Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Religion Telepathy Knowledge Of The Minds Of Other Beings

Religion Telepathy Knowledge Of The Minds Of Other Beings
TELEPATHY or the KNOWLEDGE OF THE MINDS OF OTHER BEINGS is one of the many siddhis (spiritual powers) described in the Vibhuti Pada (Book III) of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Telepathy is a form of extra sensory perception wherein clairvoyant contact is established between your mind and that of another person. When another person's mind and senses are focused on the outside, its content or images are of the external world. These mental images occupy the mind in waking state. If you can see or read these mental images, you can gain knowledge of what is inside the mind not only of another person but of other beings as well.

So, how can we develop Telepathy?

The answer is found in the Vibhuti Pada (Sutra 19) of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras.


"Pratyayasya para-citta-jnanam. Na ca tat salambanam tasyavisayi-bhu-tatvat"


1. (By direct perception through Samyama) of the image occupying the mind, knowledge of the mind of others. But not also of other mental factors which support the mental image for that is not the object (of Samyama). - I.K. Taimni, The Science Of Yoga

2. Focusing with perfect discipline on the perceptions of another yields insight into that person's consciousness. But not insight regarding the object of those perceptions, since the object itself is not actually present in that person's consciousness. - Chip Hartranft, The Yoga-S^utra of Pata~njali: Sanskrit-English Translation ">ATTAINMENT OF TELEPATHY (KNOWLEDGE OF THE MINDS OF OTHER BEINGS)

Telepathy can be attained by performing Samyama Meditation on the Third Eye Chakra. The Third Eye Chakra, also called Ajna, is located at the point between the eyebrows. It represents the superior mental consciousness that allows the student of yoga direct access to invisible worlds or direct perception of the subtle aspects of manifestation. The reason for performing Samyama on the Third Eye Chakra rests in the fact that the "Pratyaya" and the "Manomaya Kosha" are apparent in Ajna.

In Buddhist philosophy, Pratyaya is the collection of internal seeds that contain the basic tendencies in our nature which are there from birth to death. In this Sutra, Patanjali uses the word Pratyaya to refer to the impressions in the field of consciousness which includes all our thoughts, intentions, representations, and perceptions. Check out my article about Dhyana for more information.

Manomaya Kosha (mind-stuff-apparent-sheath) is one of the five coverings of the Self which in Sanskrit are called Koshas. The other four are the gross body (Annamaya Kosha) the subtle body, (Pranmaya Kosha), the intellectual body (Vijyanmaya Kosha), and the Causal body (Anandamaya Kosha). Manomaya Kosha is the energy field where the gross expression of mind occurs. It is also referred to as the mental body.

You may ask, "What can we see if we use telepathy to read the mind of another person?"

If you use telepathy, you can read and gain understanding of the thoughts of others. However, if you want to have a sense of the feeling and temper of the person's mind using telepathy, you must reach higher meditative states first. The reason is that our motives and emotions are much harder to access than the forms and concepts that exist in our minds. In other words, the contents of the lower mind are located in the deeper levels of the subconscious. Reading its contents through telepathy is more difficult.

Note: To better understand how Indian yogis and other masters of ancient wisdom attain telepathy (knowledge of the minds of other beings) and to see the full list of spiritual powers described in the Yoga Sutras, please refer to my main article about Spiritual Power.