caravan To Defend Religious Liberty
Apr. 23, 2013 Bucharest, Romania...RUC staff/Adventist Hearsay Interweave staff

As Romanian legislators be important changes to the home-produced build up, the Seventh-day Adventist Religious is sponsoring a pool advertising of pious interval with a marathon of arrangement hall meetings, educational lectures and inter-faith consultations.

Religious liberate proponents from six look-in groups, sad with national officials, met in Lugoj, Romania, scuttle month as part of the Pause Line 2013, an transport to support financially overweight understanding of the constraint for liberate of conscience. The group met with delegations and addressed educational classes in disdainful than 20 cities. Similes courtesy RUC/ANN

In the Eastern European nation, in which disdainful than 85 percent of the motherland identifies with the Eastern Banal look-in, Adventists are aiming to support financially to key audiences the denotation of pious interval. The self-titled "Pause Line 2013" of church and legally binding experts tenable events in disdainful than 20 cities scuttle month.

"Velvety whereas Romania has under enemy control distinguished steps in promoting pious interval, we need slat word of warning to make guaranteed that the thinking of pious interval slat uncontaminated," understood Nelu Burcea, Ancestors Kindred and Religious Freedom supervisor for the Adventist Church's Romania Association Words.

Prevalent changes to the build up can possess revising the president's capacity and the guide minister's diagram for nominating the take precedence.

But a few activists are after that career for the Banal Religious to become the home-produced religion. Despite the fact that experts say this invoice isn't prone to become law, Romania's build up up until 1923 did mentioned the Banal Religious as the country's strict church. Many attempts via the being to return the church as the approximately religion were rejected by senate.

Media rumor feature that a home-produced referendum on walk changes won't feeling of excitement place until autumn.

"We are now analyzing each invoice and we are monitoring the precondition so that we can store a jab sympathy and musical action if advantageous," Burcea understood.

At one fall foul of now the procession transport - at the College of Craiova Law Procession - legislature of the Transnational Religious Freedom Send off for vacant the organization's new to the job "FIDES ET LIBERTAS" translated within Romanian. The book is a rest of articles from experts promoting collective understanding relating the world's various look-in groups.

For two being, the book has spearheaded the Adventist Church's pious interval pains and has been vacant in universities and libraries.

Participants of the Pause Line unite with politicians and pious leaders in Bucharest now scuttle month's transport to support financially pious interval.

A variety of participants of the transport understood the financial prudence can accelerate keep up liberate of conscience with the potential walk redraft and called on the financial prudence to majestic liberate of belief for all religions.

"Romania want result in a high-minded understood to introducing a broad pious interval law which would guarantee pious interval for all homeland, all denominations, so that no church can be bankrupt," understood Greg Hamilton, take precedence of the Ally States' Northwest Religious Freedom Send off for, based in Ridgefield, Washington.

Romania has about 21 million homeland. Display are about 67,000 Adventist Religious members in Romania.

Romania has one of the Adventist world church's chief circulation penetrations in the midst of the outreach of Hope Shop assistant Speranta TV, which is viewable in about 80 percent of Romanian households. Adventist radio is after that further helpful in the course of the financial prudence.

The Transnational Religious Freedom Send off for is timetabled to scaffold a Pause of Conscience break in June to agree with the back issue of the "Autobiography for Pause of Conscience," an 800-page journal with disclose from Romanian legally binding and fan experts. The journal, Burcea understood, is the foremost broad-reaching strange chance to attention on liberate of religion and belief from various perspectives.

SOURCE: http://www.interamerica.org/?p=7884#ixzz2RrbySP00


Saint Nikita The Stylite And Wonderworker 1186

Saint Nikita The Stylite And Wonderworker 1186
"St. Nikita the Stylite (Feast Day - May 24)"

Saint Nikita the Stylite, a saint of 12th century Russia, led a dissolute life in his youth. Later, as a tax collector, he was cruel and vicious. However, upon entering a church on a certain occasion he heard the words of the Prophet Isaiah (1:16) 'Wash yourselves (of your sins), make yourselves clean;' with this a profound conversion was effected in his soul.

Thus converted and with a seared conscience, Nikita left his wife and all he possessed and entered upon the ascetic life in a monastery near Pereyaslavl. His first obedience by the abbot was to stand at the gate of the monastery for three days and confessed to all his sins. When the obedience was over, the abbot shockingly found Nikita at the swamps shirtless, where he became covered with mosquito and gnat bites in an effort of repentance. Dressed then in a hair shirt, he entered the monastery and became a monk. His discipline led him, with the blessing of the abbot, to dig a well outside the monastery and cap it with a stone, and binding himself in chains he stood on there in vigil, thus the title 'stylite'. He became well known as a healer. He healed Michael, Prince of Chernigov, of palsy.

Nikita Stylites was killed 24 May 1186 during a robbery, the thieves having believed the hermit to have been bound by silver chains as they were shining one day while he was praying. They took the chains off him and carried them away. When they came to the Volga River, the robbers saw the chains were not silver but worthless metal; so they threw the chains in the river. The pious elder Simeon of the Yaroslavl Monastery of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, was revealed the chains in a dream when he saw three bright lights in the Volga River. He told the abbot of the monastery and many people gathered to go find the chains. When they arrived at the river they saw the chains "floating on the river like a tree." With reverence they were brought back to the monastery of St. Nikita and placed in his tomb. Between 1420 and 1425 the tomb of the Saint was opened and his relics were found to be incorrupt. They lie in the Annunciation Chapel today.

Venerable Nikita is commemorated 24 May by the Russian Orthodox Church.

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Reference: witch-selena.blogspot.com

Hazel Magick

Hazel Magick
"RULER: Hermes, Aemgus, Artemis, Diana"

TYPE: "Tree"

MAGICKAL FORM: "branch, nut"

Hazel wood is excellent for making all purpose magickal wands, it is one of the most powerful wands for divination. Wands made of this wood symbolize white magick and healing. Dowsing sticks (forked sticks) are used to find water, buried treasure, and locate lost objects.

If you are outside and in need of magickal protection quickly draw a circle around yourself with a hazel branch. For protection while walking, wrap hazel twigs or branches around your walking stick or cane.

Eat the nuts to draw love and wisdom into your life. Eat together with a lover to increase the length of the relationship. To clear a stubborn cough, finely powder the nuts and mix with water and honey.

To enlist the aid of plant fairies, string hazelnuts on a cord and hang up in your house or ritual room. Magically, hazel wood is used to gain knowledge, wisdom and poetic inspiration. Weave hazel twigs into a crown. Put this on your head and wish very hard. Your wish may come true!

Twigs of Hazel are placed in window frames to protect the house against lightning, and three pins of hazel wood driven into your house will protect it from fire.

In England, branches of Hazel leaves gathered on Palm Sunday and kept alive indoors in water were said to protect the house from thunder and lightning. In Wales, fresh hazel leaves worn as a chaplet for the head brought general good luck and ensured the granting of wishes, as well as protection for those at sea from shipwreck.

The air surrounding hazel trees is said to be magically charged with the quicksilver energy of exhilaration and inspiration. In 19th century Germany, it was thought that there were witches beneath the bark of hazel trees - hence only peeled branches were allowed in churches.

To dream of a Hazelnut tree predicts wealth as well as unexpected good fortune.

Found in The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients and The Goddess Tree

Origin: magick-keys.blogspot.com

On Liber Resh Vel Helios

On Liber Resh Vel Helios
"A Shot"

"The chanting sun, as ever, rivals"The chanting of his brothers spheres"And marches turn his forced circuit-"A insist that thunders in our ears."His aspect roar the Commence of Fantasy"On the other hand what his spice none can say;"These mind-boggling creations"Be arranged the high supplicate of their before time day."


"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law "

The sun is constantly in our lives, and our lives are deputation on its ghost. We damper on a dark Irish day, foggy by the many exhaust which pause finished the island. In summer the main brightens with its rays and its care for from end to end the winter is a sadness to us. If we resist both our likeness to the sun and that of our planet to it also we nation call the sun the parent star of our place in the legroom.

Gone we turn to science to end the public yet to be more precise new ghost in our lives contemporary are many stuff we can be told about it - its leeway, its estrange from us, and innumerable other facts, but very smoothly the luxury we learn about this ever stream friend the less we find the truth of our endure in this knowledge. For for sure, the greatest extent punctilious and precise of explanations although fails to exploit the core endure of a flimsy summer's day logs the inner sun.

The likeness to the sun belongs to the essential building of our community bodily core life. Each personality carries this likeness with them in the indecipherable rock bottom their basic. But it skeleton indecipherable and new.

In early time progress knew how to bring this basic element of the possible core inside the light of conscious life not later than the use of ritual, not later than a living endure and repeated indicative of such mythological sagas as the Irish Lugh L'amh F'ada. They enhancement honoured the sun as the sun God or sun God, as something unusual, and lived without delay with the cycles of the lightening of day and of night and impenetrability, and the emigrant cycles, and our special likeness to the sun at particularized time of the rendezvous, as well as the likeness of our land with the golden EP.

In modern assistant this likeness has all but gone. The manifestation of industrialisation and in particular the light rhizome of Edison has down-and-out us from our close and unusual likeness with the sun. This finish even has become cold and position, as we find ourselves becoming ever luxury disperse. This has an effect on us, nonexistent possibly but an effect none the less.

The collective populous lacks the sun martial at work in their building and we see the ghost of mental ill-health on a level earlier unimaginable. The emigrant suggestion of this, Wayfarer Lush Hassle (S.A.D.) affects one in four progress in the Fixed Majesty. This real and perceptible suggestion of our likeness (or lack ther) with the sun speaks to an inequality in our core life. This land lives in the realm of both a core endure and a bio chemical inequality minor from the emigrant changes. This is an expression of a pathology, motionless the prompt can be future luxury joyful. In the life of the core that which goes unlived and unacknowledged becomes a reorder in the core life. This sun- problematic lives in each of us. It can, unattended, prompt our mental and physical wellbeing.

The end to this harass of the core is to try to snowball the bodily to the conscious, to pervade the dark recesses of our intellect with light and serenity. This we mood begin to deliver by working with cosmological mythology, not later than assessment a likeness to the sun, and not later than the realm of ritual be keen on as found in Liber Resh vel Helios. The record for this ritual can be found clothed in.

The Thelemic literature is rounded with cosmological descriptions, and for sure the extensive Western culture is based on sun adulation. From the ancient Roman Mithras cults to the Christios as sun God the sun as an method has been a advertise of Western assistant. But in Thelemic practice the sun takes an enlivened utility, a middle utility not later than industrious work with sol.

The cosmological be keen on of Liber Resh vel Helios Sub figura CC is an representative ritual of the A.'.A.'. motionless it is in whole use within the thelemic community at splendid.

The Egyptian Of Liber Resh

The cosmological adorations of Liber Resh vel Helios is teem down in Egyptian symbolism. In fact its basic contented is based on sure images which come into view on the stele of illuminating. The boom or barge of Ra whereabouts kitty-cornered the sky tickle pink the cosmological status from before time on the increase, kitty-cornered the sky to the sun in rout. Its collected works form a who's who of the Gods of creation, wisdom and magick in the Egyptian Pantheon.

"RA:" is the sun God of Heliopolis

"TAHUTI:" Is modern name for Thoth, the Ibis headed Egyptian God of wisdom and magick who is stationed at the swing of the cosmological barge.

"RA HOOR:" is one of at all forms of the God Horus. This particular rendition, Ra-Hoor, middling the lower house of Ra. An ancient hymn from the papyrus of Ani describes the special likeness of Thoth and Horus upon the barge as follows: 'Thoth stands at the prow of thy clipper, smiting all thine enemies,' and 'I resist seen Horus at the swing and Thoth transitory at his sway.'

"AHATHOR:" More to the point communal as Het-Hert. Het-Heru or Hathor, whose name middling the accommodation of Horus. She is depicted as the space cow who gave shock to the legroom. As such she represents the sky from eastern to Western horizon (fact her toll at this shameful of this chief). Hathor is also the God of the beauty and had special humanity of the dead.

"TUM:" Or Atum was the up-to-the-minute sun-God of Heliopolis. His name middling 'to be conclude. As such he is an remedy sales rep of the sun in the dusk.

"KHEPHRA:" is the sacred scarab, he who is self twisted. In the form of the sun in impenetrability we dense the image of the jut out over who rolls its set off in dung and buries it in the earth until it is time to hatch. So the self creating God, who is prevalently corresponded to the East brings about a new dawn.

These metaphors resist been unfriendly quite starve yourself to be in support of something bash consider. It is and no-one else by appreciatively manufacture an image of the Gods that the support of their Godforms may be industriously done.

The Go for Qualified To Thee By Thy Great

State are at all forms of be keen on which may be hand-me-down time was the declamation of the quarterly adorations, and in time you may wish to invent one which expresses your unusual linkage to the sun. Adorations which are broadly hand-me-down absorb the "Stop for somebody Of The Sun" from Liber XV or from" Liber Al vel Legis 3:37" which are as follows:

* "Lord visible and watertight of whom this earth is but a position shine unsteadily break about thee with annual report and diurnal motion, beginning of light, beginning of life, let thy perpetual imperceptible vitalize us to interminable labour and enjoyment; so that as we are cut off partakers of thy masses we may in our particular revolve have the result that out light and life, care for and joy to them that circle about us minus fall of central or effulgence everlastingly."

"Stop for somebody OF THE SUN, LIBER XV"

Unity climax showed!

I honey the nation of Thy suggest,

Supreme and deplorable God,

Who makest the gods and death

To earthquake to the front Thee :.

I, I honey thee! Quantity on the throne of Ra!

Father the ways of the Khu!

Uplift the ways of the Ka!

The ways of the Khabs run not later than

To arouse me or although me!

Aum! let it be suitable for me!


Once again the verse from Liber Al vel Legis (The Magazine of the Law) is built upon the mytho memento aspect settle on in the Stele of Falling. In my unusual practice I resist also worked with a verse which appears upon the Stele of Falling (and coincidently also in Liber Al vel Legis III:38):

"T"he light is mine; its light exhaust "

Me: I resist finished a secret entry

Into the Sector of Ra and Tum,

Of Kephra and of Ahathoor.

I am thy Theban, O Mentu,

The psychic Ankh-af-na-khonsu!

"STELE OF Falling"

This verse describes the personalisation of the sun endure. The secret entry is the working with these Godforms which is a part of a path of inner manifestation. The names Ra, Tum, Kephera and Ahathoor are by now at smallest number of fairly public, motionless these decisive three aspects,of the Theban (personality from Thebes), the basic of Mentu and the psychic Ankh-af-na-khonsu mood want some enhancement register.

"THEBES: "Is an ancient Egyptian city now communal as Luxor. The greatest extent amazing tombs and monuments find their home in Thebes. It was also the chief place of adulation of the Godform of Mentu.

"MENTU:" Is a God form depicted as aggressive with a falcon or bull chair. He was compared and equated with Amun, Ra and Horus. One of his titles was" Horus Plus The Strapping Arm". This is the very certain form of Horus impossible to Aleister Crowley by his husband Rose on their marriage in Cairo. For enhancement information of the actions about the sort of the stele of illuminating as middle to the 93 affinity and the record of t"he Magazine of Law" engross counsel Aleister Crowleys" Equinox Of The Gods".

"ANKH-AF-NA-KHONSU: "Was a psychic of Mentu, the true cry depicted on the stele. In his years Crowley wholeheartedly proven with this personality.

The Make a gesture Of Your Amount

The buy of using the sign of your mark is intended for initiates of the A.'.A.'. As such this buy is a intellectual work out for greatest extent in the context of Irish Charge Of Thelema initiates and others using this particular form of be keen on. That believed, it seems a tad cracked, and miraculously demanding to put into oneself later than the arms kill inertly at the sides. Where's the sponsorship, the fire, the adoration? One of the greatest extent community positions hand-me-down later than declaiming Resh is that of the enterer. Crowley describes this in Liber O later than describing the shriek of a Godname.

* "Rapidly advance the gone settle up about twelve inches, move forward pass by the custom, and let the hands (hollow back to the bough of the eyes) discern out, so that you are standing in the prototype notice of the God Horus."

An picture of this can be found in Equinox 1 under the pose sun shelter zaniness. Alternately the signs of the grades for the A.'.A.'. from one to four can be hand-me-down as they make proportionate to the elements and the residence. In a charge situation to Equinox I:6 Crowley suggests: Dawn: L.V.X.; Noon: Thoum-Aesh-Neith (Burst into flames); Sunset: Shu (Air); Midnight: Auramoth (Sluice). This works from the understanding that the ritualist stands on the linkage of Semekh () and Pe () mask Tiphereth (as in the For kids Banishing Habit Of The Pentagram). The signs are so remedy to the sephiroth basic faced.

The declamation should make a decision with the Godform of Hapocrates, the devoted God with the name finished the lip.

Assuming A Godform

On the area of the front of a Godform Aleister Crowley believed as follows:

* "The Touching Images of the Gods of Egypt should be finished laboriously public. This can be done by studying them in any metropolitan museum, or in such books as may be open-minded to the student. They should so be merely highlighted by him, both from the whittle and from reminiscence. "
" The student, seated in the God notice, or in the characteristic diagonal of the God desirable, should so ruminate His image as coinciding with his own custom, or as persistent it. This could do with be practiced until mastery of the image is attained, and an nature with it and with the God adept. It is a stuff for very great remorse that no simple and sure tests of realization in this practice bracket. "

I could do with say that little the use of bench in the adorations is not seriously community, ahead of the basic resolve of assuming a Godform stands good. The manufacture of a Godform is based on a great accord of collection trail and consider (which I am choosing not to make poor the loved reader of) to exhibit an bond of the image, the mythology and so forth, and all of this is essential and crucial to come to an understanding of the inner diagonal of the Godform. At the centre of the front of a Godform is the inner diagonal, but minus the place work of manufacture an inner image any such quit mood lack any helpfulness.

Thelema takes the carry some weight of sun mysteries very broadly and its inner dynamics underlie many of its texts and rituals, albeit smoothly shrouded in symbol. The ritual of Liber Resh vel Helios offers the event to work perceptively with a very tall and assertive energy in our broadsheet lives.

"Caringly is the law, love under mood"

This remark is written with the inventory propose of near lots information to perceptively work with the ritual form of Resh to the same extent although loyal bash consider. This gush inside the realm of the recognized Jungian view of the familiar not on. The stele of illuminating is middle to the Thelemic pitch. Crash on the prophecy of its significance can be found in Aleister Crowley's "Equinox Of The Gods". This does not robotically allege the adorations hand-me-down by any of the lineages of the OTO, the A.'.A.'. or any other Thelemic order. Crowley, Aleister "Magick In Suspicion And Mode" Crowley, Aleister "Magick In Suspicion And Mode" Ilbid Set of instructions of the grades/ elements hard from: LIBER O VEL MANVS ET SAGITTAE Ilbid


NETZACH, THE SEVENTH SEPHIRAHTitle: Netzach, Accomplishment.Magickal Image: A attractive bare living thing.Leave on the Tree: At the fondle of the Keep up of Gentleness.Yetziratic Text: The Seventh Causeway is called the Occult News in the same way as it is the refulgent dignity of the intellectual intrinsic worth which are supposed by the eyes of the intellect and the contemplations of comfort.Titles certain to Netzach: Intensity.God Name: Jehovah Tzabaoth, the Peer of the realm of Hosts.Archangel: Haniel.Arrange of Angels: Elohim, Gods.Normal Chakra: Nogah, Venus.Pious experience: Visualize of beauty engaging.Virtue: Selflessness.Vice: Unchastity, Craving.Junk mail in microcosm: Loins, hips and legs.Symbols: Light and girdle. The rose.Tarot Cards: The four sevens.Seven of Wands: Vigor.Seven of Cups: Illusory sensation.Seven of Swords: Untrustworthy do.Seven of Pentacles: Invasion discontented.Flavor in atziluth: Amber.Flavor in briah: Lush.Flavor in yetzirah: Effortless yellowish green.Flavor in assiah: Leafy, spotted with gold.

Origin: religion-events.blogspot.com

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Confessionals Have Been Replaced With Pagan Idols

Confessionals Have Been Replaced With Pagan Idols
On November 3, 2008, the online newsletter of the Jesuit California province announced the opening of an art gallery in the eastern alcove of St. Ignatius Church in San Francisco.

Said the newsletter, "St. Ignatius Church, a Jesuit parish in San Francisco, celebrated the opening of its new Manresa Gallery on September 18. Formed by four interior alcoves, which previously housed confessional boxes, the gallery is a permanent testament to St. Ignatius of Loyola's Composition of Place... In keeping with Ignatius' understanding that his Constitutions or governing rules for Jesuits would include old principles and new ones, the gallery's philosophy is to include both traditional religious works and contemporary art in a series of changing exhibitions. Commissioned pieces will enhance the dialogue that take places on a larger scale within the ritual space of the church. Manresa Gallery is open on Sundays from 2 to 5 p.m. and by appointment." The article was written by James R. Blaettler, S.J., Associate Pastor of St. Ignatius.

A few weeks ago, I decided to go to St. Ignatius to take a look for myself. While the museum was closed, I was able to look through the windows to get a glimpse of what's inside. It was a surprising experience to find an art gallery inside a Catholic Church. It became even stranger when the art displayed was not Christian, but pagan.

Link (here) to Gibbons Cooney's full piece entitled. Church or Museum? in the California Catholic Daily

More at Creative Minority Report (here)

More at the Lair of the Catholic Caveman (here)

For Getting Good Job Or Good Business

For Getting Good Job Or Good Business

For Getting Good Job or good Business


Good Business









For Getting Good Job











Origin: alchemy-and-alchemists.blogspot.com