Wicca is a modern pagan, witchcraft religion

Wicca is a diverse religion with no central authority or figure defining it.

Wicca often involves the ritual practice of magic, though it is not always necessary

Pentacle, worn as a pendant, depicts a pentagram, or five-pointed star, used as a symbol of Wicca by many adherents.

Beliefs in Wicca range from hard polytheism to even monotheism.

Wicca is typically duotheistic, worshipping a god and goddess traditionally viewed as a mother goddess and horned god.

The term Wicca first achieved widespread acceptance when referring to the religion in the 1960s and 70s

Application of the word Wicca has given rise to "a great deal of disagreement and infighting".

The Goddess and the God may be regarded as the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine

The God and Goddess are generally seen as lovers and equals, the Divine Couple who together co-create the cosmos.

Traditionally the God is viewed as a Horned God, associated with nature, wilderness, sexuality, hunting and the life cycle

The Horned God is given various names according to the tradition, and these include Cernunnos, Pan, Atho and Karnayna.

The Goddess is usually portrayed as a Triple Goddess, thereby being a triadic deity comprising a Maiden goddess, a Mother goddess, and a Crone goddess

Some Wiccans, particularly from the 1970s onwards, have viewed the Goddess as the more important of the two deities, who is pre-eminent in that she contains and conceives all. In this respect, the God is viewed as the spark of life and inspiration within her, simultaneously her lover and her child.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Minor Schools Akademia Czarodziejstwa

Minor Schools Akademia Czarodziejstwa
"AKADEMIA CZARODZIEJSTWA Downright NAME:Akademia Czarodziejstwa w Krakowie (established as AC for minus)MOTTO:"Father ratio quam vis" (Dialogue mode above than power)FOUNDING:Akademia Czarodziejstwa w Krakowie was founded in 1399 fashionable Poland's golden age.LOCATION: Located in the under levels of "COLLEGIUM MAIUS" of the Jagiellonian Academy in Krakow, Akademia Czarodziejstwa was coeducational for example its beginning. To a great extent of the school lies underside the capital of Krak'ow. Due to it's founders helpful flair to the Sovereign of Poland and the Dignity Prince of Lithuania (ADVANCE LITHUANIAN COMPANY) offer is an wood causeway leading from the school to the dragon's den at Wawel Expansion (UNDERNEATHE THE DIGNITY SANCTUARY).Film OF AKADEMIA CZARODZIEJSTWA:Jagiellonian Academy was founded in 1364 by Sovereign Casimir the Very great (KAZIMIERZ WIELKI), making it Eastern Europe's luxury theoretical. In 1399, as soon as Sovereign Jadwiga donated her jewels to increase in intensity the Academy, Pawel Wlodkowic confident the nun of the theoretical to add on a magical unit to the school. Similar to the rector's meeting, Akademia Czarodziejstwa was further to amount an rebellious to Durmstrang and to further the working out of wizards, notoriously dwell in not of pureblood origin.Conscription was elfin until the 1800s.Every the students and aptitude participated in the Kosciuszko Riot of 1794. It's enter in the Kosciuszko Riot was to become the beginning of trend as AC became established for uprising during Poland's unstable history, straight earning the control "SEMINARY OF REBELS" and the Eastern European wizarding community.Akademia Czarodziejstwa was lawfully bunged from 1939-1945 due to the war with Grindelwald and the Nazi profession of Poland, its vice-rector and certified aptitude were murdered by Grindelwald. Despite this, the existing professors continued enlightening children in the under levels of the pubs of Krakow, highest of which were associated by secret passageways and provision at all aid it can to the protection.In pristine living, the Conference of AC has begun to mind the utility of moving AC to a above permament smidgen small from the Academy in Krakow.HOUSES:Houses are splintered up by sexual category. * Boys are housed in "DOM KAZIMIERZA" * Girls are housed in "DOM JADWIGI" * Academy AC students in "DOM PIAST'OW" (gendered floors)ALUMNI:Obvious Alumni: Nicholas Copernicus, Pawel Wlodkowic (promoter for muggleborn nationality in the 1400s)

"Gratitude to JAGIENKA for fleshing out AC and provision me with loads information that I was mighty to act match I knew above about Advance history than I really did."

Credit: asatru-religion.blogspot.com

Saturday, August 28, 2010


The Man and the Snake
by Ambrose Bierce


It is of veritabyll report, and attested of so many that there be
nowe of wyse and learned none to gaynsaye it, that ye serpente hys
eye hath a magnetick propertie that whosoe falleth into its svasion is drawn forwards in despyte of his wille, and perisheth miserabyll by ye creature hys byte.

Stretched at ease upon a sofa, in gown and slippers, Harker Brayton smiled as he read the foregoing sentence in old Morryster's
"Marvells of Science. The only marvel in the matter," he said to
himself, "is that the wise and learned in Morryster's day should
have believed such nonsense as is rejected by most of even the
ignorant in ours."

A train of reflections followed--for Brayton was a man of thought-- and he unconsciously lowered his book without altering the
direction of his eyes. As soon as the volume had gone below the
line of sight, something in an obscure corner of the room recalled
his attention to his surroundings. What he saw, in the shadow
under his bed, were two small points of light, apparently about an
inch apart. They might have been reflections of the gas jet above
him, in metal nail heads; he gave them but little thought and
resumed his reading. A moment later something--some impulse which
it did not occur to him to analyze--impelled him to lower the book
again and seek for what he saw before. The points of light were
still there. They seemed to have become brighter than before,
shining with a greenish luster which he had not at first observed.
He thought, too, that they might have moved a trifle--were somewhat nearer. They were still too much in the shadow, however, to reveal
their nature and origin to an indolent attention, and he resumed
his reading. Suddenly something in the text suggested a thought
which made him start and drop the book for the third time to the
side of the sofa, whence, escaping from his hand, it fell sprawling to the floor, back upward. Brayton, half-risen, was staring
intently into the obscurity beneath the bed, where the points of
light shone with, it seemed to him, an added fire. His attention
was now fully aroused, his gaze eager and imperative. It
disclosed, almost directly beneath the foot rail of the bed, the
coils of a large serpent--the points of light were its eyes! Its
horrible head, thrust flatly forth from the innermost coil and
resting upon the outermost, was directed straight toward him, the
definition of the wide, brutal jaw and the idiotlike forehead
serving to show the direction of its malevolent gaze. The eyes
were no longer merely luminous points; they looked into his own
with a meaning, a malign significance.


A snake in a bedroom of a modern city dwelling of the better sort
is, happily, not so common a phenomenon as to make explanation
altogether needless. Harker Brayton, a bachelor of thirty-five, a
scholar, idler, and something of an athlete, rich, popular, and of
sound health, had returned to San Francisco from all manner of
remote and unfamiliar countries. His tastes, always a trifle
luxurious, had taken on an added exuberance from long privation;
and the resources of even the Castle Hotel being inadequate for
their perfect gratification, he had gladly accepted the hospitality of his friend, Dr. Druring, the distinguished scientist. Dr.
Druring's house, a large, old-fashioned one in what was now an
obscure quarter of the city, had an outer and visible aspect of
reserve. It plainly would not associate with the contiguous
elements of its altered environment, and appeared to have developed some of the eccentricities which come of isolation. One of these
was a "wing," conspicuously irrelevant in point of architecture,
and no less rebellious in the matter of purpose; for it was a
combination of laboratory, menagerie, and museum. It was here that
the doctor indulged the scientific side of his nature in the study
of such forms of animal life as engaged his interest and comforted
his taste--which, it must be confessed, ran rather to the lower
forms. For one of the higher types nimbly and sweetly to recommend
itself unto his gentle senses, it had at least to retain certain
rudimentary characteristics allying it to such "dragons of the
" as toads and snakes. His scientific sympathies were
distinctly reptilian; he loved nature's vulgarians and described
himself as the Zola of zoology. His wife and daughters, not having
the advantage to share his enlightened curiosity regarding the
works and ways of our ill-starred fellow-creatures, were, with
needless austerity, excluded from what he called the Snakery, and
doomed to companionship with their own kind; though, to soften the
rigors of their lot, he had permitted them, out of his great
wealth, to outdo the reptiles in the gorgeousness of their
surroundings and to shine with a superior splendor.

Architecturally, and in point of "furnishing," the Snakery had a
severe simplicity befitting the humble circumstances of its
occupants, many of whom, indeed, could not safely have been
intrusted with the liberty which is necessary to the full enjoyment of luxury, for they had the troublesome peculiarity of being alive.
In their own apartments, however, they were under as little
personal restraint as was compatible with their protection from the baneful habit of swallowing one another; and, as Brayton had
thoughtfully been apprised, it was more than a tradition that some
of them had at divers times been found in parts of the premises
where it would have embarrassed them to explain their presence.
Despite the Snakery and its uncanny associations--to which, indeed, he gave little attention--Brayton found life at the Druring mansion very much to his mind.


Beyond a smart shock of surprise and a shudder of mere loathing,
Mr. Brayton was not greatly affected. His first thought was to
ring the call bell and bring a servant; but, although the bell cord dangled within easy reach, he made no movement toward it; it had
occurred to his mind that the act might subject him to the
suspicion of fear, which he certainly did not feel. He was more
keenly conscious of the incongruous nature of the situation than
affected by its perils; it was revolting, but absurd.

The reptile was of a species with which Brayton was unfamiliar.
Its length he could only conjecture; the body at the largest
visible part seemed about as thick as his forearm. In what way was
it dangerous, if in any way? Was it venomous? Was it a
constrictor? His knowledge of nature's danger signals did not
enable him to say; he had never deciphered the code.

If not dangerous, the creature was at least offensive. It was de
trop--"matter out of place"--an impertinence. The gem was unworthy
of the setting. Even the barbarous taste of our time and country,
which had loaded the walls of the room with pictures, the floor
with furniture, and the furniture with bric-a-brac, had not quite
fitted the place for this bit of the savage life of the jungle.
Besides--insupportable thought!--the exhalations of its breath
mingled with the atmosphere which he himself was breathing!

These thoughts shaped themselves with greater or less definition in Brayton's mind, and begot action. The process is what we call
consideration and decision. It is thus that we are wise and
unwise. It is thus that the withered leaf in an autumn breeze
shows greater or less intelligence than its fellows, falling upon
the land or upon the lake. The secret of human action is an open
one--something contracts our muscles. Does it matter if we give to
the preparatory molecular changes the name of will?

Brayton rose to his feet and prepared to back softly away from the
snake, without disturbing it, if possible, and through the door.
People retire so from the presence of the great, for greatness is
power, and power is a menace. He knew that he could walk backward
without obstruction, and find the door without error. Should the
monster follow, the taste which had plastered the walls with
paintings had consistently supplied a rack of murderous Oriental
weapons from which he could snatch one to suit the occasion. In
the meantime the snake's eyes burned with a more pitiless
malevolence than ever.

Brayton lifted his right foot free of the floor to step backward.
That moment he felt a strong aversion to doing so.

"I am accounted brave," he murmured; "is bravery, then, no more
than pride? Because there are none to witness the shame shall I

He was steadying himself with his right hand upon the back of a
chair, his foot suspended.

"Nonsense!" he said aloud; "I am not so great a coward as to fear
to seem to myself afraid."

He lifted the foot a little higher by slightly bending the knee,
and thrust it sharply to the floor--an inch in front of the other!
He could not think how that occurred. A trial with the left foot
had the same result; it was again in advance of the right. The
hand upon the chair back was grasping it; the arm was straight,
reaching somewhat backward. One might have seen that he was
reluctant to lose his hold. The snake's malignant head was still
thrust forth from the inner coil as before, the neck level. It had
not moved, but its eyes were now electric sparks, radiating an
infinity of luminous needles.

The man had an ashy pallor. Again he took a step forward, and
another, partly dragging the chair, which, when finally released,
fell upon the floor with a crash. The man groaned; the snake made
neither sound nor motion, but its eyes were two dazzling suns. The
reptile itself was wholly concealed by them. They gave off
enlarging rings of rich and vivid colors, which at their greatest
expansion successively vanished like soap bubbles; they seemed to
approach his very face, and anon were an immeasurable distance
away. He heard, somewhere, the continual throbbing of a great
drum, with desultory bursts of far music, inconceivably sweet, like the tones of an aeolian harp. He knew it for the sunrise melody of
Memnon's statue, and thought he stood in the Nileside reeds,
hearing, with exalted sense, that immortal anthem through the
silence of the centuries.

The music ceased; rather, it became by insensible degrees the
distant roll of a retreating thunderstorm. A landscape, glittering
with sun and rain, stretched before him, arched with a vivid
rainbow, framing in its giant curve a hundred visible cities. In
the middle distance a vast serpent, wearing a crown, reared its
head out of its voluminous convolutions and looked at him with his
dead mother's eyes. Suddenly this enchanting landscape seemed to
rise swiftly upward, like the drop scene at a theater, and vanished in a blank. Something struck him a hard blow upon the face and
breast. He had fallen to the floor; the blood ran from his broken
nose and his bruised lips. For a moment he was dazed and stunned,
and lay with closed eyes, his face against the door. In a few
moments he had recovered, and then realized that his fall, by
withdrawing his eyes, had broken the spell which held him. He felt
that now, by keeping his gaze averted, he would be able to retreat.
But the thought of the serpent within a few feet of his head, yet
unseen--perhaps in the very act of springing upon him and throwing
its coils about his throat--was too horrible. He lifted his head,
stared again into those baleful eyes, and was again in bondage.

The snake had not moved, and appeared somewhat to have lost its
power upon the imagination; the gorgeous illusions of a few moments before were not repeated. Beneath that flat and brainless brow its
black, beady eyes simply glittered, as at first, with an expression unspeakably malignant. It was as if the creature, knowing its
triumph assured, had determined to practice no more alluring wiles.

Now ensued a fearful scene. The man, prone upon the floor, within
a yard of his enemy, raised the upper part of his body upon his
elbows, his head thrown back, his legs extended to their full
length. His face was white between its gouts of blood; his eyes
were strained open to their uttermost expansion. There was froth
upon his lips; it dropped off in flakes. Strong convulsions ran
through his body, making almost serpentine undulations. He bent
himself at the waist, shifting his legs from side to side. And
every movement left him a little nearer to the snake. He thrust
his hands forward to brace himself back, yet constantly advanced
upon his elbows.


Dr. Druring and his wife sat in the library. The scientist was in
rare good humor.

"I have just obtained, by exchange with another collector," he
said, "a splendid specimen of the Ophiophagus."

"And what may that be?" the lady inquired with a somewhat languid

"Why, bless my soul, what profound ignorance! My dear, a man who
ascertains after marriage that his wife does not know Greek, is
entitled to a divorce. The Ophiophagus is a snake which eats other

"I hope it will eat all yours," she said, absently shifting the
lamp. "But how does it get the other snakes? By charming them, I

"That is just like you, dear," said the doctor, with an affectation of petulance. "You know how irritating to me is any allusion to
that vulgar superstition about the snake's power of fascination."

The conversation was interrupted by a mighty cry which rang through the silent house like the voice of a demon shouting in a tomb.
Again and yet again it sounded, with terrible distinctness. They
sprang to their feet, the man confused, the lady pale and
speechless with fright. Almost before the echoes of the last cry
had died away the doctor was out of the room, springing up the
staircase two steps at a time. In the corridor, in front of
Brayton's chamber, he met some servants who had come from the upper floor. Together they rushed at the door without knocking. It was
unfastened, and gave way. Brayton lay upon his stomach on the
floor, dead. His head and arms were partly concealed under the
foot rail of the bed. They pulled the body away, turning it upon
the back. The face was daubed with blood and froth, the eyes were
wide open, staring--a dreadful sight!

"Died in a fit," said the scientist, bending his knee and placing
his hand upon the heart. While in that position he happened to
glance under the bed. "Good God!" he added; "how did this thing
get in here?"

He reached under the bed, pulled out the snake, and flung it, still coiled, to the center of the room, whence, with a harsh, shuffling
sound, it slid across the polished floor till stopped by the wall,
where it lay without motion. It was a stuffed snake; its eyes were
two shoe buttons.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Samhain Ceremony To Honor The Spirits Of Animals

Samhain Ceremony To Honor The Spirits Of Animals

Sunday, August 22, 2010

What The Buddhist Saint Said To The King Poson

What The Buddhist Saint Said To The King Poson
Dhr. Seven and Amber Larson, WISDOM QUARTERLY translation, Dharma Vijaya Vihara ("Cula-hatthipadopama Sutta": Shorter Elephant Footprint Simile, MN 27)

Adam's Peak, the highest point on the Buddhist island of Sri Lanka (hellotravel.com)

Mahintale (hellotravel.com)

PART 1: The Buddhist saint (arhat, fully enlightened) MAHINDA, son of Emperor Asoka of India, ventured with his saint sister Sanghamitta to the island of Lanka. There he met the king and delivered a discourse based on The Shorter Elephant Footprint Simile. So moved was the king that he and the people of the island converted to Buddhism. This took place on POSON more than 2,000 years ago, the full moon observance day in June.

Thus have I heard. Once the Blessed One was staying near Savatthi at Jeta's Grove in Anathapindika's abbey.

Now at that time, the Brahmin Janussonin was driving out of Savatthi in the middle of the day in a white chariot. He saw Pilotika the wanderer coming from afar and on meeting him said:

"Now where is Master Vacchayana [his clan name] coming from in the middle of the day? Sir, I have come here from the presence of the recluse (WANDERING ASCETIC) Gotama [Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha]. And what does a wise person think about the recluse Gotama's wisdom? Sir, who am I to know the recluse Gotama's wisdom? Wouldn't one have to be his equal to know his wisdom? Master Vacchayana praises the recluse Gotama lavishly indeed!"


Visiting a modern wonder - Lions's Rock, Sigiriya (NH53/flickr.com)

"Sir, who am I to praise the recluse Gotama? He is praised by the praised as the best of beings, both human and deva". Seeing what reasons does Master Vacchayana have such high confidence in the recluse Gotama? Sir, suppose an elephant tracker were to enter an elephant forest and see there a large footprint, long in extent, broad in width. That tracker would come to the conclusion, 'What a big bull elephant!'

"In the same way, when I saw four footprints of the recluse Gotama, I came to the conclusion: 'The Blessed One is truly awakened, the Dharma is well-taught by the Blessed One, the "Sangha "of the Blessed One's disciples is practicing in a good way.' What are the four?

Lion's Rock fort, SIGIRIYA, a former Buddhist hermitage (hellotravel.com)

"In one case I see noble warriors (KSHATRIYAS) who are pundits, subtle, skilled in debate, like hair-splitting marksmen. They prowl about, as it were, shooting philosophical positions to pieces with their dialectic. They hear:

"'The recluse Gotama, they say, will visit that village or town.' They formulate a question like, 'Having gone to the recluse Gotama, we will ask him this question of ours. If, having been asked like this, he answers like that, we will refute his teaching this way. If having been asked like that, he answers like this, we will refute his teaching this other way.'

"They hear, 'the recluse Gotama is visiting such and such village or town.' They go to him, and he instructs, urges, rouses, and encourages them with a talk on Dharma. Having been instructed, urged, roused, and encouraged by him with a talk on Dharma, they do not even ask him their question, so how could they refute him? As it turns out, they become his disciples.

"When I saw this first footprint in the recluse Gotama, I came to this conclusion: 'The Blessed One is fully self-awakened; the Dharma is well-taught by the Blessed One; the "Sangha" of the Blessed One's disciples is practicing in a good way.'


I. FIRST FOOTPRINT: Clever, learned Brahmins visit the Buddha with the intention of refuting his Dharma (Teaching). But after they have been instructed, urged, roused, and encouraged they do not ask questions. They ask to become disciples.

II. SECOND FOOTPRINT: Clever, learned householders (laypersons) visit the Buddha, are instructed, have no more questions, and ask to become disciples.

III. THIRD FOOTPRINT: Clever, learned householders visit the Buddha and end up asking to become disciples.

IV. FOURTH FOOTPRINT: Clever, learned Brahmins go see the Buddha, end up having no more questions and instead ask to becomes disciples, the not long after -- by realizing the Dharma for themselves -- they become arhats (enlightened/liberated beings).

The Brahmin Janussoni then went to visit the Blessed One. With regard to the elephant's footprint, the Buddha told him that a wise person would follow the footprints and other markings left by the elephant until actually seeing that it was a big bull elephant.

What are the footprints of an intrepid Wayfarer (Tathagata) like the Buddha? The first footprint of the Tathagata is... CONTINUED IN PART II

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Henry Adams Prayer To The Virgin Of Chartres

Henry Adams Prayer To The Virgin Of Chartres
My history students are currently studying the late 19th century, and references to Henry Adams (1838-1918) come up time and again. I am not having them read his autobiography, "The Education of Henry Adams", though I may use it next time. In the course of my reading I came across this interesting poem (which includes a poem within a poem - how meta!).PRAYER TO THE VIRGIN OF CHARTRESGracious Lady:--Simple as when I asked your aid before;Humble as when I prayed for grace in vainSeven hundred years ago; weak, weary, soreIn heart and hope, I ask your help again.You, who remember all, remember me;An English scholar of a Norman name,I was a thousand who then crossed the seaTo wrangle in the Paris schools for fame.When your Byzantine portal was still youngI prayed there with my master Abailard;When Ave Maris Stella was first sung,I helped to sing it here with Saint Bernard.When Blanche set up your gorgeous Rose of FranceI stood among the servants of the Queen;And when Saint Louis made his penitence,I followed barefoot where the King had been.For centuries I brought you all my cares,And vexed you with the murmurs of a child;You heard the tedious burden of my prayers;You could not grant them, but at least you smiledIf then I left you, it was not my crime,Or if a crime, it was not mine alone.All children wander with the truant Time.Pardon me too! You pardoned once your Son!For He said to you:--"Wist ye not that IMust be about my Father's business?" So,Seeking his Father he pursued his wayStraight to the Cross towards which we all must go.So I too wandered off among the hostThat racked the earth to find the father's clue.I did not find the Father, but I lostWhat now I value more, the Mother,--You!I thought the fault was yours that foiled my search;I turned and broke your image on its throne,Cast down my idol, and resumed my marchTo claim the father's empire for my own.Crossing the hostile sea, our greedy bandSaw rising hills and forests in the blue;Our father's kingdom in the promised land!--We seized it, and dethroned the father too.And now we are the Father, with our brood,Ruling the Infinite, not Three but One;We made our world and saw that it was good;Ourselves we worship, and we have no Son.Yet we have Gods, for even our strong nerveFalters before the Energy we own.Which shall be master? Which of us shall serve?Which wears the fetters? Which shall bear the crown?Brave though we be, we dread to face the Sphinx,Or answer the old riddle she still asks.Strong as we are, our reckless courage shrinksTo look beyond the piece-work of our tasks.But when we must, we pray, as in the pastBefore the Cross on which your Son was nailed.Listen, dear lady! You shall hear the lastOf the strange prayers Humanity has wailed.PRAYER TO THE DYNAMOMysterious Power! Gentle Friend!Despotic Master! Tireless Force!You and We are near the End.Either You or We must bendTo bear the martyrs' Cross.We know ourselves, what we can bearAs men; our strength and weakness too;Down to the fraction of a hair;And know that we, with all our careAnd knowledge, know not you.You come in silence, Primal Force,We know not whence, or when, or why;You stay a moment in your courseTo play; and, lo! you leap acrossTo Alpha Centauri!We know not whether you are kind,Or cruel in your fiercer mood;But be you Matter, be you Mind,We think we know that you are blind,And we alone are good.We know that prayer is thrown away, For you are only force and light; A shifting current; night and day; We know this well, and yet we pray, For prayer is infinite, Like you! Within the finite sphere That bounds the impotence of thought, We search an outlet everywhere But only find that we are here And that you are--are not! What are we then? the lords of space? The master-mind whose tasks you do? Jockey who rides you in the race? Or are we atoms whirled apace, Shaped and controlled by you? Still silence! Still no end in sight! No sound in answer to our cry! Then, by the God we now hold tight, Though we destroy soul, life and light, Answer you shall--or die! We are no beggars! What care we For hopes or terrors, love or hate? What for the universe? We see Only our certain destiny And the last word of Fate. Seize, then, the Atom! rack his joints! Tear out of him his secret spring! Grind him to nothing!--though he points To us, and his life-blood anoints Me--the dead Atom-King!A curious prayer, dear lady! is it not?Strangely unlike the prayers I prayed to you!Stranger because you find me at this spot,Here, at your feet, asking your help anew.Strangest of all, that I have ceased to strive,Ceased even care what new coin fate shall strike.In truth it does not matter. Fate will giveSome answer; and all answers are alike.So, while we slowly rack and torture deathAnd wait for what the final void will show,Waiting I feel the energy of faithNot in the future science, but in you!The man who solves the Infinite, and needsThe force of solar systems for his play,Will not need me, nor greatly care what deedsMade me illustrious in the dawn of day.He will send me, dethroned, to claim my rights,Fossil survival of an age of stone,Among the cave-men and the troglodytesWho carved the mammoth on the mammoth's bone.He will forget my thought, my acts, my fame,As we forget the shadows of the dusk,Or catalogue the echo of a nameAs we the scratches on the mammoth's tusk.But when, like me, he too has trod the trackWhich leads him up to power above control,He too will have no choice but wander backAnd sink in helpless hopelessness of soul,Before your majesty of grace and love,The purity, the beauty and the faith;The depth of tenderness beneath; above,The glory of the life and of the death.When your Byzantine portal still was young,I came here with my master Abailard;When Ave Maris Stella was first sung,I joined to sing it here with Saint Bernard.When Blanche set up your glorious Rose of France,In scholar's robes I waited on the Queen;When good Saint Louis did his penitence,My prayer was deep like his: my faith as keen.What loftier prize seven hundred years shall bring,What deadlier struggles for a larger air,What immortality our strength shall wringFrom Time and Space, we may--or may not--care;But years, or ages, or eternity,Will find me still in thought before your throne,Pondering the mystery of Maternity,Soul within Soul,--Mother and Child in One!Help me to see! not with my mimic sight--With yours! which carried radiance, like the sun,Giving the rays you saw with--light in light--Tying all suns and stars and worlds in one.Help me to know! not with my mocking art--With you, who knew yourself unbound by laws;Gave God your strength, your life, your sight, your heart,And took from him the Thought that Is--the Cause.Help me to feel! not with my insect sense,--With yours that felt all life alive in you;Infinite heart beating at your expense;Infinite passion breathing the breath you drew!Help me to bear! not my own baby load,But yours; who bore the failure of the light,The strength, the knowledge and the thought of God,--The futile folly of the Infinite! Text via TeachingAmericanHistory.org. Image via Wikipedia.

Bible Vs Quran

Bible Vs Quran

Christianity and Islam are also

monotheistic religions that respect in one almighty miscarry. The Muslims' holy book-the Qur'an-teaches induction, the animation of angels, that Jesus was a sinless, virgin-born futurist from God, and that here is a heaven, a hell, and a day of send to prison. So with all these similarities, what are the differences relating the Bible and the Qur'an?

Muslims respect the Qur'an is a image from God

(Allah) that began to be in words transmitted

nominated the angel Gabriel to Muhammad bearing in mind he was 40 living old (AD 610). They say that higher a 23-year modify Muhammad expected these messages, which he pointed memorized. Brusquely as soon as his death (AD 632) the Qur'an was compiled featuring in a out-of-the-way book. At the moment it is at odds featuring in 114 chapters, or suras, and is about the extent of the Christian New Tribute. Muslims sticky tag the Qur'an in the person Arabic copy to be the definite word of God. They respect it provides divine recommendation for all lenience.

They say Muhammad was God's seat futurist, superseding Christ, and that the Qur'an is God's end image to us all.

The Qur'an on God

The distinguishing character of Islam and the

Qur'an is the unity and transcendence of Allah or God. To become a Muslim one requisite give to somebody for safe keeping the shahadah: "OFFER IS NO GOD BUT ALLAH, AND MUHAMMAD IS HIS COMPETITOR." Yet the God of the Qur'an is not the actual as the God of the Bible.

The Qur'an does derive God as living eternal, all

powerful, all sophisticated, holy, totally, block, and courteous. Nevertheless, distinct the Bible, the Qur'an claims these are character of God's phantom practically than his key. That is to say, God may be called good since he causes good, but holiness is not the human being of his private. The Bible, on the other hand, teaches God is good since his very key and private are holy, totally, and apposite.

The Qur'an further teaches that Jesus is not God's Son,

that he did not die on the grumpy for our sins, nor did he problem from the significant organically three days far ahead. It plus teaches a unitarian view of God practically than the Trinitarian view of the Bible. To respect that here is excellent than one have fun in the Godhead is idolatry to a Muslim.

The Six Crude Doctrines

The Qur'an espouses six basic Muslim doctrines:


Offer is one and exclusively one God.


Offer clutch been many prophets of God, among

Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad.


Allah bent angels ( JINN), some living

good and others evil.


The Qur'an is God's inclusive and end



A day of send to prison for all is coming, followed by

heaven for the plug and hell for the infidels.


God has full knowledge of and military exercises

predestination (QADAR) higher all that occurs in life.

The Qur'an on Use

The Qur'an explains that salvation-a place in

heaven as soon as death-is based on Allah's forgiveness: "To people who respect and do activities of wholesomeness hath Allah promised official pardon and a famous choice"

(Sura 5:9). The yearning of life as soon as death for a Muslim is based on whether their good activities phantom outweigh their bad activities and that Allah phantom be courteous. 48 Yet what distinguishes the Bible from the Qur'an is how a have fun is through apposite with God and obtains eternal life.

The New Tribute (with which Muslims scull)

teaches that


"The salary of sin is death, but the free gift of

God is eternal life nominated Christ Jesus our Lord" (ROMANS 6:23).


"God loved the world so extensively that he gave his

one and exclusively Son, so that everyone who believes in him phantom not fade away but clutch eternal life" ( John



"God paid a ransom to measure you...And the ransom he

paid was not water gold or silver. It was the costly blood of Christ, the sinless, gullible Beef of God...Nonstop Christ you clutch come to recognition in God. And you clutch placed your glory and yearning in God since he raised Christ from the dead" (1 PETER 1:18-19, 21).


"It is by panache you clutch been saved, nominated

faith-and this is not from yourself, it is the gift of God" (EPHESIANS 2:8 NIV).


"Can we show off, next, that we clutch done suchlike

to be standard by God? No, since our stay of execution is not based on good activities. It is based on glory ["in Jesus"]. So we are through apposite with God nominated glory and not by obeying the law" (ROMANS 3:27-28).

The chief differences relating the Qur'an and

the Bible are in the Bible's image of 1) who God is (his holy and

scarcely private and key

This episode in the beginning appeared in "77 FAQS JUST ABOUT GOD AND THE BIBLE" by Sean McDowell and Mock McDowell

(2012). Cast-off by depart from Gather Situate Publishers.

This belief that our good

works are what really matters to God is further under arrest by the crowd of today's supposed Christians. One study by means of supposed Christians in North America revealed that 81 percent alleged the human being of the Christian glory was "exasperating harder to smattering the secret code described in the Bible."

Origin: thelema-and-faith.blogspot.com

Introduction And Welcome

Introduction And Welcome
Well, it seems fitting to give this blog some sort of introduction rather than just jumping into the middle of things. That being the case, I guess I should tell you about myself which will then give you the overall understanding of this blog.

I was raised by my grandparents in a Independent Fundamental Baptist household. They were somewhat hypocritical in choosing somethings in life that would be considered less than favorable in Christian circles. This being said of their religious views, one might also come to the conclusion they were right-wing, Reagan Republicans, which would be correct.

At the age of 4, I started attending an extremely strict, Fundamental Baptist school. I was active in my church and the perfect angelic child, till I became a teen of course. I had always had questions about my religion, questions that even the best Christian scholars around me couldn't answer. So for me, my religion wasn't good enough. It had too many loop holes and exceptions, and not to mention insanely outdated rules most of which were developed by strange old men who thought they were doing us all a favor.

Well, as I mentioned, I became the rebellious teen, just like all teens are at some point in there life. I started dating (Oh no!), became interested in online gaming, and started exploring other religions. I know, it doesn't sound that rebellious does it? But in my family it was. The stress of everything, including feeling like I didn't fit in no matter where I was, was too much to handle. I ended up getting kicked out of my straight-laced Christian school only 5 months before graduation. Why? Because I had a mental break down and left school and went to a friends house.

Anyway, going to public school, even but for a few months, opened my eyes to the fact that the world had different types of people. And they weren't bad and evil like I had been warned about either. It was here that I was introduced to my first real live witch. I never felt more at home than I did there. For once I was happy.

It wasn't until later that I began to embrace the fact that I wanted to be a Wiccan. Well, my husband didn't think it was all that great at all. In fact, it scared the living daylights out of him. So once again, back into the closet I pushed my Wiccan wants and desires.

Two years later, my husband and I are now divorced. I met some one who was a little more open minded and different than any one I had ever met before. After a few months, I decided that I didn't want to hide anymore and I was going to tell him flat out, "Honey, I'm a witch." Much to my surprise, I was met with the simple answer of "OK." I sat there for a moment thinking, "There has to be more to it than that." After a little digging and questioning, I learned he had Wiccan friends and had even been to a few rituals himself.

So now with loving support, I start my journey. I have since joined a local Wiccan group and been to a few rituals myself. I can't say that I've been more at home and happier than I am now. I hope you will enjoy learning as much as I do.

Origin: animals-and-shamanism.blogspot.com

Monday, August 16, 2010

From Maine To Haiti

From Maine To Haiti
PD and I are heading out for a short vacation to Maine. It's a bit of a "working vacation" because I'll be playing music each night for the guests at the bed and breakfast we stay at. In return, we get a great reduction in room rate for providing entertainment. (If the truth be told, playing music is never work for me thankfully)

On the way up we are planning on visiting the National Shrine of Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. We will get there in time for the 2 PM Mass, Lord willing! Thanks to Mass times.org we know where to find a Mass everyday on our itinerary. Just one of the many advantages to being Catholic!

When we return, I leave the next day for Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. The purpose will be to "scout out" a new area for a medical mission. We will be staying with a priest we met through the Twinning Program of the Americas. It is a Catholic organization that seeks to "twin" parishes in the US with impoverished parishes in the third world. St. Simon and Jude is the name of this new parish and Father Andrew Labatorio is the pastor. We hope to find out what the most pressing needs are and what we can do to meet them. I know one of the needs is money for a for a new church building as well as health care for his parishioners. I would covet your prayers over the next 10 days particularly from 8/19-8/21 while we are in Haiti. God bless.

PS. Song for our brothers and sisters in Haiti here.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Review The Book Of Lucifer

Review The Book Of Lucifer
I before I finish fixed to search the Periodical of Lucifer.The underlying deal out of Livri Luciferi is a 'translated' reproduction by a person named "Sollog Immanuel Adonai Adonai [PDF]" who runs a forethought website', and he has openly gotten a long way consequence for releasing this book on the internet. Purportedly this document was created by a Jewish man named Ben Shakur, and translated taking part in the Vulgate reproduction, which is going on for in English. The Livri Luciferi [or Livri Luciferius, The Periodical of Lucifer] is an internet document that was "originally in print on the parchment of worldly fleece in worldly blood" and inferior yet, according to the author's danger signal acquaint with is a blaspheme of Lucifer' in the book. I researched the name "Ben Shakur" It is not a Jewish name, it is Arabian. the exchange form is Shakir and translated it means "Positive, or Pleased". I violently mistrust the claims of the poet at that dot.The poet claims that the oldest reproduction of this book is from the 4th century, a summary created by Pope Sylvester. In comparisons of the verses in this document, I was formidable to find that the Latin journalism of the Livri Luciferi matches, word for word, the Stuttgart deal out of the Biblia Sacra Vulgata [the Latin repellent deal out], initial embossed in 1969. At this dot I was clear-cut that this document was created in modern period, by a infrequent poet. If this had been a true 4th century deal out of the Vulgate acquaint with would bring been a substantial adjust in the summary. The Stuttgart Rendering of the Bible would bring been a average, and very modern source of Latin verses for Sollog Adonai to use, to size the verses of the Livri Luciferi.So I don't virtually about this book, and the poet uses it for a selling-point, is that it is based on furtiveness and a created history. This created history is immovable by the trained of for all leaders, and civilization claim it is true, regardless of the actual start. In this ancient history that the poet created, the imposing civilization who had their hands on this book were the Templars, and The Priory of Embed, Copernicus, Galileo, Nostradamus, and even Isaac Newton. To me, this suppose that this book was handed down to all of these civilization is honestly insulting. To familiar the furtiveness the poet writes that this is the book of the upper limit secret societies in the world. It ended me wonder if it was that special and that ancient why it was going on for on the internet for free.I do not see in your mind's eye that this document is underlying, nor is it measure to satanists. the Livri Luciferi is a book created from bible verses transposed with the name of Lucifer. Unless you bring a elaborate to use it for irreverence or reading bible verses with the name of Satan or Lucifer in them, it is not a long way use for a satanic grimorie. So do you see in your mind's eye about the book of Lucifer? Is it a hoax?Vista the underlying document here: The Periodical of Lucifer

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Walter Veith Responds To Eud And Is Banned In German Churches By German Adventist Leaders

UPDATE REPORT: Walter Veith Responds to EUD and is Banned in German Churches by German Adventist LeadersOn the left: Bruno Vertallier (president of the Inter-European Division), on the right: Walter VeithAn inquiry is currently underway in Germany concerning Walter Veith and anti-semitism charges. In our previously published report, the circumstances and dialogue that took place in this incident are outlined. On December 4, 2012, the EUD made the decision 45 in favour, 4 opposed, and 1 undecided to ban Walter Veith from speaking in German SDA Churches for the second time. The previous ban took place in 2004 due to his lectures on Bible translations and what was termed as "conspiracy theories" which were highly disapproved of by German leaders. The ban was lifted in 2010, but now has been reinstated.Readers should note that there have been no complaints from Jews in regards to Walter's comments, nor have any non-SDAs had issue with the contents of his series. All complaints and disapproval originated from fellow SDA brethren, specifically those associated with the private news agency EANN (similar to Spectrum), and from Church leadership that sided with the accusers. The ban from speaking in German SDA Churches stems not from any public offence actually made, but rather from leadership so desperate to be politically correct that they rather sacrifice truth. Or is there a more sinister reason for their strong opposition to this message?The following letter was sent on December 5, 2012 by Walter Veith to Bruno Vertallier in response to his November 30, 2012 letter of disapproval and request to meet.Dear Brother VertallierThank you for your letter to which I would like to respond. Firstly, I never received any e-mails from you as you might have sent them to an old address and our telephone lines have been stolen so you would not have been able to reach me on the land line. Secondly, from the tone of your letter it is obvious that you did not accept my explanation of the 'small yellow cloth' phrase and I therefore assume that you suppose that it was intentionally derogatory towards the Jews as a people. It seems as though some people are bent on assuming evil intent because that is what they want to hear. The fact of the matter is that my lectures are too close to home for some and therefore every word is placed on the gold scale to find something objectionable and they refuse to accept my explanation that it was an issue of language barrier and nothing else.Let me spell it out for you: In my home language (Afrikaans) all diminutives are endearing and express empathy and we even have double diminutives and triple diminutives to express feelings. In German diminutives are often deemed derogatory and since German and Afrikaans share phrases it is natural for me to use Afrikaans nuances when speaking German. In fact I got into trouble before in Germany for saying that someone had a 'small heart' (kleines Herz) as opposed to 'large heart' (groes Herz). In Afrikaans someone with a small heart (klein hartjie -which by the way is a double diminutive) is kind, full of empathy, gentle, easily hurt, or endearing, but in German it means 'hard-hearted' or 'stingy'. In Afrikaans one would use the phrase 'small cloth' to distinguish it from the opposite extreme such as a large cloth like a bed sheet and no one would even think to interpret it otherwise. I therefore reiterate that I did not mean it in a derogatory sense and that I harbor no anti-Semitic sentiments. Moreover, having grown up in Africa and not in Germany, I was never associated with discrimination against the Jews nor did I ever side with or share any sentiments with those who did. On the contrary, discriminatory ideologies are abhorrent to me.My statements have been wrenched out of all proportions and since the actions of the SDA leadership in German-speaking Europe during the war were not exactly exemplary (as is clear from their apology in the 2005 declaration on anti-Semitism and also the recent reiteration of that declaration) I assume that you overreacted for fear that the past should haunt you. In line with that declaration, I too am against all forms of discrimination on the grounds of race or religion and stand firmly for religious liberty but I draw a clear line of distinction between the theological issues and the racial issues involved. It seems to me that some find it difficult to distinguish between the two because they carry this burden of guilt. The fact that the SDA church in Germany shares this guilt does, however, not give them the right to transfer this baggage onto me and to swing to the opposite extreme of discriminating against the 'antitypical Jews' who preach the Three Angels' Messages. If they do this, then their confession becomes a repentance of King Saul without the change of heart, because they demonstrate by their action that they are just as willing now to repeat their folly as they were then.As Seventh-day Adventists we have been called to present a particular message - the Three Angels' Messages - which will end in the clarion call to all who are trapped in Babylon to 'Come out of her, My people'. The false ideologies must be laid bare and Babylon will be exposed or else no one will know what they are to come out of. The trumpet must give a certain sound so the people can rally under the Lord's banner. This is the aim of my lectures and this should be the aim of every SDA evangelist as we are admonished 'not to let anything else occupy our minds'. Modern Babylonian ideologies are closely associated with a literal state of Israel and must therefore be exposed as false and this alone is the aim of my lectures. The preaching of the Three Angels' Messages is uncomfortable to those within our ranks who wish to be so politically correct that they are willing to sacrifice truth for worldly acceptance.The German leaders never consulted me before issuing a public statement to the churches and thereby did not follow the Biblical process as outlined in Matthew 18:15-20, thereby aligning themselves with the accusers. Furthermore, the legal procedures that have been initiated against me are also out of harmony with Scripture and since the leadership has not distanced itself from this process, they too are in breach of the Biblical admonition in this regard. Your letter to me clearly shows that the EUD position is no different from the above and therefore I now have no choice other than to place this response and some concerns of my own in the public domain as well.The modern ecumenical tendencies in our midst becloud the presentation of the Three Angels' Messages and it seems that our representatives in Europe (as published recently in a German SDA journal) cannot even give a reason as to why we believe that the papacy is the antichrist or why we as a church deem it necessary to hand out the 'Great Controversy'. Are we not admonished against ecumenical associations and will this not be a stumbling block to the propagation of our message? Why is it that not a word of remonstrance is heard when false practices are brought into the church? Most of leadership seems unconcerned when Spiritual Formation comes into our ranks like a flood in spite of the fact that it has its roots in Jesuitical spirituality (as dealt with extensively in my lecture 'The Jesuits and the Counterreformation'). We go even further and advertise books with these sentiments in official church publications. Why was there no public rebuke when a speaker at one of our institutes in Europe advocated blessings by Wiccan witches and why was this speaker even permitted to speak at other SDA institutes? Were those involved ever given letters of rebuke? I am aware that this is not only a European problem and that other institutes have permitted Jesuits and other such speakers to speak at Adventist forums.Why is it that our youth is led astray at official gatherings with music and performances that have no semblance of heaven? I have watched shocking videos of youth and church leaders in Europe engaging in events that would even make other denominations blush. Are we so bent on apostasy that concerned brethren are driven to cry between the porch and the altar for all the evil that is done in Israel? Even Conference Presidents have expressed their deep sadness with regard to this issue to me personally. Again, I acknowledge that this is a worldwide problem, but that the leadership should lead the way in this apostasy, is indeed astounding.Why is it that we willingly adopt the practices of non-SDA mega churches and emerging church theologies that change our message and our outreach to one of 'correction of social injustices' rather than a message of salvation? It seems this is the new wave. Did those who teach these things ever receive letters of rebuke? Is it right that these new methods should be drummed into our students and that we should embrace these practices when we are not only admonished by the Spirit of Prophecy that we should steer clear of such things but are even warned that they would come in like a flood. Do we really want to be part of this fulfillment of prophecy or should we do all in our power to stop it?Why is it that there was no official letter of rebuke from Europe when most of the delegates of that territory voted against the clarification of our position regarding the literal Six-day Creation? Why are evolutionary ideologies not only embraced in our ranks, but the 'princes of Israel', who are supposed to lead the flock in the ancient paths align themselves publicly with this apostasy? When the testimonies that were once believed are marginalized and relegated to the 'trash heap of nineteenth century literature', then the road to perdition is sure to follow. Why are leading figures allowed to slight and ridicule the testimonies and no action is taken against them? Does the Spirit of Prophecy not form part of our fundamental beliefs?Where does Europe stand when it comes to the ordination issue? Irrespective of where we stand on the issue personally, why are there rumblings of secession from the ranks because pet theories are placed above church unity? Did Christ pray in vain for unity? Is it necessary to print an additional watered-down evangelically-minded Sabbath School lesson book just to avoid the sentiments expressed in the Spirit of Prophecy and hereby cause divisions in the church in Europe and indeed in the world?The list could go on and on but I will leave it there. There are many voices of concern regarding these issues, not least of which is that of Elder Ted Wilson who stands out like a beacon of hope and I believe that God has placed him there for a time like this. It is shameful how he was and still is treated by some in our ranks. We can no longer remain silent in the face of these things or else we will be found wanting. We will have to meet these challenges head on ("Iceberg ahead - meet it!") and may God be gracious to us during the shaking which must come.Regarding the issue of Freemasonry and the Jesuits, these matters are clearly outlined in the Spirit of Prophecy and I feel that further discussions would not be fruitful. If we disregard the Spirit of Prophecy, how will we ever understand our SDA mission? Therefore nothing that I could say would change your perceptions. I have stated my case in the past and up to date have never received any reply regardingthese documents and I append them again for your clarification.I wish to assure you that I love Christ and His truth, as given to our pioneers, with all my heart. I believe that this church will go through to the Kingdom and I will continue to do all in my power to call people into its ranks and it is my prayer that the church will unify on the true Advent message as it was preached from 1842 to 1846 {GCB, April 6, 1903 par. 35; 1 MR 52.2}. I thank God for the pioneers and godly Adventists who as late as 1952 published our first declaration of fundamental beliefs under the official auspices of the General Conference in the book "Principles of Life". I stand by this Adventism and by the grace of God will not be moved.I wish to make an appeal to you in the words of the Spirit of prophecy:SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS ARE NOW TO STAND FORTH SEPARATE AND DISTINCT, A PEOPLE DENOMINATED BY THE LORD AS HIS OWN. UNTIL THEY DO THIS, HE CANNOT BE GLORIFIED IN THEM. TRUTH AND ERROR CANNOT STAND IN COPARTNERSHIP. LET US NOW PLACE OURSELVES WHERE GOD HAS SAID THAT WE SHOULD STAND.... WE ARE TO STRIVE FOR UNITY BUT NOT ON THE LOW LEVEL OF CONFORMITY TO WORLDLY POLICY AND UNION WITH THE POPULAR CHURCHES.--LT 113, 1903. {2MCP 559.2}Your Brother in ChristWalter VeithAppended Documents:Walter Veith's response to BRI (May 2004) - no response received to date."You should not believe your conscience and your feelings more than the Word which the Lord who receives sinners preaches to you." ~ Martin LutherSOURCE.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Originals Spoiler Will Hayley Turn During Pregnancy

The Originals Spoiler Will Hayley Turn During Pregnancy

There was a lot of fan reaction to the HAYLEY "loophole of nature" pregnancy plot twist revealed on the backdoor pilot of The Vampire Diaries spinoff The Originals. Although the fans were surprised apparently the cast knew about it. As we get closer to the premiere, there are a lot of questions both the cast and the writers have been thinking about and plotting storylines around.

From the Director's Cut just released on The CW website, it looks like there will be a power play between Elijah and the witches over who has control of Hayley and her hybrid baby and pregnancy. The witches want to use Hayley and the baby to force Klaus to do their bidding. Elijah wants to protect his family and help Klaus regain control of New Orleans. The bottom line will probably be the same. The witches will be free of Marcel's control be able to practice their magic again.

There have been many questions, such as would it be born a hybrid, what supernatural powers might it have, will it be a girl or a boy, etc.? Recently Joseph Morgan, who plays Klaus, the hybrid daddy-to-be, asked another question that's been on everybody's minds, including Julie Plec's.


Does it turn every full moon when it's in the womb? How does she deal with that? With the claws and everything else.

Julie thought that question was really great and revealed that she and the writers have been pondering the same question. Her answer seemed to both surprise and please the cast, especially Phoebe Tonkin, who plays the pregnant Hayley!


Well, I will tell you this: We did have dialogue in the original episode, and I think we are putting it into the episode that will be our first episode in October. We're talking about Hayley's pregnancy and how do you know, and she says, 'Look up.' And it's a full moon, and she says, 'I'm not turning.' You know, that's werewolf culture. When women are pregnant that's the one time the curse releases itself so the werewolf bloodlines can continue to procreate.

Sounds like a pretty good answer. After all, if the baby and or Hayley transformed during the full moon, then chances are neither one would survive. As the pregnancy progresses, we may learn more about female werewolves with child ala Julie Plec!

The Originals premieres with a whole new pilot on Tuesday, October 15th, 2013 at 8/7c on The CW!

Source: healing-magic.blogspot.com

Yoga For Health

Yoga For Health
Yoga is a reputation which refers to the union of the everyday with the God or the Heart with the Leader Heart. This reputation is several a epoch recycled to demote physical file or seek permission Yoga postures (Yoga asanas) as several public notice yoga masters are coming up with the sight of making money with this magical word. Yogasana is a part of the advanced picture. According to the eight washout path of the grown-up saint Patanjali, Yogasana is one of the eight components that would aid in achieving the authority of union of the Heart with the Leader self.

A good health would be a natural shrewdness if the Yoga happens. Yes, it has to become obvious. We can seek permission relief the trickle by means of some hard work nearing meditation.

For feat a fitting meditation, the body has to be strong sufficient to sit in a competent attitude. Too the nomad consider has to be brought under wear. Yoga asana would help cause these in the essential stages. An advanced meditator may vote for to be in power feat asanas or seek permission get the dole out hope against hope in the consider and body with clearly meditation.

A good build up and a satisfying consider possibly will be a achieved by a fitting practice of the yogasanas (yoga postures) lay aside with a competent diet. But, for the spiritual jaunt to expansion quicker, it is plain to make meditation, a relaxed part of the life. Beside meditation, the increase of the everyday center would be several epoch quicker. In this increase trickle, a picture would become over divine, renouncing the Ego and lime hygienic love.

Meditation has a function effect on the consider and the body. Set even as the closing dispute of meditation is to transcend consider and to smack relief, lay aside the way, one would be blessed with a good health and a strong consider to remain in this world gloriously.

Important articles

* Meditation and Chance
* Cure by means of Reiki

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

South Staffs Water And Smartreach In Trial To Connect Hard To Reach Meters

South Staffs Water And Smartreach In Trial To Connect Hard To Reach Meters


Trial of SmartReachs long-range radio communications solution for up to 1,000 smart water meters in Kinver


SmartReach selected because of its proven ability to communicate with meters in hard to reach locations


Builds on existing successful trials of SmartReachs communications solution for energy and water smart meters

SmartReach, a collaboration of Arqiva, BT, BAE Systems Detica and Sensus, together with South Staffs Water, have announced a new trial to connect up to 1,000 smart water meters in Kinver, South Staffordshire. Many of these meters are in underground chambers, under metal lids, creating a challenge for most communications technologies.

Smart water meters provide much greater visibility of the use of water by individual households. Reliable, continuously available smart meter data can help identify unusual consumption patterns that indicate leaks on peoples property. It can also support improved management and reduction of leaks across the water network, as well as providing valuable data to optimise future network investments.

Colin Wayper, Network Director, South Staffs Water, commented, We selected the long-range radio communications solution from SmartReach because it is proven to connect to smart meters in the demanding British environment, even in locations where other communications technologies tend to suffer from patchy or unreliable coverage. The SmartReach solution also offers long term flexibility, with the potential to cover water networks as well as the metering of homes.

Sean Weir, Programme Director, SmartReach added, Smart water and energy metering has the potential to deliver billions of pounds worth of energy, water and operational efficiency savings for utilities and their customers. Achieving these benefits depends on proven, reliable smart metering communications technology. Weve already demonstrated that our long-range radio solution connects to over 99% of energy and water smart meters with a single installation visit. We are looking forward to building on this success by delivering a highly reliable service for South Staffs Water and its customers.

SmartReachs trials (http://smartreach.com/trials/home/) have proven the suitability of its solution to connect first time to smart meters wherever they are across Great Britain. The technology behind SmartReach has also been widely deployed in the US, with 15 million smart meter and grid end points using Sensus long-range radio technology.



Arqiva, BT, BAE Systems Detica and Sensus are working together to promote the SmartReach solution for Britains smart meter and smart grid programme. The SmartReach solution is an end-to-end data communications network that will provide a dedicated, secure, resilient and universal route to supporting the Governments mandate for providing all homes and small premises with smart meters by 2020.



Arqiva, the communications infrastructure and media services company, operates at the heart of the broadcast, satellite and mobile communications markets.

The company is at the forefront of network solutions and services in the digital world. Arqiva provides much of the infrastructure behind television, radio, satellite and wireless communications in the UK and has a significant presence in Ireland, mainland Europe and the USA. Customers include major broadcasters such as the BBC, ITV, BSkyB and the independent radio groups, major telco providers including the UK's five mobile network operators, and the emergency services.



BT is one of the worlds leading communications services companies, serving the needs of customers in the UK and in more than 170 countries worldwide. Our main activities are the provision of fixed telephony lines and calls, broadband, mobile and TV products and services as well as managed networked IT services.

In the UK we are a leading communications services provider, selling products and services to consumers, small and medium sized enterprises and the public sector. We also sell wholesale products and services to communications providers in the UK and around the world. Globally, we supply managed networked IT services to multinational corporations, domestic businesses and national and local government organisations.



BAE Systems Detica delivers information intelligence solutions to government and commercial customers. We help them collect, exploit and manage data so they can deliver critical business services more effectively and economically. We also develop solutions to strengthen national security and resilience.

We integrate and deliver world-class solutions to our customers most complex operational problems - often applying our own unique intellectual property. Our services include cyber security, managing risk and compliance, data analytics, systems integration and managed services, strategy and business change and the development of innovative software and hardware technologies.

Detica is part of BAE Systems, a global defence, aerospace and security company with approximately 90,000 employees worldwide. BAE Systems delivers a full range of products and services for air, land and naval forces, as well as advanced electronics, security, information technology solutions and customer support services.



Sensus is a leading utility infrastructure company offering smart meters, communication systems, software and services for the electric, gas, and water industries. Sensus technology helps utilities drive operational efficiency and customer engagement with applications that include advanced meter reading, data acquisition, demand response, distribution automation, home area networking and outdoor lighting control. Customers worldwide trust the innovation, quality and reliability of Sensus solutions for the intelligent use and conservation of energy and water.



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Email: jo@rocketcomms.net / Lawwrence@rocketcomms.net

Source: RealWire

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Pagan Blog Project M Is For Making The Choice To Leave Paganism

Pagan Blog Project M Is For Making The Choice To Leave Paganism
Today on my Facebook page, a fan commented that he had recently decided to leave paganism but remains pagan friendly. I was fascinated by this. I read stories all the time about people who come to paganism, but it's rare that I read about someone who leaves paganism.

So I decided to do some research on the topic. I was't surprised that an article at Pagan Wiccan About.com immediately came up. However, I was surprised that Patti echoed my sentiments about this unusual topic when she wrote, "...it is rare indeed to have a conversation about why someone might choose to leave a Pagan spirituality for another religion."

In the article, Patti shares stories about people who left for many different reasons. Among the reasons were going back to Christianity, deciding they didn't want to identify with any particular religion, and realizing they never really were pagan after all.

This past January, Star Foster decided to leave paganism. In this article she gives a touching and bittersweet account of why she made this choice and how it's affected her in the months since. However it's interesting that there is an older article written at Patheos as an April Fool's joke. Star joked about abandoning paganism to become a Pastafarian, a follower of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. It reminds me of the idiom "There's many a true word spoken in jest."

BajorRon from the blog BajorRon's World, writes about how he decided to leave "organized paganism." He writes, "I still consider myself 'pagan' (though 'pantheist' would cover it probably better) but I will leave things like pagan forums and chatrooms, pagan events and conferences and membership of pagan groups and organisations."

Nightshade at The Purple Broom also writes about her negative experiences with the pagan community and how she felt like she didn't fit in, felt misunderstood, and got caught in the middle of pagan disagreements.

It is because of this dissension that people are not exactly abandoning paganism, but the label of paganism. Many feel the term is simply too general. While some love that paganism is an umbrella religion and spirituality, others are not so eager to embrace "Big Tent paganism" - a phrase I've borrowed from Jason Mankey. He blogs regularly about how there is room enough for all of us. His most recent post compares the different branches of paganism to kids in a sandbox. (Talk about your mixed metaphors there.)

The problem is not everyone wants to be in that sandbox. The majority of these people seem to be Reconstructionalists. Rogue Priest is such a person. He says this about paganism, "That term just isn't accurate: it doesn't speak to my beliefs, my practices, or my community. I am a priest of the Old Belief, a polytheist through and through, and more than anything else the Heroic Life is my religion." Many have chosen to identify themselves as Heathens, not pagans.

Yvonne wrote and interesting article at her blog Sermons on the Mound with the appropriate title The Pagan Umbrella is Leaking. Yvonne explained that part of the reason some are abandoning the term "pagan" is because of fluffy Wiccans. She doesn't use this term. Instead she calls it "watered down Wicca." She writes, "As a polytheist, initiated, Gardnerian Wiccan, I would really like it if eclectic Paganism was not 'watered-down Wicca. Create your own rituals; don't bastardize ours."

Ouch. Unfortunately, she seems to imply that anyone who practices eclectic Wicca isn't true Wiccan. I find that incredibly insulting to all eclectics. However, I can't deny that "watered down" versions of "all" pagan traditions exist. There are fluffy pagans, Reconstructionalists, Heathens, Druids, witches, shamans, and Wiccans out there. I would not go as far to say that they are "less than" but I will say dabbling does not make one an expert.

Briana wrote an interesting article on the topic. She argues that it's not the actual fluffy (watered down) Wiccans that give Wicca a bad name, but the stereotype of the fluffy Wiccan. Her article also brings into a question another issue. She writes, "Unfortunately for a lot of us in the Pagan faith, many people think that Pagan and Wiccan are synonymous, and they have a bad impression of Wiccans."

I once asked the fans of my Facebook page if Wiccan and Pagan mean the same thing. A third said yes, another third said no, and the rest of them said something in between. This goes back to the issue Reconstructionalists seem to have with the term paganism. It's all about specifics. The question begs to be asked though: Can Reconstructionalists really abandon the term paganism?

Jason Mankey argues in his article Running From the Word Pagan that you can't if you still participate in the pagan community. He argues, "If you don't want to be called a Pagan or be thought of as a Pagan, the only real solution is to probably divorce the Pagan Community and then not share your spiritual beliefs with anyone."

He also makes the great point that it might be hard for the rest of us in the pagan community to not call them pagan. He writes, "It's hard for me not to think of them as Pagans. Maybe it's just selfishness because I want all of those folks in my tribe, but I certainly don't call them Pagan out of disrespect." I think the pagan community as a whole shares the same sentiment. We don't mean any disrespect.


I'm also choosing to leave paganism behind. Only in name. I've been struggling this past year with whether or not I consider myself to be pagan or to be Wiccan. After much introspection and resistance I am returning to the religion of Wicca. I find my personal beliefs and practices as of late are much more in line with Wicca than they are general paganism. However, I will follow the tradition of studying a year and a day before dedicating myself to the Wiccan path. I feel there's no better time to announce my commitment than today of all days, June 21st, 2013, Summer Solstice.

The overall pagan content of the blog for the most part will not change, but there may be a few more posts exploring specifically Wiccan themes. The purpose of my blog has always been to be informative about paganism as a whole and that will not change. I do hope that by choosing to identify myself now as Wiccan, I don't lose any readers. I've identified myself as a pagan for the last 15 years or so, meaning this decision was a hard one and not made lightly. I can no longer deny what is true about myself. I will not, however, stop identifying myself as a witch.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Sh Vadvanal Stotra With Meaning And Translation

Sh Vadvanal Stotra With Meaning And Translation
Shri HanumanShri HanumatVadavaanala Stotramshri-hanuman-vadvanal-stotram-part1


Following is the transcription of the every word of the stotra into English. It is very difficult for me; however I have tried to give the best. Please hear the Stotra at a slow speed and at the same time try to pronounce by seeing the transcription. I will be very much happy if my work helps the devotee of God Hanuman.

Shri Ganeshaaya Namaahaa

II Om asya Shri Hanumaan Vadvaanal Stotra Mantrasya II

II Shri Ramachandra Rushiihi II

II Shri Vadvaanal Hanumaan Devataa II

II Mama Samasta Roga prashamanaartham SitaRamachandra priithyartham II

II HanumanVadvanal Stotra japam Aham karishye II 1 II

II Om Rhaam Rhim Om Namo Bhagvate Shri MahaHanumate Pragatparaakram II

II Sakaldig Mandal Yashotavitaana DhavaliikrutJagatritaya VajraDeha II

II Rudraavataara Lankaapurii Dahana UmaaAmala Mantra Udadhi Bandhana II

II DashaShiraha Krutaantaka SitaSwasana Vaayuputra AnjaniGarbhaSambhuta II

II ShriRaama LaxmaNaananadkara KapiSainyapraakaara Sugriivasahaahya II

II RaNapartotpaaTana kumaarBrahmachaarin Gabiirnaada II

II SarvaPaapaGarhaVaaraNa Sarvajvarochhaatana DaakiniiVidhanvasana II 2 II

II Om Rhaam Rhim Om Namo Bhagvate Mahaaviiraviiraaya Sarvadhu:kha Nivaaranaaya II

II Graha Mandala SarvaBhoota Mandal SarvapishaachaMandalochchatana II

II Boota Jwara Ekaahika Jwara Dwayaahika Jwara Tryaahika Jwara II

II Chaaturthika Jwara Santaapa Jwara Vishama Jwara Taapa Jwara II

II MaaheSvara VaiSnavaJwarana Chhindhi Chhindhi YakshabrahmaRakshasa II

II Boota Preta Pishaachaan Uchchaataya Uchchaataya II 3 II

II Om Rhaam Rhim Om Namo Bhagvate Shri MahaHanumate II 4 II

II Om Rhaam Rhim Rhum Rhaim Rhaha Aam Haam Haam Haam Oum Soum Ehi Ehi II

II Om Ham Om Ham Om Ham Om Ham II 5 II

II Om Namo Bhagvate Shri MahaHanumate ShrvanChakshu Bhutaanaam II

II ShaakiniiDaakiniinaama VishamaDushTaanaama Sarvavisham Hara Hara II 6 II

II Aakaasha Bhuvanam Bhedaya Bhedaya Chedaya Chedaya Maaraya Maaraya II

II Shoshaya Shoshaya Mohaya Mohaya Jwaalaya Jwaalaya II

II Prahaaraya Prahaaraya SakalMaayaam Bhedaya Bhedaya II 7 II

II Om Rhaam Rhim Om Namo Bhagvate Shri MahaHanumate II

II Sarva GrahochchaaTana Parabalam Kshobhaya Kshobhaya II

II Sakal Bandhana MokshaNam kuru kuru II 8 II

II ShiraShula GulamaShula SarvaShulaana Nirmulaya Nirmulaya II

II Naagapaashaanata Vaasuki Takshaka Karkotaka Kaaliyaan II

II Yakshakula Jalagata Bilagat Raatrinchara Divaachara Sarvaan Nirvishan Kuru kuru Swaha II 9 II

II RaajaBhaya ChoraBhaya ParaMantra ParaYantra ParaTrantra ParaVidyaan Chedaya Chedaya II 10 II

II SwaMantra SwaYantra SwaTantra SwaVidyaaha PrakaTaya PrakaTaya II 11 II

II SarvaarishTaan Naashaya Naashaya II 12 II

II SarvaShatrun Naashaya Naashaya II 13 II

II asaadhyam Saadhaya Saadhaya II 14 II

II Hum Fat Swaahaa II 15 II

II Iti BibhiishaNa Krutam HanumatVadavaanala Stotram SampooraNam II

Shri Hanuman Vadvanal Stotra

Meaning/TranslationThis stotra is in Sanskrit and it is creation of Vibhishana- Ravana's brother. Initially this stotra starts with praise of shri Hanuman admiring his virtues and describing his tremendous power. Then very wisely, God Hanuman is requested by the devotee to remove all the diseases, bad health and all sorts of troubles from the life. Further God Hanuman is requested to protect from all sorts of fear, trouble and make us free from all evil things. Finally God Hanuman is requested to give the blessing, success Sound Health and everything we ask from him.

This stotra is very auspicious and powerful. Anybody reciting this stotra daily at least once; with full concentration, devotion and unshakable faith in mind, receives all the good things in life as described above. Please have a faith.

Following is the translation of the every stanza of the stotra. It is very difficult for me to translate since 1) Sanskrit is very ancient language in which each word, many times have many meanings. 2) My Sanskrit knowledge is elementary. 3) English is not my language hence finding exact word for Sanskrit word is also difficult. 4) However it is my sincere effort to give the best. 5) Any corrections, suggestions are welcomed.

1) This Hanuman Vadvanal Stotra Starts with bowing to God Ganesha. Rushi of this stotra is Ramchandra. Devata (god) of the stotra is Shri Vadvalal Hanuman. I recite this Hanuman Vadvanal stotra for curing all my diseases and for shri SitaRamchandra.

2) Now starts the praise of God Hanuman. He is victorious in all directions. He is victorious in all three worlds (Patala, Prithavi and Swarga). He has very strong body (Vajra deha). He became very furious and set Lanka on fire. Ravana having 10 Heads was feared. God Hanuman knows Uma amala Mantra. He looks like a very big and giant cloud having water in it. He is son of Wind and Anjani is his mother. He made God Rama and Laxman happy. He helped Sugriva by being leader of Monkey-army. At the time of war with Ravana's army, He was throwing Hills, mountains on the enemy army. He is Brahmachary means unmarried. He is very serious. He can destroy bad effects of the Grahas, He can destroy all type of diseases causing because of high body temperature. He makes us free from all sorts of troubles, however serious may be. He can destroy demons.

3) I bow to God Hanuman who is very powerful and strong and ask him for his blessing and removing my sorrows. He makes Graha Mandal, All living beings Mandal, free from all Demons, Ghosts.etc. Troubles from Demons and any dangers from anything and anybody are removed by him. Hence I request him to make me free from all above types of dangers, troubles. I request him to destroy ghosts, demons and evil crops.

4) I bow to Shri God Hanuman.

5) Om Rhaam Rhim Rhum Rhaim Rhaha Aam Haam Haam Haam Oum Soum Ehi Ehi Om Ham Om Ham Om Ham Om Ham. This is the Bija Mantra.

6) I request him to remove all type of poison from Demons, Ghosts and other evil things.

7) Those ugly things which are in the sky, God Hanuman please beat them, destroy them for me and make me free from there trouble.

I bow to God Hanuman and request him to make me free from the troubles of planets (which are not favorable to me in my horoscope). Please make me free from all types of bondages.

9) Please make me free from headache, body ache and from all sorrows. Please make me free from NagBandhan of Anant, Vasuki, Takshaka, Kaliyan and karkotak (the names of renowned big serpants from Naga Loka). Yaksha, the creatures leave in Water, The creatures leave under soil, the creatures move in the night, the creatures move in the day all of them are poisonous and troublesome to me, Hence O! God Hanuman please remove there poison. Make them poisonous less.

10) Please remove fear from King, thief, and also fear from enemy's weapon, Mantra and trantra and destroy them.

11) Please give me knowledge of (SwaMantra SwaYantra SwaTantra SwaVidyaaha PrakaTaya PrakaTaya) developing all good qualities in myself.

12) Please destroy all my troubles and difficulties.

13) Please destroy all my enemies.

14) Please give me knowledge, power and energy to convert all impossible into possible.

15) Hum Fat Swaahaa.

Here completes Hanuman Vadvanal Stotra.

Taken from

I sincerely salute the effort made, may the Lord Hanuman bless you. There are quite a few mistakes that i will try to rectify shortly.


This stotra is in Sanskrit and it is creation of Bibhishana- Ravanas brother. Initially this stotra starts with praise of shri Hanuman admiring. Shri Hanuman Vadvanal Stotram, As this mantra contains "BIJ Mantra,thus is very powerful it should be recited on wednesday to ward of all ills.