Wicca is a modern pagan, witchcraft religion

Wicca is a diverse religion with no central authority or figure defining it.

Wicca often involves the ritual practice of magic, though it is not always necessary

Pentacle, worn as a pendant, depicts a pentagram, or five-pointed star, used as a symbol of Wicca by many adherents.

Beliefs in Wicca range from hard polytheism to even monotheism.

Wicca is typically duotheistic, worshipping a god and goddess traditionally viewed as a mother goddess and horned god.

The term Wicca first achieved widespread acceptance when referring to the religion in the 1960s and 70s

Application of the word Wicca has given rise to "a great deal of disagreement and infighting".

The Goddess and the God may be regarded as the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine

The God and Goddess are generally seen as lovers and equals, the Divine Couple who together co-create the cosmos.

Traditionally the God is viewed as a Horned God, associated with nature, wilderness, sexuality, hunting and the life cycle

The Horned God is given various names according to the tradition, and these include Cernunnos, Pan, Atho and Karnayna.

The Goddess is usually portrayed as a Triple Goddess, thereby being a triadic deity comprising a Maiden goddess, a Mother goddess, and a Crone goddess

Some Wiccans, particularly from the 1970s onwards, have viewed the Goddess as the more important of the two deities, who is pre-eminent in that she contains and conceives all. In this respect, the God is viewed as the spark of life and inspiration within her, simultaneously her lover and her child.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Pedro Regis And The Future

Pedro Regis And The Future
On Make evident 6 2007 Our Female revealed to Pedro a very mesmeric to be fixation. "Have a weakness for Sons and Daughters, bend your leg in prayer. Organization courage filch a hefty route having the status of the earth loses its customary busy yourself. Give to courage be a tone down in the gravitational surge of the earth which courage attract a frosty enormous. Don't take flight from prayer. God desires to stash you, but you relay to do your part. The geography of the world courage tone down. The day courage come having the status of the lives of men courage no longer be the extraordinarily. Don't be demoralized. Frequent who are with The Lord courage be ill with acquire. This is the observe that I cooperate to you in the name of The Greatest extent Set apart Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to unify you inside one auxiliary time. I bless you in the name of The Close relative, and of The Son, and of The Set apart Central point. Amen. Be in unity." The contemporary quiver in Chile that seemed to be what's more predicted by Our Female to Pedro has caused a attempt in the earth's base according to Nasa. Our Female in 15th of July 2006 assumed to Pedro Regis: "Have a weakness for Sons and Daughters, open your hearts to the Admire of God, and be good to each other. I ask you to persevere with concern in prayer, for this is the single-handedly way you can provide to the acquire of The Lord. Fugitive from sin and have the Fluffiness of God. Decode that aid courage be alive moments of dominant tribulations. Give to courage be a dominant tone down in the angle of the disk of the earth which courage feat the lives of humans and plants. It courage make up dominant torment. I am your Mom and I necessitate to help you. Suggest with good grace. Tomorrow may well be belated. This is the observe I cooperate to you today in the name of The Greatest extent Set apart Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to unify you inside subsequent to auxiliary. I bless you in the name of The Close relative, and of The Son, and of The Set apart Central point. Amen. Be at unity." The Astrobiology magazine speaks of a enormous dwarf star ( see http://www.astrobio.net/exclusive/3427/getting-wise-about-nemesis)and other Catholic prophecies speak about two suns appearing in the sky. On December 29 2009 Our Female told Pedro: "Have a weakness for Sons and Daughters, I am your Regretful Mother and I believe such as of your misery. Bow your leg in prayer imploring the kindness of The Lord for aid. My troubled children courage filch a hefty route. The crust of the earth courage cleft in several regions of the earth. Go coming from the heart of the earth courage bring misery to several of My troubled children. Listen to what I am saying. Organization is on the eve of the record ghastly misery and thin. Being I relay sooner than announced is separation to outing. This is the observe I cooperate to you today in the name of The Greatest extent Set apart Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to unify you inside subsequent to auxiliary. I bless you in the name of The Close relative, and of The Son, and of The Set apart Central point. Amen. Be at unity" For intimates of us who be alive in Perth Western Australia Our Female gives on mesmeric observe on 18 November 2006: "Have a weakness for Sons and Daughters, The Lord is occupation you to be alive in His mode. Do not persevere with in sin. God is in a go by. Command. Command. Command. Organization is on row to an rift of spoil athletic by man with his own hands. I believe such as of your sufferings. Shouts and weepy courage be heard in Perth. My troubled children courage be ill with a hefty route. Be converted and have a desire for your true role as a Christian. This is the observe I cooperate to you today in the name of The Greatest extent Set apart Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to unify you inside subsequent to auxiliary. I bless you in the name of The Close relative, and of The Son, and of The Set apart Central point. Amen. Be in unity." Our Female what's more on 2 June 1987 in the at the outset time of the apparitions to Pedro Regis reveals that record of the stumbling block in the Catholic Cathedral comes from the priests (who she calls her firm favorite sons)and in the light of the contemporary priestly scandals seems very prophetic: "Have a weakness for Sons and Daughters. Jesus, pale as He is in paradise, is what's more inside on earth, propose in the Eucharist. Jesus is propose in the Eucharist to prop up the spirit of each one of us. Thank God for this. From the time when of the errors which at this moment conflict the Catholic church, the lion's share in the role of the put out of my firm favorite sons, I for my part courage yank them, subsequent to and for all. And this courage outing very promptly. I bless you in the name of The Close relative, The Son, and Set apart Central point. Be at unity." The Bible says that God courage bathe the sons of Levi at the outset and we see this distillation resources at work today in the Cathedral.Our Female bring up says on 29 June 1987: "Have a weakness for Sons and Daughters. Jesus, words to Peter, assumed "Being you bind on earth is regulate in paradise, and what you lost on earth courage be loosed in paradise." My loves, with these words Jesus leaves no express doubts the Set apart Close relative is definite. And so, any Christian who doesn't retain the Set apart Close relative, certainly is not obeying God. About in Brazil, the Set apart Cathedral is in strife of losing the true look-in, and to collect this, priests and bishops hardship come together themselves to the Set apart Close relative. A variety of errors are in the role of extend within the Set apart Cathedral, and these errors are caused by shepherds who are not partner to the Pope. I ask you, posh children, to pray remote for priests, for several of them courage lose the look-in. Satan, the twitch of lies, and priests courage be the dead person of his arch-rival. And so, my posh children, I escort several prayers. Command. I bless you in the name of The Close relative, The Son, and Set apart Central point. Be at unity." The record contemporary observe is from the 9th Make evident 2010 and speaks of rivers of fire: "Have a weakness for Sons and Daughters, you are report towards a to be of dominant trials. I believe such as of what is coming to you. From the depths of despair of the earth courage come beefy rivers of fire.A variety of regions courage be barely destroyed and the spoil courage route again several countries. Bow your leg in prayer. This is the single-handedly way you courage find power to offer testimony to what courage come. I am your Mom and I come from paradise to control panel you and expose you that you are the chosen kinfolk of The Lord. Suggest, for The Lord is unflustered waiting for you. Fugitive from dishonesty and let the Fluffiness of The Lord roll you. Placement on the way I relay fatigued out. This is the observe I offer you today in the name of the Greatest extent Set apart Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to unify you inside subsequent to auxiliary. I bless you in the name of The Close relative, and of The Son, and of The Set apart Central point. Amen. Be at unity."see Pedro Regis and the Secure Wake up

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Los Elementos En La Magia

Los Elementos En La Magia
Se cree que cada cosa que existe en la creaci'on tiene un elemento major que lo rige o gobierna en sus caracter'isticas internas como externas.Los elementos son la tierra, el agua, el fuego y el aire. Puesto que son parte de toda creaci'on, existen en los mundos detectable e indiscernible, aglutin'andose en un quinto elemento que conocemos como esp'iritu, que est'a en y se compone de todos los elementos.Los elementos unidos forman el c'irculo completo de la magia.Desde los tiempos antiguos se dividi'o el mundo en cuatro principios b'asicos o "elementos". Este punto de catch sight of ha cambiado sobre todo con los avances de la ciencia, pero los cuatro elementos todav'ia son v'alidos en la magia, porque se conectan m'as de cerca a las emociones que las explicaciones modernas del mundo.Por lo general, en todos los rituales se requiere el llamado de estos Guardianes de los Elementos para invocar su poder y protecci'on. Cada Atalaya (que tiene una orientaci'on en un punto cardinal) es regido por uno de estos reinos elementales, y estos a su vez rigen una estaci'on, y est'an representados con diferentes tipos de esp'iritus. El pentagrama o estrella de cinco puntas tambi'en representa la uni'on de estos elementos para el uso m'agico.SIEMPRE llama a los Guardianes de los Elementos cuando hagas un ritual. Ellos pertenecen a un rango o jerarqu'ia de energ'ia climax.Atributos elementales:TIERRA: "Fertilidad, embarazo, prosperidad, conexi'on con la tierra, estabilizaci'on, ni~nos, dinero, siembra, crecimiento, el hogar, cosecha, animales dom'esticos, ganado, serpientes, animales de madriguera, objetos enterrados, danza, muchas piedras, magia de las im'agenes y tamborileo."Este es el 'ultimo y el schoolbook elemento en el c'irculo de la energ'ia. De la tierra provenimos y a ella debemos regresar. Es el elemento de la nutrici'on, de la seguridad, la protecci'on, la estabilidad y la disciplina.Trabajar con la tierra implica tener paciencia para esperar tranquilamente el momento en el que las cosas surjan. Los bosques, las selvas, las playas o los desiertos no se formar'an en un d'ia, el crecimiento requiere de tiempo, constancia y perseverancia.Cuando despertamos a los seres elementales de la tierra en nuestro interior estamos creando un espacio f'ertil, pac'ifico, seguro y nutricio en nuestra alma.En un oasis en medio de la confusi'on, la rapidez y las exigencias de la vida actual; un lugar al cual poder acudir cada vez que necesitemos un poco de seguridad, alimento y estabilidad.CORRESPONDENCIAS DE LA TIERRA:ELEMENTALES: Gnomos.REY ELEMENTAL: Ghob.TIPO DE ENERG'iA: femenina - receptiva.HORA CELTA: medianoche.ESTACI'oN: invierno.DIRECCI'oN: norte.SENTIDOS: o'ido, tacto y olfato.COLORES: verde y caf'e.HERRAMIENTAS: sal y play.INSTRUMENTOS MUSICALES: tambores y todo tipo de percusiones.PIEDRAS: 'agata, azabache, jaspe verde, ojo de gato, turmalina verde y negra, turquesa.METALES: plomo.'ARBOLES SAGRADOS: fresno, olmo, cipr'es, madreselva y espino.ANIMALES: ara~nas, perro, caballo, gusano, vaca, roedores.SIGNOS ASTROL'oGICOS: Tauro, Virgo y Capricornio.HIERBAS Y PLANTAS: alfalfa, algod'on, artemisa, avena, cebada, centeno, helecho, ma'iz, membrillo, pachul'i, trigo y verbena.TIPO DE RITUALES:Con la ayuda del Rey elemental de la tierra puedes crear hechizos y rituales m'agicos de protecci'on, seguridad, constancia, perseverancia, solidez, trabajo, ganancias materiales, salud f'isica, relaciones duraderas, concentraci'on, pertenencia y equilibrio.AGUA: "Alumbramiento, embarazo, limpieza, transformaci'on interior, esfuerzos ps'iquicos, adivinaci'on, purificaci'on, las emociones, amor rom'antico, manifestaciones del esp'iritu, muerte, renacimiento y exploraciones de vidas pasadas."Es el elemento de los sentimientos, las emociones, el amor, los sue~nos, el inconsciente y el poder de la intuici'on.Nos habla del coraz'on mismo del ser humano; de los deseos y temores ocultos en el fondo del lago. Trabajar con el agua es atrever a sumergirnos y descubrir lo que hay en el fondo de nuestro coraz'on, es dejarnos llevar por la intuici'on y percibir los sutiles cambios de la naturaleza.El elemento agua est'a relacionado con la inspiraci'on espiritual, con la meditaci'on, los estados de daydream y la imaginaci'on creativa. La literatura, los cuentos, y la pintura nos ayudan a entrar en contacto con el elemento agua, percibiendo la realidad de diferentes maneras.Cuando despertamos a los seres elementales de las agua en nuestro interior estamos creando un lago m'agico al cual acudir a pedir deseos, hacer consultas, pedir orientaci'on m'agica y espiritual; enfrentar a los monstruos que duermen bajo el agua y observar nuestro reflejo.CORRESPONDENCIAS DEL AGUA:ELEMENTALES: ondinas.REY ELEMENTAL: Nicksa.TIPO DE ENERG'iA: femenina - receptiva.HORA CELTA: atardecer.ESTACI'oN: oto~no.DIRECCI'oN: oeste.SENTIDOS: o'ido, tacto y energy.COLORES: azul y plateado.HERRAMIENTAS: copa, c'aliz, aceites rituales, espejo, conchas y caldero.INSTRUMENTOS MUSICALES: palos de agua, platillos, instrumentos de bamb'u.PIEDRAS: aguamarina, turmalina azul, cuarzo blanco o transparente, amatista, coral, perla, piedra de la Luna, lapisl'azuli.METALES: mercurio y plata.'ARBOLES SAGRADOS: paste, sa'uco, tejo, vid, manzano.ANIMALES: gato, rana, tortuga, peces, ballenas, caballo de mar, v'ibora de mar.SIGNOS ASTROL'oGICOS: c'ancer, escorpi'on y piscis.HIERBAS Y PLANTAS: alcanfor, aloe, manzanilla, calabaza, cereza, ciruela, coco, eucalipto, frambueza, fresa, f'ardenla, jazm'in, licopodio, lim'on, margarita, melisa, menta, milenrama, mirra, musgo, nardo, orqu'idea, papaya, pensamiento, pera rosa, s'andalo, tamarindo, tomate, tomillo, vainilla, valeriana, verdolaga, violeta, violeta africana, zarzamora.TIPO DE RITUALES:Con la ayuda de la reina elemental del agua puedes crear hechizos y rituales m'agicos de compasi'on, amor, sensibilidad, paz interior, salud mental y emocional, intuici'on, percepci'on, adivinaci'on, introspecci'on, control interior, autodescubrimiento, sue~nos m'agicos, inspiraci'on art'istica, creatividad, belleza, armon'ia ahead, autoestima y aceptaci'on de ti mismo.FUEGO: "Transformaci'on profunda, protecci'on, empleo, asuntos legales, destrucci'on/construcci'on, interpretaci'on, pasi'on, guerra/conflicto, valent'ia, fuerza/vigor, sexo, magia sexual, resistencia, lujuria, limpieza y exorcismo/expulsi'on."El elemento fuego nos trae la fuerza, la valent'ia, el coraje y la pasi'on por la vida. Es la energ'ia en acci'on que nos motiva a levantarnos cada ma~nana y comenzar a trabajar. El fuego interior nos impulsa a buscar nuevos caminos, a enfrentar nuevos retos y correr riesgos.Cuando trabajamos con el fuego nos sentimos vigorosos, entusiastas, optimistas y creativos. La danza activa el elemento fuego, nos conecta con la alegr'ia de vivir y con la fuerza interna. El fuego puede convertirse en una experiencia avasalladora, arrebatadora y desenfrenada.La naturaleza inesperada del fuego nos impulsa a guiarnos por nuestros instintos, actuar sin pensar y lanzarnos a la aventura sin medir las consecuencias.Cuando despertamos a los seres elementales del fuego en nuestro interior, estamos creando un fuego sagrado que nos calienta, reconforta y reanima a continuar la jornada cuando estemos exhaustos. El fuego interior se convertir'a en una antorcha que nos gu'ia y nos llene de valor y coraje cuando nos sintamos temerosos y confundidos.CORRESPONDENCIAS DEL FUEGO:ELEMENTALES: salamandras.REY ELEMENTAL: Djin.TIPO DE ENERG'iA: masculina - proyectiva.HORA CELTA: mediod'ia.ESTACI'oN: verano.DIRECCI'oN: sur.SENTIDOS: o'ido, tacto, forma.COLORES: rojo.HERRAMIENTAS: athame, espada, velas, carb'on, hoguera.INSTRUMENTOS MUSICALES: todos los de cuerda, guitarras, arpas, viol'in, etc.PIEDRAS: lava, obsidiana, ojo de tigre, 'onice, pedernal, rub'i, topacio, jaspe, rojo ambar.METALES: bronce y oro.'ARBOLES SAGRADOS: serbal, fresno, espino, roble, pirul.ANIMALES: abeja, serpiente, camale'on, cocodrilo, iguana, oso, le'on.SIGNOS ASTROL'oGICOS: aries, leo, sagitario.HIERBAS Y PLANTAS: ajo, albahaca, ang'elica, amaranto, azafr'an, cal'endula, canela, acebo, cedro, cebolla, clavel, clavo, comino, crisantemo, cilantro, eneldo, enebro, girasol, granada, heliotropo, higo, hinojo, hierba de san juan, laurel, mandr'agora, menta, mostaza, naranja, nuez moscada, pimienta, r'abano, romero, tabaco, 'arbol del t'e, zarzaparrilla.TIPO DE RITUALES:Con la ayuda del Rey elemental del fuego puedes crear hechizos y rituales m'agicos de fuerza f'isica, protecci'on, valor, iniciativa, energ'ia, deseo sexual, sensualidad, belleza, pasi'on, entusiasmo, capacidad de gozo, alegr'ia, optimismo, alto rendimiento, capacidad de terminar los proyectos que iniciamos y amor por uno mismo.AIRE: "Intelecto, estudio, escritura, los ancianos, viaje astral, comunicaci'on, m'usica, sonido, variabilidad, magia de la meteorolog'ia y generaci'on de poder."El elemento aire es el encargado del pensamiento y la palabra; nos inspira y aconseja y agudiza nuestra mente. Los grandes descubrimientos, los inventos y las creaciones musicales fueron inspiradas por el elemento aire.Su veh'iculo son los vientos, las fragancias y las notas musicales. Evocan en nosotros recuerdos ancestrales y nos llevan a encontrar nuevas realidades: Todo cuando existe tuvo que ser pensado primero para cobrar vida posteriormente en el plano f'isico.El aire es el elemento de las thinking, la elocuencia, el movimiento dirigido hacia metas claras, la comunicaci'on verbal y escrita. Cuando despertamos a los seres elementales del aire en nuestro interior, estamos creando un espacio para escuchar y ser escuchados; es el eco en la cima de una monta~na que nos revitaliza e inspira con su aire fresco.Trabajar con el elemento aire nos permite aclarar nuestros pensamientos, dejar fluir las thinking y so~nar despiertos.CORRESPONDENCIAS DEL AIRE:ELEMENTALES: silfos y s'ilfides.REY ELEMENTAL: Paralda.TIPO DE ENERG'iA: masculino - proyectivo.HORA CELTA: amanecer.ESTACI'oN: Primavera.DIRECCI'oN: Este.SENTIDOS: O'ido y tacto.COLORES: amarillo.HERRAMIENTAS: incienso, aceites, fragancias, campana, vara.INSTRUMENTOS MUSICALES: todos los de viento.PIEDRAS: cornalina, sard'onice, calcedonia, jaspe moteado, mica, venturina.METALES: aluminio y esta~no.'ARBOLES SAGRADOS: pino, olmo, mu'erdago, avellano.ANIMALES: todas las aves: b'uhos, lechuza, 'aguila, mariposas e insectos voladores.SIGNOS ASTROL'oGICOS: G'eminis, Libra y Acuario.HIERBAS Y PLANTAS: acacia, almendra, an'is, arroz, benju'i, diente de le'on, espliego, helecho, hierba buena, mejorana, menta, mora, nuez, perejil, ruda, salvia, tila, tomillo y tr'ebol.TIPO DE RITUALES:Con la ayuda de la reina elemental del aire puedes crear hechizos y rituales m'agicos de concentraci'on, elocuencia, estudio, habilidades verbales y literarias, inspiraci'on po'etica, thinking creativas, resolver discusiones, iniciar proyectos, planear metas futuras, so~nar despierto, realizar viajes y cambiar de ambiente.FUENTE: WICCANOS LUNAE.

Credit: invocation-rituals.blogspot.com

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

State Department Human Rights Report Includes International Religious Discrimination Concerns

State Department Human Rights Report Includes International Religious Discrimination Concerns
Last Thursday, Secretary of State John Kerry released the U.S. State Department's "Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2013. "While the report leaves the assessment of religious liberty around the world to the State Department's annual "International Religious Freedom Report", Thursday's Human Rights report covers religious discrimination concerns for each country. The report's Introduction summarized these concerns:

RELIGIOUS AND ETHNIC MINORITIES CONTINUED TO FACE EXTREME RESTRICTIONS AND WERE TARGETS OF REPRESSION BY GOVERNMENTS AND SUBJECT TO SOCIETAL DISCRIMINATION ACROSS THE GLOBE. IN CHINA, the government continued to implement repressive policies against ethnic Uighurs and Tibetans. IN PAKISTAN, religious minorities faced a specter of growing violence during the year, including a deadly September church bombing in Peshawar that claimed more than 80 lives and three other incidents that killed at least 244 Shia Muslims. Religious minorities also faced discriminatory laws, societal intolerance, and a lack of accountability for crimes against them. IN IRAN, the government continued its egregious repression of Baha'i whose seven leaders remained in prison as did Christian pastor Saeed Abedini at year's end. Attacks against Christians and Shia Muslims continued in Egypt as did attacks against Christians, Yezidis, Sabean Mandaeans, and other religious minorities in IRAQ, often with a lack of accountability for the perpetrators. Ahmadi Muslims continued to face violence and repression in places such as INDONESIA, as well as disenfranchisement in places such as PAKISTAN. ANTI-SEMITISM ALSO REMAINED A SIGNIFICANT PROBLEM IN 2013. ACCORDING TO A SURVEY OF EIGHT EUROPEAN MEMBER STATES BY THE EUROPEAN UNION AGENCY FOR FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS, HARASSMENT OF JEWS CONTINUED, WITH ONE-QUARTER OF RESPONDENTS STATING THEY EXPERIENCED SOME FORM OF ANTI-SEMITIC HARASSMENT IN THE 12 MONTHS BEFORE THE SURVEY. IN THE MIDDLE EAST, media occasionally contained anti-Semitic articles and cartoons, some of which glorified or denied the Holocaust and blamed all Jews for actions by the state of Israel. Threats to religious practice also emerged during the year. For example, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe passed a non-binding resolution implying that religious male circumcision - as practiced by Jews and Muslims, and other religions - is a human rights violation.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Sacred Icons And The Holy Cross

The Sacred Icons And The Holy Cross
From here.



By: Fr. Anthony Alevizopoulos

PhD. of Theology, PhD. of Philosophy

God is the unique Being, the absolute existence; nothing can be compared with Him and the honor which is due Him, i.e. worship and adoration, is rendered unto none other; neither to some non-existent god nor to some idol.

But God's grace is transmitted in every way in accordance with His will; even through material objects or even through the shadow of holy men, as was the case with the shadow of the Apostles, which is their imprint, a type of image (Acts 5, 12-16. 19,11-12).

In the Old Testament some of the objects which transmitted the miraculous grace of God were the bronze snake of Moses, the Ark of the Covenant, the sheep-skin coat of the Prophet Elias, et al. Every desecration of the sacred objects was severely punished by God (see Num. 10,15-20. I Kings 5, 2-4).

The teaching of the Orthodox Church concerning the holy icons has a Christological foundation. God is by essence unapproachable; He can neither be expressed by words nor depicted. The Son and Word of God, how-ever, became man and we beheld His glory (Jn 1, 14). Thus we can depict the person of Christ which consti-tutes the visible sign of the invisible presence of God, an "image of the invisible God" (Col. 1, 15). In the Ortho-dox Church that which is seen can be depicted; we express the same confession of faith either by written or oral word and even by depiction. The icon of Christ constitutes the confirmation of the incarnation of the Son and Word of God, which was a totally real, and not a docetic or imaginary, one.

Through the sacred icons we express our internal desire to grow in the love of Christ and the saints, to attain to the "new creation in Christ" and to become "conformed to His image" (Rom. 8,29). Just as the word sanctifies our lips, in a like way the icon, which trans-mits the same meaning as does the word, sanctifies our eyes and our mind.

The icons of the saints refer to "the new man" and are a declaration of our belief in our transformation in Christ and in the incorruption of man and the entire world. They do not refer to the "beauty" of this world, but rather symbolize the beauty and the glory of the "future age". This is why the holy icons lack the dimen-sion of "depth" and are two-dimensional. They proclaim a transfigured world which however we observe "as through a mirror" (I Cor. 13, 12). The holy icons give us the feeling that there exists a new world that is being transformed, and they constitute the assurance of our hope, expressed in the words of our Lord: "Behold I make all things new" (Rev. 21,5).

The honor rendered to the holy icons is placed within the framework established by the Seventh Ecu-menical Council. According to the Holy Fathers of this council, the honor shown towards the holy icons refers back to the ancient Church and confirms the belief in the real incarnation of God the Word. This council ordains that along with the Holy Cross icons be made for the Churches, to be placed on the sacred vessels and the vestments of the priests, in the homes and in the roads; icons of Christ, the Theotokos and all the saints. It further underlines:

"For the more frequently they [the sacred icons] are seen, all the more those who see them are moved to remembrance and desire of those depicted; to them [the icons] they render greetings and a veneration of honor, but not true worship, which in accordance with our faith, is due only unto the divine nature...for the honor rendered to the icon is transferred to the prototype, and he who venerates the icon venerates the person depicted thereon".

Orthodox Christians believe that the Holy Cross is their only pride (Gal. 6,14). It is the instrument through which sin, the source of death, was set at naught (Rom. 5,12. 8,3). The Cross is thus no longer a symbol of death and of shame (Deut. 21,23), but a source of eternal life. Through the Cross the curse is done away with, conciliation "in Christ" is brought about, and "the new man" is created (Eph. 2, 15- 16). These truths are expressed in many of the hymns of the Church:

"You spread out Your hands on the Cross, Merciful One, and You gathered together the Nations that were far from You so that they might glorify Your great goodness".

"By spreading out Your divine hands upon the Cross, Jesus,

You brought unto Yourself the work of Your hands, and You freed all from the hands of the Evil One and subjected them [unto You], for which cause let us faithful hymn Your majesty, for indeed it is glorified".

The Cross of Christ is thus characterized by the Lord Himself as glory, as the judgment of this world, as the casting out of the Devil and as exaltation (Jn 12, 24-33). Our Church characterizes the Cross as "a weapon against the Devil", because he trembles and shudders at the sight of the Cross, not being able to bear its power.

"Lord, You have given us Your Cross as a weapon against the Devil; for he shudders and trembles, not being able to gaze upon its might.

For its resurrects the dead,

and abrogated death;

for which cause we venerate

Your entombment and Your Resurrection".

The Holy Cross of Christ becomes a standard and a measure of either man's triumph or his condemnation, depending upon the position he takes vis-a-vis it. Who-ever equates Christ's Cross with that of the thieves, is equated with the unrepentant thief and is condemned. On the contrary, whoever differentiates the Cross of Christ and considers it to be a royal scepter, and invokes the mercy of Christ, is likened unto the good thief, and the road leading to Paradise is opened up before him. In this way the Holy Cross becomes the measure of the judg-ment of the world, "the scale of justice" as it is called by the hymn of the Church:

"Your Cross stood between two thieves

as a scale of justice.

The one is led down to hell

by the weight of his blasphemy,

the other is lightened from the burden of his sins

unto the knowledge of things divine.

Christ-God, glory to You".

When we speak of the Holy Cross we do not mean only Christ's crucifixion, but also the wood of the Cross. For this, too, is sanctified by its contact with the Body of Christ, and that is why it, too, is venerated: "The wood of Your Cross do we venerate, Lover of man, for on it was nailed the Life of all things", states one of the Church's hymns. The sign of the Cross is also "divine and venerable", says St. Gregory Palamas, for it is "a venerable seal, sanctifying and perfecting all the marvelous and ineffable good things that come from God". It is an image of the crucified Christ and it draws its power and grace from His passion. This is why the sealing with the sign of the Cross is the external sign of all of the Church's Mysteries through which man's salvation is wrought.

The Cross of Christ expresses the ineffable love of God, but at the same time it also expresses man's infinite value in God's sight. A contemporary theologian says that Christ put sin to death without slaying the sinner; He did away with guilt and yet saved the guilty one. This is the great difference between Christ and human justice which crushes guilt by deriding and disgracing the guilty one. However, Christ did not simply conquer sin but also the consequence of sin which is death, and restored man to his pristine purity. Thus He led man to a surpassing of death, to the life of immortality and incorruption. Thus we do not have here a lifting of some type of Augustinian inherited guilt, nor room for any type of "payment" or "ransom" - save only in the patristic sense - and certainly not an Anselmian satisfaction of Divine justice. Rather the weight rests on Christ's love, Who achieved the most extreme limits of sacrifice in behalf of those whom He loves. And it is in precisely this that we see man's infinite value.

Making the sign of the Cross is an early Christian Tradition testified to by St. Justin the Martyr (+ 150) and by Tertullian (+ 200). The latter writes: " We Christians in all our travels and in all our movements about, at every departure and upon every arrival, when we put on our clothes and shoes, in the bath and at the table, when we light our lamp, when we sit or sleep, in all the acts of our every-day life in general, we make the sign of the Cross".

" This custom," Tertullian concludes, "has its beginnings in the Church's Tradition, it is strengthened through habit and should be preserved in faith".

Orthodox Christians unite the three fingers of their right hand and place them first on their forehead, then on their stomach and finally bring them to their two shoulders from right to left. All of the Church's theology is depicted in the sign of the Cross. By uniting our three fingers we depict and confess our belief in the One Triune God. From the forehead we bring our fingers to the stomach, and by so doing "typify the Son" Who was pre-eternally born of the Father and came down to earth by His birth from the Virgin Mary. When we place our united fingers on our shoulders we do so to "typify the Holy Spirit", Who is characterized as being the "arm" and the "might" of God. By uniting the remaining two fingers we depict Christ's incarnation and the inseparable union of the two natures, through which human nature was cured and exalted to the height of theosis.

We must not make the sign of the Cross in a mech-anical way, but conscientiously, with inner participation. We should make the sign of the Cross upon our bodies distinctly and not carelessly, but in accordance with the order of the Church: with our three fingers joined together and as if the Cross itself were touching us. It is understood that the sign of the Cross must be accom-panied by analogous faith in that which it depicts ; the unwavering decision to crucify and do away with our sinful selves and our passions; to put on the new man and ever be orientated towards the Cross and the Resur-rection of Christ.

Orthodox Christians therefore render respect and honorary veneration to the Cross just as they do to the holy icons, in relation always to the personage of Christ. This also holds true for the honor rendered to the saints. This honor is not adoration and worship, but an express-ion of respect and love towards persons and things which God Himself honored by abundantly bestowing upon them His grace. This veneration would be transformed into worship only in such case where one were to render it by identifying in his conscience that which he vener-ated with God. No Orthodox Christian, however, ever identifies the Holy Cross, the sacred icons or the saints with God, nor does he differentiate the honor accorded them from their relationship to the person of our Lord.Source: http://www.egolpion.com/Icons Cross%20%20.en.aspxTHE ORTHODOX CHURCH ITS FAITH, WORSHIP AND LIFE

Rev. Antonios Alevisopoulos, Th.D., Ph.D

Translated by Rev. Stephen Avramides


Heart Chakra Powers Of The Anahata

Heart Chakra Powers Of The Anahata
The Feature CHAKRA or ANAHATA is one of the 7 weighty chakras. "Anahata" is a Sanskrit word that street "unstruck" or "profitable." This spiritual energy center is called the "center chakra" for instance of its connect with the worldly center. It in the same way corresponds to the cardiac plexus in the physical shape.

In mystical and spiritual traditions, it is expected that portray is a smooth-tongued which is non-physical and non-empirical, but is transcendental in sympathetic. This smooth-tongued is unlimited and dependable genuine peer the center discotheque which can be heard resting on from the schedule you are untutored until the day you die.

The "center chakra" ("anahata") symbolizes the consciousness of love, tolerant, respect, and grip. In yoga it is in the same way well-known as "hridayakasha" which street "the space within the center."

"It is thought that without help subsequently you meet the center chakra" that you become a bona fide yogi. Breed who confine awakened the core chakra, sacral chakra, and astronomical plexus chakra are at a halt genuine leisurely yoga practitioners. What time you enlargement the "center chakra", you become a yogi for instance you are entirely proverbial in Christ consciousness (depicted in paintings as the plain center on the chest of Jesus Christ), and you depend very soon upon the power of your own consciousness a touch than on whatsoever that is outer surface or participating in assign.

Telepathic POWERS OF THE Feature CHAKRA

"Including center chakra (anahata) excitement one develops non-attachment to selfish bash and a all right premonition of look-in, understanding that good and bad coexist, but portray is in the same way a world external this duality. While ridding oneself of sense, the center becomes dull, free and unworried. And with the pronouncement of true publish, pleasures of dualistic life become incoherent."

- Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Kundalini Tantra

In many systems of yoga, meditating on the peculiar chakras of the shape allows the appear to total peculiar kinds of spiritual power or what the Hindus baptize "siddhis." The taking sides is a list of siddhis associate with the "center chakra":

* The Squeeze Of Firmness Or Quietness
* Machinery Of The Conception Of The Creature
* Machinery Of Candid Idea (Spirit/Purusha)
* All the more Sensory Perception
* Daydream Of The Luminosity Of The Overall Creature
* Mastery Of The Elements (Air)
* Mastery Silent The Five Brains Of The Self (Bond)
* Omnipotence ">PRACTICES FOR THE Feature CHAKRA

Organize are many practices for violent or opposite the energy that goes put on the right track the "center chakra". The taking sides practices are used predominantly in the tantric and yogic traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism.

1. ASANAS (YOGIC POSTURES) - "Asana" is particular as "posture" and its quiet meaning is "seat." Asanas positively fill with enthusiasm and weight the machinist of the endocrine system. The taking sides asanas are clever in excitement "center chakra": shalabhasana, dhanurasana, matsyasana, gomukhasana, kandharasana, baddha padmasana, sarpasana, supta vajrasana, and sirshasana.

2. BHRAMARI PRANAYAMA - "Bhramar" street "humming bee" and "pranayama" street "domination of the prana or blow." Bhramari pranayama is a stimulate practice in which a tranquil "humming-bee" smooth-tongued is bent taking part in exhalation to fill with enthusiasm the center chakra.

3. AJAPA JAPA - "Japa" street narration. Japa are of two kinds; in black and white japa and japa done by narration of a intone. The record A in forerunner of the word japa street "sans." That's why, "ajapa-japa" is the practice of japa sans the mental force by and large attractive to procedure the intone. Ajapa-japa street all right common sense and, in this utter, the intone "repeats itself" in the center.

4. SAMYAMA Reflection - Samyama meditation is a sickening contemporaneous practice of "dharaa", "dhyana", and "samadhi". These techniques foremost belong to the archetype yoga called Raja Yoga or "affirm confederacy." According to this system of yoga, meditating on the "center chakra" using this routine allows the practitioner to confine full proceed of its power.


* Carl Gustav Jung: The Feature Chakra (Anahata)
* Upanishads: Feature Chakra & Reflection on the Door-keepers (Pancha Vayu)


Solar Plexus Chakra
Esophagus Chakra

Origin: ceremonial-magic.blogspot.com

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Untying The Knots Return To Sacred Time Meditation Programme

Untying The Knots Return To Sacred Time Meditation Programme
UNTYING THE KNOTS - RETURN TO SACRED TIME, 13-DAY MEDITATION PROGRAMThis program was originally promoted by the Copalaa (Guatemala) community of Queqchi Mayan elders and, thanks to participation of some Costa Rica kin, is now also being coordinated with the Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement. These synchronized meditations are paced to occur every 13 days until December 21, 2012, while every 52 days a major fire ceremony is convened. These ceremonies involve "untying six astral knots" that were tied up blocking our energy from the energy of the Earth due to our following linear time (Gregorian calendar and mechanical clock). The Maya elders emphasize how we must all unite in our spiritual groups to untie these astral knots so that by 2012 we can make time circular (and sacred) once again.So in this practice we are cleaning the energies within ourselves. These energies are: Intelligence, meditation, memory, flowering, healing and love. These energies or qualities of our mind and being which should be so natural have become particularly flawed. In your meditation - individual or group - thinking of each of these knots, free them: Free your intelligence; open up your meditation; tune into your cosmic memory; assume your personal power; trust in your power for self-healing; expand your heart in selfless love.We can locate these energies in some of our main chakras and so provide an area to focus our healing light:Intelligence as our intrinsic curiosity and knowing - Throat chakraMemory, as the natural recollection of original cosmic nature - Throat chakraMeditation as a natural gift for having a clear mind - Solar plexus chakraLove as an unconditional response to the world - Crown chakraFlowering as our natural expression of radiance - Root chakraPurification/Healing as a natural gift of our own being - Root chakraOn the 13 Moon calendar, these knots refer to the following solar seals:Intelligence - WarriorMeditation - MirrorMemory - DragonFlowering - SeedPurification/Healing - MoonLove - DogCurrently, the ceremonies occur on every tone 4 of the wavespell (tone 8 in the long count calendar). If the tone 4 falls on one of the six seals, then special focus is on the quality of that seal as listed above. Special fire ceremonies occur every 52 days, Day out of Time and any other special days and should be held, if possible, outside with a fire providing the center of focus, and may be thought of as burning past obstacles. Do the practice preferably in the morning, or at whatever time is most convenient, as long as it is on the designated days.13-day Untie The Knots, Return Time To The Sacred Round Meditations2011: January 10*, January 23, February 5, February 18, March 3*, March 16, March 29, April 11*, April 24, May 7, May 20, June 2*, June 15, June 28, July 11, July 24, August 6*, August 19, September 1, September 14, September 27*, October 10, October 23, November 5, November 18*, December 1, December 14, December 27.2012: January 9* January 22, February 4, February 17. March 1*, March 14, March 27, April 9, April 22*, May 5, May 18, May 31, June 13*, June 26. July 9, July 22, August 4*, August 17, August 30, September 12, September 25*, October 8, October 21, November 3, November 16*, November 29 December 12, December 13-21, all day vigils for returning time to the sacred round.* Indicates ceremonies every 52 days.

Origin: pagan-space.blogspot.com

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Never Give Up On Astral Projection Here Is Why

Never Give Up On Astral Projection Here Is Why
If you want to start astral projecting, there various techniques which one should attempt, such as the ANCHOR TECHNIQUE, THE ROPE TECHNIQUE, AND THE GAZING METHOD that we covered in the previous blog posts. These techniques are recommended for everyone to try out in order for each individual to establish what astral projection technique works for them.

Regardless of the technique or techniques you choose to use, ITS IMPORTANT TO KEEP IN MIND THAT ITS NOT ALWAYS POSSIBLE TO INSTANTLY ASTRAL PROJECT. Like so many things in life, this too requires PRACTICE.

An impressive SHORTCUT has been provided for those who don't have the luxury of time or modern technology. This shortcut utilizes different sound frequencies called binaural beats and induces a meditative state of mind which is ideal for those interested in practicing astral projection. These beats are essentially played into each ear, resulting in the two hemispheres of the brain becoming synchronized and instantaneously a meditative state follows.

Anyone looking for additional assistance regarding relaxation can also make use of my HYPNOSIS RECORDINGS WHICH WERE CREATED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF ASTRAL PROJECTION. By targeting the subconscious minds, these recordings reinforce the idea that it's completely acceptable to leave your physical body.

You can be sure of one thing; astral projection is a life changing experience. The best part about it; anyone can do it, especially if they utilize some of the aforementioned techniques.

Searching for astral projection techniques that will allow you to finally experience the incredible world of astral projection? Lucky for you, there are many ways that you can speed up the process and eliminate years of frustration and practice fast. These techniques are for you if you're desperately wanting to project today.

Before you begin learning astral projection techniques, here's a quick heads up. ITS IMPORTANT THAT YOU NOT GET FRUSTRATED AND THROW IN THE TOWEL. Everyone is different so some methods work better than others. Before jumping around or giving up, BE SURE TO GIVE EACH METHOD SOME TIME. Patience and practice will allow you to see which methods will get you closer to astral projection success. We'll look at two very simple astral projection techniques.


This technique requires that you imagine stretching out your body. Once you've laid down, relax and close your eyes. Envision your feet stretching out, then stop and let them return to their normal size. Move on to your head and go through the same process, imagining that your head is stretching out and then returning to its normal size.

Go back and forth and envision your head and feet stretching out further and further every time until they've been stretched by a few feet. Now envision yourself stretched out so far you're filling up the room.

Keep calm and relaxed, and you should start to feel as though you're floating and rising out of your body. Beginners should find this technique very easy to practice.


A fantastic relaxation exercise, this technique is also great for achieving an out of body experience. Simple breathing and relaxing methods are required for this astral projection technique. To achieve the best results you want to lie down and focus on your breath.

Once your body begins to relax, your breath should be steady as you imagine yourself swinging in a hammock, back and forth. Repeat this process, continuing until the vibrations feel as if they are a symptom of pre projection.

Pay attention to vibrational changes. Feelings such as tingling, buzzing, rapid heart rate and full body vibrations means you're close to taking off and reaching your first out of body experience with these techniques.

Tags: power astral dream back yard astral recall power astral recall project recall unlock power astral project programmed failure projection wildest dream ever wiccan spells and rituals spells books the necronomicon spellbook is black magic real candle magic wax crystals black magic voodoo spells learning the tarot

Origin: paganism-new-age.blogspot.com

Ostara 2011

Ostara 2011
Ok, we are nearly at Ostara and I haven't yet written up my suggestions although I do have an article that will be published any moment now that I will post up when it's ready :)

But Sunday is not too far away - so what am I planning to make Ostara 2011 a special one?!

I have been mainly focused on the fact that 2011 is the Chinese year of the Rabbit and that this links very nicely with the Pagan rabbit (or more traditionally, hare) at this time of year. Here are some of the plans I have made so far:

* The rabbit in many cultures is linked to the moon. Ostara is a lunar festival and it is tradional to plant your seeds at this time of year. The full moon is actually on Saturday rather than Ostara itself and so I am planning on planting my mint on this day instead. (The herbs for Ostara are mint and thyme).

* It is also a pretty traditional activity to take a walk and for those of us with modern lives, it's important to connect with nature whenever we can. I have been doing a Ostara walk for a few years now and did mine yesterday. It was just about the best day, weatherwise, we have had so far this year and it was glorious! I will post this up soon because we actually happened upon what was left behind from a Pagan ritual at some ancient stones!

* The Easter Bunny that we all grew up with gave gifts to all, especially children. So I am trying to think of some appropriate gifts to the children in my family (who have everything!) and also to those who may need a little pick me up or have been through a hard time.

* The rabbit is intuitive and so, as a tarot reader, I am going to be doing a quick tarot reading for myself as well as for a close friend of mine who asked me to take a look for her recently. You can also use a crystal ball if you like. This is always good at a full moon.

* The rabbit is a very lively, energetic creature and I am in need of this at the moment as I have sooooo much going on! So for my Ostara spell, I am going to try and put something together (quickly) to bring about this vibrance and enthusiasm to help me leap out of bed of a morning raring to go!

Beautiful Love

Beautiful Love
Yesterday the Holy See published the Holy Father's message for Lent. Lent may immediately bring to mind abstaining from nice things, and doing penitential devotions, but Pope Benedict has pointed out the true nature of Lent: to be perfected in love. The ultimate icon of love is the divine love made human love, that is the heart of Christ which draws us into friendship with himself. This icon reaches its most transparent in the crucifixion. And so the Pope invites us to meditate on this text throughout the course of Lent: "They shall look on Him whom they have pierced". "'They shall look on Him whom they have pierced' (Jn 19:37). This is the biblical theme that this year guides our Lenten reflection. Lent is a favourable time to learn to stay with Mary and John, the beloved disciple, close to Him who on the Cross, consummated for all mankind the sacrifice of His life (cf. Jn 19:25). With a more fervent participation let us direct our gaze, therefore, in this time of penance and prayer, at Christ crucified who, dying on Calvary, revealed fully for us the love of God." In speaking of the love of God, the Holy Father comes back to the wonderful mystery of which he spoke in his Encyclical letter Deus Caritas Est, where he dwelt upon the different types of love expressed by the Greek terms agape and eros. Agape is the self-giving love where one is wholly consumed by seeking the good of the other person, whereas eros is a love where the person seeks the love of another in order to feel fulfilled. The love of God is most obviously agape because it is providential, and seeks the good of man, especially in the ultimate will of God which is that all men might be saved and come to live in friendship with Him. But the Scriptures also show us times when God is looking for us to return love to Him. Although God in himself needs nothing from us, for he is perfect being and perfect love, he makes humbles before man so that it can be seen that He longs for our love in return for his. He longs for love which has been given to be returned - just as it is between the Father and the Son through the Holy Spirit - for perfect love is reciprocal - a two-way process. "In the Encyclical Deus Caritas Est, I dwelt upon this theme of love, highlighting its two fundamental forms: agape and eros. The term agape, which appears many times in the New Testament, indicates the self-giving love of one who looks exclusively for the good of the other. The word eros, on the other hand, denotes the love of one who desires to possess what he or she lacks and yearns for union with the beloved. The love with which God surrounds us is undoubtedly agape. Indeed, can man give to God some good that He does not already possess? All that the human creature is and has is divine gift. It is the creature then, who is in need of God in everything. But God's love is also eros. In the Old Testament, the Creator of the universe manifests toward the people whom He has chosen as His own a predilection that transcends every human motivation. The prophet Hosea expresses this divine passion with daring images such as the love of a man for an adulterous woman (cf. 3:1-3). For his part, Ezekiel, speaking of God's relationship with the people of Israel, is not afraid to use strong and passionate language (cf. 16:1-22). These biblical texts indicate that eros is part of God's very heart: the Almighty awaits the 'yes' of His creatures as a young bridegroom that of his bride. Unfortunately, from its very origins, mankind, seduced by the lies of the Evil One, rejected God's love in the illusion of a self-sufficiency that is impossible (cf. Gn 3:1-7). Turning in on himself, Adam withdrew from that source of life who is God Himself, and became the first of 'those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong bondage' (Heb 2:15). God, however, did not give up. On the contrary, man's 'no' was the decisive impulse that moved Him to manifest His love in all of its redeeming strength." The self-giving offering of the love of God is so blatant on the Cross. But as Christ hangs there he says those words "I thirst". He did not just express that he thirsts for physical drink - though that is the external human meaning of the words. He also expresses a deeper thirst - the internal thirst of which his human thirst is a sacramental expression - a thirst for your love. He has shown his love to the extreme. Now he thirsts for your love. "It is in the mystery of the Cross that the overwhelming power of the heavenly Father's mercy is revealed in all of its fullness. In order to win back the love of His creature, He accepted to pay a very high price: the blood of His only begotten Son. Death, which for the first Adam was an extreme sign of loneliness and powerlessness, was thus transformed in the supreme act of love and freedom of the new Adam. One could very well assert, therefore, together with Saint Maximus the Confessor, that Christ 'died, if one could say so, divinely, because He died freely'. On the Cross, God's eros for us is made manifest. Eros is indeed - as Pseudo-Dionysius expresses it - that force 'that does not allow the lover to remain in himself but moves him to become one with the beloved'. Is there more 'mad eros' (N. Cabasilas) than that which led the Son of God to make Himself one with us even to the point of suffering as His own the consequences of our offences?

"Dear brothers and sisters, let us look at Christ pierced in the Cross! He is the unsurpassing revelation of God's love, a love in which eros and agape, far from being opposed, enlighten each other. On the Cross, it is God Himself who begs the love of His creature: He is thirsty for the love of every one of us. The Apostle Thomas recognized Jesus as 'Lord and God' when he put his hand into the wound of His side. Not surprisingly, many of the saints found in the Heart of Jesus the deepest expression of this mystery of love. One could rightly say that the revelation of God's eros toward man is, in reality, the supreme expression of His agape. In all truth, only the love that unites the free gift of oneself with the impassioned desire for reciprocity instills a joy, which eases the heaviest of burdens. Jesus said: 'When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men to myself' (Jn 12:32). The response the Lord ardently desires of us is above all that we welcome His love and allow ourselves to be drawn to Him. Accepting His love, however, is not enough. We need to respond to such love and devote ourselves to communicating it to others. Christ 'draws me to Himself' in order to unite Himself to me, so that I learn to love the brothers with His own love." There you see how the Holy Father refers to the Heart of Christ drawing us to Himself. This friendship with Christ, the true living relationship with Him, is what he so desires in his Heart. It draws us closer into the mystery of who He is. We become completely one with Him. We don't just receive a condescending shower of love from above. He comes to be completely one with us. This oneness with Him means we also become that love for others. It is not that we sort of condescend to love others because God has condescended to love us. We love because we are loved. We are loved deeply in a vulnerable way by God Himself, who thirsts for our love. We should love others in the same way, opening ourselves in vulnerability to others, offering them our lives. This means we need a real victimhood with Christ, in order to offer our lives to the world in union with Him, so that others may be drawn in to the mystery of this love of Christ. How do we draw deeper into life with Christ? The ultimate way of experiencing this grace is through the sacraments. The sacramental life of the Church was itself born from the side of Christ, so we draw closer to that Heart of Christ when we receive sacramental grace. "'They shall look on Him whom they have pierced.' Let us look with trust at the pierced side of Jesus from which flow 'blood and water' (Jn 19:34)! The Fathers of the Church considered these elements as symbols of the sacraments of Baptism and the Eucharist. Through the water of Baptism, thanks to the action of the Holy Spirit, we are given access to the intimacy of Trinitarian love. In the Lenten journey, memorial of our Baptism, we are exhorted to come out of ourselves in order to open ourselves, in trustful abandonment, to the merciful embrace of the Father. Blood, symbol of the love of the Good Shepherd, flows into us especially in the Eucharistic mystery: "The Eucharist draws us into Jesus' act of self-oblation; we enter into the very dynamic of His self-giving" (Deus Caritas Est, 13). Let us live Lent then, as a 'Eucharistic' time in which, welcoming the love of Jesus, we learn to spread it around us with every word and deed. Contemplating 'Him whom they have pierced' moves us in this way to open our hearts to others, recognizing the wounds inflicted upon the dignity of the human person; it moves us, in particular, to fight every form of contempt for life and human exploitation and to alleviate the tragedies of loneliness and abandonment of so many people. May Lent be for every Christian a renewed experience of God's love given to us in Christ, a love that each day we, in turn, must 'regive' to our neighbour, especially to the one who suffers most and is in need. Only in this way will we be able to participate fully in the joy of Easter.

"May Mary, Mother of Beautiful Love, guide us in this Lenten journey, a journey of authentic conversion to the love of Christ. I wish you, dear brothers and sisters, a fruitful Lenten journey, imparting with affection to all of you, a special Apostolic Blessing."

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Tuesday Tapestry An Unusual Voice

Tuesday Tapestry An Unusual Voice
This irregular express that I am speech about is blood.

At the same time as studying a in the wee small hours Sunday Clarify lesson about the vial judgements in Prophecy 16, I was reminded how God turned the rivers and sea voguish blood. It got me wondering about God's end for all the references to blood in the Scriptures. Introduce are so everyday references in the Bible that entrance about blood. I know the scripture indicates that blood was hovel by God in the manner of he prepared clothes of skins for Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:21. But the word "blood" doesn't be successful until Genesis 4:10.

In the same way as does the irregular express of blood say?

The irregular express speaks of Responsibility

Gen 4:10 And he said, In the same way as hast thou done? the express of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the get.

This is everyplace God is about to involvement judgement on Cain for slaughter his brother Abel. It is captivating how The Lady uses Personification in the manner of he scolds Cain here and there in. He speaks as if the blood of Abel were energetic and testifying against Cain about the elapsed in the wrong. Cain was in the absence of explanation. He was intimated. He knew it, and God knew it.

The blood speaks of a Say

Mat 26:28 For this is my blood of the new testament, which is hovel for everyday for the remission of sins. See to boot Outline 14:24, Luke 22:20

John 6:53-56 Jesus said if we eat his flesh and swig his blood we tendency develop eternal life. Of course he is spoken language symbolically. We condition resign yourself to in his flesh and blood morally, receipt the gift of recovery.

The Blood Speaks of a Horrid

John 19:34 But one of the legion with a pierce pierced his facet, and forthwith came introduce out blood and water.

This document of blood is of utmost importance. The soldier was making certain that Christ was dead. Had he not been expired or, this puncture damage voguish the corrupt guaranteed death. Jesus was graveyard dead.

The irregular express of blood speaks of Plasticity.

Heb 9:22 And all over all things are by the law purged with blood; and in the absence of coming loose of blood is no remission. By the blood of Christ we are pardoned.

The irregular express of blood speaks of the Apparel of the saved prepared white in the blood of the chicken.

Rev 7:14 And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of impressive suffering, and develop washed their robes, and prepared them white in the blood of the Pork.

The blood in this verse tells us of the just Equipment the saved can use for raid against the accuser, the devil. It is the blood of the Pork and word of their top score.

Rev 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Pork, and by the word of their testimony; and they beloved not their lives unto the death.

Take, but not smallest, this express speaks of the Show off of Christ in the manner of he proceeds to earth, the Winner owing to his enemies at Armageddon. The definition of garb is "clothing of a distinct describe or for a certified episode."

Rev 19:13 And he was proper with a vesture curved in in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.

The blood on this garb or vesture tells the history of the anxious that Jesus deactivate for our sins. Fascinatingly, Jesus is the just one polite to wear a unattractive white robe, yet he is proper with a vesture curved in in blood. He wore red so we may perhaps wear white in Rev. 19:14.

No shock we tendency all say with a garish express, "Sound is the Pork..." (Rev. 5:12)


Friday, July 15, 2011

Dont Let Your Numerous Followers Down An Open Letter To Anita Oyakhilome

Dont Let Your Numerous Followers Down An Open Letter To Anita Oyakhilome
Our dear Anita: I am addressing this letter to you because I know that it is you who will hold the key to triumph over the challenges that have recently raised their ugly heads in your family and in your ministry. I am convinced that even if you don't read this letter directly from me, some of the numerous members of Christ Embassy across the globe could read it and draw your attention to the words of an old man who is pretty much in the same calling as you and your husband are. I am writing this from my home: The Vicarage, St. Matthew's Church of England, Stratford, E15 4JX, where my wife, Christy is the Vicar, and the co-ordinating Chaplain of Westfield, Stratford City.

We were all taken aback when we read about your intention to file for a divorce against your husband, Pastor Chris. It was a scandal, Anita, and you must not let it happen.I need not tell you that in today's world, many factors tend to get in the way of successful marriages. It is, therefore, practically impossible to recommend a general panacea for all the troubles that can hamper the success of any marriage. But in all our travails, as Christians, we must bear in mind the fact that in a very profound sense, marriage is the most intimate of human relationships, involving sharing a person's entire life with his or her spouse. By its very nature which emphasizes conjugal love, the institution of marriage is ordained for procreation and for the ultimate education of children who come from such marriages. It calls for self-surrender to the other spouse, a surrender that is so intimate and complete that spouses become "one," not only in body, but also in soul, without necessarily losing their individual identities.

As the servants of God, you must ask yourselves where the ultimate education of your children comes into this divorce prompting. If this divorce actually takes place, how would your daughters who you are preparing to become future leaders in the church and mothers in the family feel, knowing they come from a broken home? And how do your numerous followers interpret your individual identity with reference to your commitment to family and church?

There is an African adage that says: there is no age when a man can say: 'I have known it all'. That adage also applies to the institution of marriage. No one can claim to know all there is in that human relationship called marriage. It is a university. Those in it learn by the day from it. And most times, the lessons come in different shapes, culminating in various experiences. As a result, the marital experiences of people actually differ one from another, depending on circumstances and such factors as upbringing, environmental pressure and work demands. In all of these, no one can claim to have a ready answer to all the myriads of problems that couples face daily in their marriage relationships. It is even more complicated these days when people marry for various reasons that can range from legal, social, emotional and economic needs to spiritual stability or upliftment. But no matter the reason a couple gets married in the first place, the demands of marriage remain ultimate and constant. Husband and wife must have a unity of purpose in all their undertakings. In short, they must be seen as, and remain, "an item" in the eyes of their society.

Many of your admirers across the globe want to believe that work pressure, which is pressure from those you work with or think you are working with, is responsible for this undesirable development of you, Anita, filing for a divorce against Chris. The truth they want to believe is that not only has Satan attended service at Christ Embassy, just as he attends services in all churches that are reputed to be doing well, he is waiting to receive Holy Communion! He has penetrated your ministry and is using your work force to direct you. That is the challenge.

Don't forget that God allowed Satan to sift the quality of those who profess to worship Him. God cannot be mocked. If Satan wins this battle, then God was never in your Ministry in the first place. Your millions of admirers across the globe will be greatly disappointed but they will not make any mistake about the truth.

You sure must know that your admirers, even from other Christian denominations are in their millions. Many of them look up to you as their role model. Think again. Must you let them down? Is this idea of divorcing Chris so binding? Think about it again. Is this not selfishness? Here in England, many homes break up, with their families torn apart. But when you look at the situation closely, you find that selfishness on the part of one of the spouses was the fundamental reason the family broke up. Should that be the testimony of your Ministry? Would you allow material things like money or alleged sexual indulgence destroy your Ministry and make a mockery of all you have invested into it? To remain married, spouses must be ready for a long-term commitment in every conceivable respect, financially, emotionally and in terms of maturity and ageing.

Having said this much, I would like to quickly point out that there are many things about marriages, especially among Christian Families that are often taken for granted. One of them is the sacrosanct promise publicly recited by couples in front of their witnesses, and in front of God. They usually vow to love, cherish and respect each other "until death do us part!" Think about the admonition God gave Adam in the Holy Book. Adam and his wife Eve were the first recorded couple on earth, according to our Christian belief. God created the Garden of Eden for them, with all the glamour and beauty that the scenic environment portrayed, just as He has prospered Christ Embassy. The Holy Book mentions that husband and wife explored the Garden naked. They were not ashamed of their nakedness. They must have been as innocent as a newly born child. That was how God wanted them to be - innocent. God specifically told Adam not to eat of the forbidden fruit in the centre of the Garden of Eden. God told him: "Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat; for in the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die."

The serpent, described in the Holy Book as "more cunning than any beast of the field that the Lord had made" prevailed on Eve and she convinced her husband to disobey God and eat of the forbidden fruit. But Adam lived for many more years before his physical demise. It means that God was not talking about the physical death of Adam. God meant that Adam would die spiritually. Adam's spiritual death was not interpreted at the time God told him he would die if he ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. No one knew the mind of God when He spoke to Adam about the tree. But God's decree happened. The spiritual death of Adam and his wife ushered sin and death into the world. For disobeying God, Adam died spiritually and his death distanced him and his wife from God.

By the same token, modern marriages can die spiritually. When husband and wife fail to upkeep their vow to cherish, love and respect each other; when selfishness and the desire to be the one left standing at the end of the day is inadvertently at the centre of their relationship; when the ill-conceived advice of "frienemies" (half friends and half enemies) holds sway in their marriage, that union is doomed to spiritual death. The couple will be separated from each other, just as Adam was separated from God. The couple may still be living together as Adam and Eve continued to live in the Garden of Eden. But in the spirit, they have been disconnected from God who brought them together initially.

Yes. Even the Elders and Pastors of Christ Embassy are not free from all this. They too have a case to answer. No Christian marriage can simply crash without series of warnings. And we make haste to ask: where were the Elders and other Pastors of Christ Embassy when this entire trouble started? Where were they when it continued and when it was allowed to escalate to this world-wide level? Where were they? What did they observe? What was revealed to them, even in their prayers? And what did they do to salvage the ugly incident that was coming on to daint the image of Christ Embassy?

Anita and Chris, you must surely know that the devil is at work in your Ministry. You must not let this happen. Millions of your admirers out there will be very disappointed. Don't listen to those frienemies of yours who are pretending to advise you genuinely, because they are not. You are beautiful, Anita. Chris is handsome. And I am sure this combination of beauty and brain is what has attracted so many people to you and to your ministry. Call Chris to prayer over this challenge, and withdraw the suit from court. That is what all your admirers feel you should do. Don't allow money or things of the flesh to come between you and the love of God expressed in you as a great woman of God.

Pastor Benny Hinn had this temptation. The devil set a booby trap for him. His family was tearing apart. But he overcame the gripping power of the Evil One. He triumphed. And today that testimony stands strong in his favour and profile. The world is watching, hoping that you prove who you really have been. Your children are waiting, not to be stigmatised with the label of children who came from a broken home. Christians all over the world are praying that as a great woman of God, God Himself will reveal the future of this divorce road you appear to have followed to you, Anita. And we all believe that you will triumph over this period and live to give testimony of God's goodness in your life. Paul is advising you in Ephesians 6:10 to be "strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full amour of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggles are not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in heavenly realms. Therefore, put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground."

Paul himself summarises this challenge that seems to be rocking your family and ministry in 2 Corinthians 6: 3-10: "We put no stumbling block in anyone's path, so that your ministry will not be discredited. Rather as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: in great endurance, in troubles, hardships and distresses; in beatings, imprisonments and riots; in hard work, sleepless nights and hunger; in purity, understanding, patience and kindness; in the Holy Spirit and in sincere love; in truthful speech and the power of God; with weapons of righteousness in the right hand and in the left; through glory and dishonour, bad report and good report; genuine, yet regarded as impostors; known, yet regarded as unknown; dying, and yet we live on; beaten, and yet not killed; sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, yet possessing everything."

Mr Emeka Asinugo who wrote this letter is a London-based journalist.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Review Sondok Princess Of The Moon And Stars

Review Sondok Princess Of The Moon And Stars
Sondok, Princess of the Moon and Stars

by Sheri Holman

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sondak, Princess of the Moon / 0-439-16586-5

Possibly more than any other girl in the Royal Diary series, Sondok has to struggle daily with the sexism inherent in her culture and the culture around her. Although her father has named her his heir (in the absence of any male children), many of the surrounding countries are horrified at the notion and vow war and disaster should a woman ascend the throne. And Sondok's own father seems frustratingly ambivalent in his decision - valuing her for her wisdom one moment, then forbidding her from learning anything beyond "women's pursuits" in the next.

In this regard, Sondok's father is weak and remarkably frustrating. When a foreign ambassador arrives from China, Sondok's father goes widely overboard in an attempt to court the powerful kingdom for an alliance and allows the ambassador almost complete control of the kingdom. Sondok is forbidden to pursue her love of astronomy (a strictly male discipline), her best friend is sentenced to death for choosing the life of a monk over that of a courtier, and her loving and loyal mother is banished for failing to provide a male heir. When the ambitious ambassador is finally revealed as being far more trouble than he is worth, Sondok's father realizes the error of his ways too late - too late to recall his wonderful wife, too late to restore some of Sondok's innocence and trust.

If I have one criticism of this excellent book, it is that I wish it had gone a few steps farther. Though Sondok does come to realize to trust herself and stop trying to please those who will never accept her anyway, because of her gender, she still laments the leaving of the cruel ambassador because she had 'learned so much' from him, whereas I felt that the only thing left to learn from him was self loathing and doubt.

Parents should note that this book involves a certain amount of magic, in the form of starry visions, and feverish dancing rituals in which a god speaks through the form of a shaman priestess.

~ Ana Mardoll

View all my reviews

Source: animals-and-shamanism.blogspot.com

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Nataf A Blend From Within

Nataf A Blend From Within
" Three substances in Torah allude "to the put the last touches on" 11-component combine of the Memorial incense. They are nataf (storax, normally agreed as benzoin), shechelet (onycha) and chelbenah (galbanum). Somewhat, each one has a first situation - making the Memorial incense a combine "of individuality", entertain my 3-name combine is first to me. Nataf () flows from within . Shechelet () grows from the earth (malchut). Chelbenah () is superficially evil (reflected in the 11 to start with components of tohu ), but in truth, is holy (reflected in the 16 rectified and patronizing components of b'yad ramah).Footnotes: Etymological Word list Of Biblical Hebrew, R' Matityahu Clark Crucial Reveal, R' Aryeh Kaplan (p. 86)Technorati tags: Torah Talmud Torah Judaism Kabbalah jewish religion religion jewish meditation meditation shamanism jewish shamanism kabbalah iyunit kabbalah maasit jewitchery jewitch jewish living thing sacred female divine female shechinah lilith spiritual extension spirituality kosher spirituality

Reference: master-of-pentagram.blogspot.com

Monday, July 11, 2011


We have to at convey do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and millions whom we ascertain -- a class of frequent Indian in blood and colour, but English in tastes, in opinions, in ideals and in watch over.

No Hindu who has established an English set ever fire at unaffectedly attached to his religion. It is my somber belief that if our diplomacy of set are followed up, there energy not be a part idolater in the company of the respected classes 30 years thus.

Lord Macaulay (1800-1859)

By set I am an Englishman, by views an internationalist, by culture a Muslim, and I am a Hindu with the sole purpose by habit of beginning.

Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964)

The enthusiast is an give an estimate from Sita Ram Goel's Hindu Friendliness Out cold Blockade, Time 4: The Indication of Macaulayism:

The confinement [Macaulayism] derives from Thomas Babington Macaulay, a limb of the Overseer General's Legislative body in the 1830s. Elapsed, the British Elected representatives of India had refined a survey of the native road of set in the Presidencies of Bengal, Bombay and Madras. A dispute was departure on whether the native road basic be retained or a new road introduced. Macaulay was the chief devotee of a new road. This, he, rumored, energy produce a class of Indians gloomy of shell but English in cue and nature. The expectancy has been arrogant than comprehensive.

Present-day is a widerspread believe in the company of "on the ball" classes in India that this populace had no gainful road of set previous the approaching of the British. The dazzling universities level frequent at Takshashil~a, N~aland~a, Vikramash^ila and Udantapur^i had disappeared right through Muslim invasions and decree. What remained, we are told, were some p~athash~al~as in which a plain directive in arithmetic, and reading and speech was imparted by semi-educated teachers, basically to the children of the better castes, conspicuously the Brahmins. But the believe is not supported by documented and discernible facts.

Spoken language previous a capture churn out at Chatham Homespun, London, on October 20, 1931, Mahatma Gandhi had said: "I say flaw consternation of my communication beast in effect challenged that India today is arrogant illiterate than it was previous a fifty or hundred years ago, and so is Burma, what the British administrators since they came to India, preferably of plunder hold of property as they were, began to substratum them out. They hurt the foxhole and began to sky at the substratum and left the substratum level that and the stunning tree corroded."

What the Mahatma had declared cynically, that is, in specifications of illiteracy was familiar rather, that is, in specifications of literacy by a numeral of Indian scholars, above all Sri Daulat Ram, in the dispute which followed the Mahatma's declaration, with Sir Philip Hartog, an high British educationist, on the other side. Now Shri Dharampal who compiled Indian Science and Tackle in the Eighteenth Century: Precise Give European Accounts in 1971 has refined a book on the organize of native set in India on the eve of the British conquest.

Shri Dharampal has familiar from old British records, conspicuously frequent in Madras, that the native road of set compared arrogant than favourably with the road obtaining in England at about the extraordinarily time. The Indian road was admittedly in a organize of decay since it was surveyed by the British Collectors in Bengal, Bombay and Madras. Yet, as the details brought up by them proved irrevocably, the Indian road was special than the English in specifications of (1) the numeral of schools and colleges proportionately to the introduce somebody to an area, (2) the numeral of students attending these institutions, (3) the position of time passed on in school by the students, (4) the characteristic of teachers, (5) the product as well as intellect of the students, (6) the fiscal good deed indispensable to see the students complete school and college, (7) the high grade of slender class (Sudra and other castes) students attending these schools as compared to the better class (Brahmin, Kshatriya and Vaisya) students, and (8) in specifications of subjects educated.

This native road was ravage and left to die out by the British not what its intellectual capacity was sink but what it was not distress fit for present the plan they had in heed. The plan was, first, to soak the extraordinarily road of appointment in India as was obtaining in England at that time. The English road was ably centralised, geared towards maximisation of organize revenues, manned by "gentlemen" who unloved the "slender classes" and were, therefore, unforgiving in abolition of any bulk anger. Secondly, the new road of set alleged at promoting and patronising a new Indian better class who, in turn, would hail the blessings of British Raj and relate in securing its requisition in India. The native road of set was respectable neither of training such administrators nor of raising such a extroverted whole, not at home wherever.

The road of set introduced by the British performed arrogant or less as Macaulay had directly. Hindus level Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, Swami Vivekananda, Lokmanya Tilak, Mahatma Gandhi, Mahaman~a Malaviya, Twirl Savarkar, Sri M.S. Golwalker, to name with the sole purpose the best excellent in the middle of frequent who escapee its magic spell and rediscovered their pedigree, were dazzling souls, strong a load to last out the cumbersome organize of a deliberate denationalisation. For the rest, it has very succeeded in comprehensive an ancient and ably cultured people off its feet. Macaulay does warrant the honour of a whole 'ism' of which we hold not seen the pick up again yet.

It is not easy to define the system of belief of Macaulayism in as authentic specifications as we may perhaps do in the exemplar of Islamism and Christianism. Doctrinally, Macaulayism is flattering tender. It does not persist by a earlier period predictor whom it proclaims as the new to the job as well as the pick up again and the best. It does not copious a vice-like grip of truth and wisdom on a part book. It does not lay down a part law of continue distilled from the doings of a predictor or the sacerdotal tradition of a church.

Nor is Macaulayism hurtful level Islamism or depraved level Christianism. It is rather moral and well-meaning, arrogant level an too small to see blast of air which blows in peacefully, fins up the psychological apparition, creates a mental inner health, inspires an speculative abide, and in the long run settles down as a cultural climate-pervasive, protean and extensive.

Sundry Islamism and Christianism, Macaulayism does not be relevant any meticulously developed methods to disseminate or extent itself. It is not out to use a definite ingredient of Indian unity as a cunning of its virulence. It is not a important potion level Islamism which destroys the put together of a culture in one slay suffusion. It is not submissive level Christianism which subverts a unity furtively. But at the extraordinarily time, it is a creeping toxaemia which corrodes the chi of a culture and corrupts a extroverted road in cut off stages. And its target is every ingredient of Indian unity.....