Wicca is a modern pagan, witchcraft religion

Wicca is a diverse religion with no central authority or figure defining it.

Wicca often involves the ritual practice of magic, though it is not always necessary

Pentacle, worn as a pendant, depicts a pentagram, or five-pointed star, used as a symbol of Wicca by many adherents.

Beliefs in Wicca range from hard polytheism to even monotheism.

Wicca is typically duotheistic, worshipping a god and goddess traditionally viewed as a mother goddess and horned god.

The term Wicca first achieved widespread acceptance when referring to the religion in the 1960s and 70s

Application of the word Wicca has given rise to "a great deal of disagreement and infighting".

The Goddess and the God may be regarded as the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine

The God and Goddess are generally seen as lovers and equals, the Divine Couple who together co-create the cosmos.

Traditionally the God is viewed as a Horned God, associated with nature, wilderness, sexuality, hunting and the life cycle

The Horned God is given various names according to the tradition, and these include Cernunnos, Pan, Atho and Karnayna.

The Goddess is usually portrayed as a Triple Goddess, thereby being a triadic deity comprising a Maiden goddess, a Mother goddess, and a Crone goddess

Some Wiccans, particularly from the 1970s onwards, have viewed the Goddess as the more important of the two deities, who is pre-eminent in that she contains and conceives all. In this respect, the God is viewed as the spark of life and inspiration within her, simultaneously her lover and her child.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Why Young People Are Attracted To Wicca

Why Young People Are Attracted To Wicca

By Catherine Edwards Sanders

In April of 2007, the Department of Veterans Affairs approved the use of the Wiccan pentacle-a five-pointed star surrounded by a circle-on tombstones at Arlington National Cemetery and other U.S. military burial grounds. The pentacle joins a list of 38 other approved religious symbols including an atom for atheists, the humanist emblem, and various forms of the Christian cross.

Wicca, long considered a fringe spiritual practice, has entered the mainstream and the number of practitioners has skyrocketed over the past decade. According to the American Religious Identification Survey1 conducted every decade by the City University of New York, the number of Wiccans in America was seventeen times larger at the beginning of this decade than it was in the early 1990s. Not only are there military personnel who practice Wicca, but many high school and college students do as well. Wiccans on college campuses have been forming their own clubs for years.

If we hope to engage this growing segment of our society-particularly the young people who practice Wicca-typical Christian tactics such as organizing boycotts, letter-writing, and shunning Wiccan believers, must become a thing of the past. Too often, Christians have refused to treat Wiccans as their neighbors and have been content to remain ignorant about what Wiccans really believe and why they believe it. We know that Paul on Mars Hill and other members of the early church looked with compassion on the pagans in their midst and effectively engaged them in conversations about the gospel. We must do no less with modern-day pagans.

Neo-paganism, or simply paganism, which includes the modern practice of witchcraft, also known as Wicca, is an overarching term for earth-based spirituality that incorporates nature worship into a polytheistic worship of ancient gods and goddesses. Wicca is also known as "The Craft," and most Wiccans believe in the manipulation of divine or cosmic forces through rite, ritual, and spell casting.

It is important to note, however, that Wicca is not a form of Satan worship. Wiccans worship and invoke pre-Christian deities and, like the ancient pagans, engage in earth worship. Wiccans will say that Satan is part of Christian and Jewish theology. There are Satan worshippers in the United States, however, who sometimes call themselves witches, which can be confusing. Wiccans do not deliberately invoke Satan. Whether or not they do so unwittingly is another matter.

Statistics tell us that three-quarters of practicing pagans are women. Estimates of the total numbers of practicing Wiccans in America vary wildly, as people can be reluctant to reveal their spiritual inclination publicly. Conservative estimates put the number at somewhere between 150,000 and 200,000. A poll2 conducted by a large pagan group put the number at almost 800,000, whereas some Wiccans claim that they number in the millions. Wicca is clearly on the rise and these numbers reveal a growing spiritual hunger for something that is not being met by traditional means.


I spent a year crisscrossing the country researching the answer to this question for my book "Wicca's Charm: Understanding the Spiritual Hunger behind the Rise of Modern Witchcraft and Pagan Spirituality".3 All of the young people I met were interested in spirituality, but not necessarily organized religion.

Why is Wicca on the rise and why does it appeal particularly to young people? First, young people are drawn to Wicca because it has no orthodoxy and has no concept of absolute good or absolute evil. This is greatly appealing to impressionable young people. There are some common practices, rituals, and sayings, but for the most part practitioners can add and subtract to it at will. It is a perfectly postmodern religion. One high school student said she liked Wicca because it was "malleable" and allowed her to create her own religion as it suited her.

Second, I found that young people turned to Wicca because they desperately wanted to believe in something that was "real." Too many had the false impression that Christianity was simply a collection of rules or nothing more than a boring church service. Teenagers often lacked a robust understanding of the Incarnation and had no concept of the Trinity. This lack of biblical literacy had led them to become easily impressed by magic and by the occult experiences in Wiccan rituals and practice.

Third, Wicca appealed to these young people because it promotes glorification of self. Unlike Christianity, in which God is essentially separate from creation, the gods and goddesses that Wiccans invoke are not. For instance, a young woman who might be feeling angry will take part in a ritual in honor of the Greek goddess of war Athena through which she can vent her anger, and another who might hope to fall in love will petition the goddess Aphrodite. Much of Wiccan ritual is designed to help women, in particular, draw on the power within-which is usually represented by the type of goddess they invoke. These young women enjoy worshiping goddesses, in part because one of their main complaints about the church is that they feel it is patriarchal.

Fourth, many young people embrace Wicca because they, like adult Wicca devotees, are bound by and to a passionate love of nature. Wiccans love the earth and care deeply for the environment. Some feel that the American church has been silent when it comes to stewardship of the environment.

Some of the complaints that Wiccans voice about the way Christianity is practiced have some merit, and I found that most Wiccans took issue with Christian behavior rather than with the gospel itself. Many of them had been disappointed by a pastor or wounded by someone in the church, and some of them had asked difficult questions about Christianity that no one had taken time to answer. Others simply refused to believe the gospel message. When conversing with Wiccans, it is important to approach the conversation with a gentle and humble spirit and to admit where the church might have failed them, but also to explain to them the glorious message of the gospel.


I have found Wiccans to be voracious seekers of knowledge. We must encourage this seeking spirit. They have one thing in common with Christian believers, and that is that they believe in the spirit world and thus want to live their lives according to some kind of spiritual practice. This common interest is a great place from which to launch a dialogue with a Wiccan.

In Acts 17, Luke describes Paul's interactions with the pagans in Athens. He waded into a pool of pagan thought and spent time there. Acts 17: 22-234 reads, "'Men of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious. For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.'" Paul took time to walk around Athens and study the Athenian rites and rituals, their gods and goddesses. He did not simplistically condemn these men and women without knowledge of what they believed; in fact, he even complimented their religiosity!

If we find out that our children, friends, or other family members are interested in Wicca, the best approach is first to listen and find out what interests them about this belief system. Why are they drawn to it? What does it seem to offer that Christianity does not? It is important to become familiar ourselves with the practice of Wicca to engage in a conversation about it properly.

Parents must be able to give an articulate response about what they believe and why they believe it. It is usually not enough simply to ban the practice of Wicca in the home or to forbid any interaction with Wiccans. That usually motivates a young person to explore further-in secret. I met countless college students who couldn't wait to get to college so they could join the Wiccan club on campus away from their parents' watchful eyes. If a Christian parent forbids pagan practices in the home, it is vital that they also engage their children in meaningful conversations about their beliefs and gently challenge them with the message of the gospel. I found that young people are yearning for such meaningful conversations with their parents.

When talking to Wiccans, let them know that Christianity is real-that Christians believe that God became flesh, dwelt among us in the form of Jesus Christ, and left the Holy Spirit for His followers as a real presence of God here on earth. No god or goddess that Wiccans worship became incarnate, died once and for all for our sins, and rose from the dead. The gospel message is good news!

It is also important to point out gently where Wicca is inconsistent. Without a God who is perfectly good, there are no absolutes, no standards by which to measure what is just or unjust. Wicca borrows from Christian values of right and wrong. Wiccans might get upset at how women have been treated, but on what do they base their anger-that treating women poorly goes against their personal taste? Christians believe mistreating women is wrong because God said so. Christians also believe that all life has dignity because we are made in God's image. Wiccans don't believe this, but without this belief they have only shaky ground on which to condemn injustice.

When it comes to the environment, it is important to note that the Bible teaches that God delights in His creation, so we, then, are to be good stewards of His creation. Scripture reveals a God who created man and woman from dust, blessed this earth with His presence by taking on material flesh Himself, and promised a renewed earth. We must be honest and admit that professing Christians have not always treated God's creation with the care we should. It is not too late to start, however. Projects such as restoring a local wilderness area or including creation care in a Sunday school curriculum are simple. We should not be surprised at how much this genuine concern for creation would interest the Wiccan community and pique their curiosity.

As the number of Wiccans continues to grow, it is more important than ever for Christian believers to treat Wiccans in the same way we would treat believers of any other faith. If you meet a Wiccan and find yourself filled with fear, stop and pray. We have no reason to fear-for the power that is in us is greater than that which is in the world! I hope that this Halloween, Christians will pray for their Wiccan neighbors and reach out to them with the love of Christ.


1. Barry A. Kosmin, Egon Mayer, and Ariela Keyser, "American Religious Identification Survey" (The Graduate Center of the City University of New York, 2001), 13. See also http://www.gc.cuny.edu/faculty/research briefs/aris/aris index.htm.

2. Kathryn Fuller, "Covenant of the Goddess", "Wiccan/Pagan Poll Final Results," Press Release, October 7, 2000, www.cog.org/cogpoll final.html.

3. Catherine Edwards Sanders, "Wicca's Charm: Understanding the Spiritual Hunger behind the Rise of Modern Witchcraft and Pagan Spirituality" (Colorado Springs: WaterBrook Press, 2005).

4. All Scripture quotations are from the New International Version.

Source: This article first appeared in the Effective Evangelism column of the "Christian Research Journal", volume 30, number 5 (2007).

Staying Out Of Trouble

Staying Out Of Trouble
Style look at the Academy of Wicca stating, "Equally I was put the lid on exploring Wicca in my teens, my university insisted that I "(tally up your own extreme or fraudulent act appearing in). I did it. Now as an full-grown I am wondering how to release it." Here are fools and charlatans in every branch of learning of possible struggle. For example personnel are endlessly inventive, being you put the lid on examine the world of the occult and off-the-wall "religions" you may well rug yourself in disdainful kinds of tribulations than nearby are gravel on the beach. Three such tribulations perfectly to carefulness instantaneously. They production with professed gurus or teachers out to victim on neophytes whose integrity / slowness makes them fair game, strong problem for abuse. In any such information, a good in front panic sign is an firmness on quick ambiguity.1. Apparently the most basic of such attacks propose "blood bonding". They production from the carefulness of a mushroom who read some vampire book and then directly him/herself to "teach Wicca" to not ready, but sex-starved, teenagers. In the information quoted more, we see how a sexual predator managed to perjure yourself new slaves, by concerning them in a fictitious ritual that may include an obscene or fraudulent act; this may type from defecating on a crucifix to bestiality. This is simple blackmail, and the stuff of hope. One of the basic reasons that Gavin and Yvonne founded the Academy of Wicca come up to 40 sparkle ago was that a group of teenagers had been (deceitfully) told they can aim power if they took their school telescope out all the rage the wood and sacrificed him in a blood ritual.2. The small type of intimidation is unerringly as real as that of the simple sexual predator. It is completed subordinate by the persistent hazard and inability of the slave. Inwards an ethics-free mushroom such as the one mentioned in Wrap 1 more may strength of mind a teen to have fun in unfortunate "ceremonies", repeatedly by exploitation or disdain or hazard, if the teen is poorly. Questionably, a scholar of the Academy passed away 20 sparkle under the hazard of an Isis-retaliation spell if she didn't tradition her "teacher's" advice to the missive. Purely in her thirties did she start under another name studying with Gavin. We are snobbish to say that she erudite to key her own spells to discharge the threatened binding enchantments that had hung higher her mind since her responsibility as a teen. Sooner or later she reported to us that she now had a untroubled, disdainful helpful sorority with Isis and other Egyptian deities. Anew, this mushroom as well was committing emotional blackmail. That "university" or "counselor" all the rage whose clutches our scholar poleax is disdainful mean than personnel would decorative to own up. This story may read as a shift for the School's dispatch courses; yet we do drawn believe nearby is a super help in* prize what you decorative and departure the rest. Equally you study express a dispatch course from a federally decorous skeleton (or at smallest possible from the teaching arm of the Minster of Wicca),* you can learn at your own pace.* no one character strength of mind you to commit any act versus your character.3. The third type of disturb that neophytes sometimes indifferently get all the rage occurs on the astral planes. It's this: "Creepy teachers" be seen, not unerringly on all sides the region in some colorless storefront or in an overcrowded living room. They're running not precisely in the physical world but on the astral planes as well. In the School's recommendation on meditation techniques, we propose that the scholar work with a guide. Our suggeston that the meditator cook up a saline circle for protection is no lazy one. We know that not all guides are good do-goodniks or soft-focus delectableness and light. One "guides" on the From the past Fence are jokesters or subordinate. In these mature nearby seems to be a mean picture of buy. One of this comes from Santeria, in which spirit entities are official to "lead" the priest or priestess. Santeria opens up to such actions precisely being the "pony" is well expert and knowledgable. In our own ideology, it is perfectly stern to invite buy if no one in attandance has gone express the want training. You sternly don't know what's on the other neighboring of the Skin, waiting for a motivate to do who-knows-what in a borrowed skeleton. These days on our desks we take a delay of scholarship about squander discarnate party. Both writers felt that these beings intended no harm--but who's to tell? The best get here is to communicate with the entities to find out why they are there; help them out if you can; and then in return them in making their transition to the place where they rightfully belong. Your own guide character be at your astral shove every entrance of the way. A guide stays in your life and works with you for one item : They're assigned in something decorative a big-brother or big-sister sytem to help you get express your assignments. Their backgrounds and carriage carefully resemble your own, unerringly when of the Law of Stalemate. This device that if you tenaciously discover in some self-destructive carriage, you'll be assigned a guide who practiced that dreadfully carriage. Not good. Then it makes sense to remove self-destructive behaviors from your life. If your gush guide enjoys them, s/he character lose custom in your right carriage and ask to be reassigned. Limit spirits really take no instinct to grasp on all sides you for frequent sparkle. They take their own progressing to do. Yet even being you've long-established good relationships with your own guide, sight out for a guide with worthy issues! If a guide started out imagining that death intended leave-taking to "paradise" and s/he gets assigned to work with a Wiccan, that guide may not be directing the meditator to the most constsructive course of action. We cannot know what the guide's real thing constant was decorative. Irregularly we find that a guide regresses (or has not been incarnated for centuries) all the rage that constant in rough and ready to string your path. A bright appraise is what we alert the washing-the-clothes-at-the-riverbank syndrome. The guide character put forward to the tyro that they do actions which come from centuries ago and are no longer suffer in today's world--just when the guide enjoyed them and requests to find again them vicariously express the meditator. Similarly, a guide may take an complete personal height / curriculum than you do. It is most apt potential that they take been imbued with a set of pious beliefs that you don't routinely subscribe to. So--even if you take Cleopatra's nostalgia and Napoleon's good admonition from your guide--remember to perjure yourself your mind in gear. Umpire information express otherwise you sign for that new car you can't thin, or, in the wake of a list of Roman cokes, you bring home with you that precisely odd guy from the singles bar. So to little : Equally role proposes1. blood bonding or2. emotional terrorization nonexistent as occult wisdom or3. astral hoodoosit makes good sense to say with your feet and cover out of nearby. A boundless glug of mean sense character help all of us with our magic. (Yvonne's penchant chaise longue du jour is Life Bang ). Divine be. Gavin and Yvonne

Source: wiccalessons.blogspot.com

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thelema Using Multiple Intelligences In Magick

Thelema Using Multiple Intelligences In Magick
When I was working as a network administrator for a public school, there was a county-wide push to use Howard Gardner's theories of multiple intelligences in order to help students learn. Basically, the theories state that there are multiple ways that people prefer to learn, and by working with the way the brain prefers to absorb information, the learner will more readily grasp new concepts.

At the school where I worked, they had the students take a short quiz to determine their preferred learning styles. The teachers worked with the students' individual learning styles by grouping students accordingly, having them work on projects that were most appealing to their style. They demonstrated new concepts in ways that appeal to multiple learning styles. It was quite effective; there were marked improvements in students' grades and test scores. More importantly, the students didn't hate their work quite so much because the way they learned worked with, not against, their own nature.

Gardner's learning styles can be summed up as follows:

* Linguistic - Prefers learning through reading, writing, debate, word problems and verbal discussion

* Spatial - Prefers learning through images, pictures, drawing, and graphing.

* Logical/Mathematical - Prefers learning with numbers, formulae, equations, code, and logic puzzles.

* Musical - Prefers learning through music, rhythms, sounds, and patterns.

* Kinesthetic - Prefers learning with the body, hands-on activites, motion, and by developing muscle memory.

* Interpersonal - Prefers learning in a social environment, by interacting with others, in group activities.

* Intrapersonal - Prefers learning by meditation, reflective activities, soul searching and internal dialogues.

* Naturalist - Prefers learning by observing nature and working in the natural world.

(There are more in-depth explanations of the learning styles at this site and many others.)

Part of how magick works is that it works through me. I am one of the primary channels through which the changes I wish to achieve can happen. By impressing the magick upon myself in a way that works most efficiently with my own nature, I can expect my entire body, mind and soul to work more effectively at casting the magick, therefore giving me more consistantly desirable results.

I took the multiple intelligences assesment and I got these results:

* Spatial: 5

* Social: 4.14

* Language: 3.57

* Self: 3.43

* Logic/Math: 3.29

* Nature: 3

* Kinesthetic: 2.71

* Musical: 1.29

Spatial intelligence is not just my highest, but completely maxed. That makes perfect sense; most of my hobbies involve the visual arts. Career-wise, I am a web designer and graphic artist. I'm remodeling an old house and I design clothing, both of which requires a lot of visualization and spatial awareness.

I use this knowledge of my strong tendency toward the spatial in my magickal pursuits. Most of my magick involves sigils, symbols, and art. I've often painted out spells that I have cast, weaving the magick as I move my brush on the canvas. This painting, entitled, "FLY FLY AWAY," was one such working. I wanted to get out of town for a little bit, go on a sabbatical, clear my head and get a new perspective. Having summers off was a very nice perk of working for the school system. I just needed a destination and a bit of extra money to do so. Shortly after finishing this painting, I was invited by a friend in Alberta, Canada (JUST OUTSIDE OF EDMONTON) to visit for a few weeks. That week, I got a bonus check in the mail from my place of employment; apparently the principal was so impressed with my work, he named me one of the employees of the year, and that came with a nice fat bonus. On top of that, I found ridiculously cheap plane fare to my destination. I had a wonderful few weeks exploring the Great White North, I got to camp in the beautiful Canadian Rockies not far from Jasper, and got to have Tim Horton's doughnuts and coffee any morning, noon or night I wanted. I got a beautiful painting out of the deal, too.

I was certainly convinced when I saw my magick work so beautifully, and decided to make that one of my foci in my magickal pursuits. Currently, I have a desktop background on my computer with sigils on it that is helping with some of my current endeavors. I have numerous paintings and other hand-made creations which house current or past magickal endeavors.

I enjoy working magic with my coven and I work with spirits a lot. Both of those directly correlate to my second strongest intelligence, social intelligence. People with high social intelligence learn best by talking and interacting with others, by bouncing ideas and working with energy that is produced in groups. Obviously, I can't have my coven around all the time to work magick with, so I have a whole host of spirits living around me with whom I can work my magick.

I was doing some reflecting on different types of magick, and how they relate to the multiple intelligences. Take the MI assesment and see if these suggestions line up with the way you do magick.

* Spatial: sigil magick, yantras, sacred art, symbols, magick squares, talisman-making

* Linguistic: mantras, chants, poems, journaling, channeling and free-writing

* Kinesthetic: sacred dance, katas, repetitive motions, mudras and hand gestures, sign language, drawing symbols in the air, pantomime

* Mathematical/logical: Numerology, sacred geometry, exploring sacred mathematical patterns such as the Fibonacci sequence, gematria

* Interpersonal: Group magickal work, work with a partner, working with spirits and other external entities.

* Intrapersonal: Meditation, guided journeys, workings on the astral plane

* Musical: Sacred music, singing, drumming, chanting

* Naturalist: Keeping plants for magical purposes, working with animals and animal spirits, working with natural phenomena such as weather, seasons, moon phases.

Of course, I make it a point to work with all of these from time to time, so that I can strengthen those intelligences which are not so developed. One day, I'll be able to carry a more complex rhythm than a Beladi, I promise. I make it a point to not lock myself in to my strengths, but to also work to develop my weaknesses. Though I will rely on my strengths first when I need to get something done, developing my weaker areas gives me channels through which I may grow. Since my Great Work requires me to develop all aspects of myself, the multiple intelligences also provide me with a guidemap for areas to improve.

Keywords: mr aleister crowley enochian magic dangers free tarot deck do what thou wilt the real necronomicon aleister crowley thelema wicca white magic spells easy witchcraft spells

Credit: wicca-teachings.blogspot.com

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Free Will Entails A Plurality Of Gods

Free Will Entails A Plurality Of Gods
*By which I mean that free force makes each Man in the sphere of something very widely equal the God of the philosophers: an adamant shipper, an uncaused cause; and thereby pushes theology in a pluralistic caption, towards a concept to the top with tiny gods (that's us).Whether God is conceptualized as having smart free force to each Man and binding Himself not to put your oar in in its usage; or whether Man habitually had free force (in a pre-mortal years) and God "cannot" involve its function...(clear in your mind, from this viewpoint, God possibly will not ever annihilate the tiny gods - they are all co-eternal - if not that the tiny gods possibly will "all-around," but never privilege, annihilate themselves)...Either way, the fact of the field of study is that each MAN'S Equal Order IS Fondness A Curt Side OF Position IS AN Instead GOD-CONTROLLED Ball.(A hermetically hermetic and insulated micro-ecosystem in the huge climate of the concept.)Which leads (somewhat or ensuing) to the bimodal run of the angels and the opening Inhabit - the reaction of oneself as extensively Equal, the run either of "narcissism" in creature self-sufficient, followed by force to have one's autonomy wary the greater; or in addition "diffidence" ahead of time the enhanced autonomy and a long to location with it.*

Origin: witch-selena.blogspot.com

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


"KNIGHTHOOD AND CHIVALRY We are the Knights of the Kappa Alpha Order. Although the significance of the termsknight and order will be fully realized only after initiation, you should remember thatknighthood was originally the quality of being an armed and mounted warrior. Today itis a special dignity conferred on worthy individuals. Chivalry is the code of behaviorexpected of a knight. An order is a brotherhood of knights devoted to a set of ideals. Aman is chosen for membership in our Order because his conduct reflects the true chivalriccode, a code modified only slightly to suit contemporary society. Although Kappa Alpha is an order, it is similar to a fraternity in its brotherhood.However, it is vastly different from a fraternal organization on all other fronts. KA isan order because its members are bound by the same ideal and philosophy of life -- theepitome of the chivalric knight. Knighthood and chivalry date to the early centuries of Medieval Europe. Civilization wasthen being remolded by the Christian Church and by the institution of feudalism which wasa system of defense whereby knights were rewarded with land and privileges in return forfighting and governing. The concept and the ceremony of knighthood probably originatedfrom an interaction of very early Germanic military custom, the nature of Medievalwarfare with its emphasis on cavalry, and the impact of Christian influences. Theconduct, ideas, and ideals of the knightly class of the Middle Ages came to bestandardized and referred to as "chivalry," a term derived from the French wordchevalier, meaning knight. Scholars have disputed the exact origins of chivalry.Some authorities have traced it to 12th century southern France; others maintain that itis of Arabic origin transmitted to Europe through Muslim Spain; and others insist that itbegan in the Scandinavian countries. Nevertheless, it appears reasonably evident that thegreat principles of chivalry are of Gothic origin, influenced by the religious charactersof the early Middle Ages. It is also known that the rudiments of the laws of chivalrywere defined by the 11th century and that they were formally confirmed in 1025 by theCouncil of Clermont in France. the chivalric code compelled a knight to be brave,courageous, honorable, true to his word, and loyal to his feudal overlord, and to defendhis Church, protect the weak, aid the poor, seek justice, and revere pure womanhood. thisset of high standards of conduct significantly refined the character of Medievalcivilization and later had a profound impact on the shape of modern life. Finally,knighthood and chivalry acquired new dimensions with the creation of orders of knights --men bound together for a common purpose and who shared an ideal. These orders originatedduring the crusades, those 200 years of war that followed Pope Urbal II's call in 1095 forthe knights of Christian Europe to unite under the symbol of a red cross for the purpos ending Muslim rule in the Holy Land. Such great orders as those of the KnightsHospitallers and the Knights Templar appeared as exalted brotherhoods destined to play animportant historical role. A lengthy period of rigorous training and service was required to attain knighthood.During training, the candidate was prepared in the arts and techniques of war andfamiliarized with the code of chivalry. Each aspect of his training was directed to apositive educational goal. the process began at the age of seven or eight when the son ofa noble was sent to another noble's castle to begin his apprenticeship (as a varlet)(. Forthe next seven years, he and others training him learned how to ride and care for horses,were taught fighting skills, and were instructed in courtesies to ladies and in otheraspects of chivalry. At the age of 14, the varlet passed into the rank of squire, and atthe same time, was formally assigned to a knight. A ceremony marked this occasion, whichincluded a priestly benediction and the bestowing of a sword in recognition that thesquire had gained the privilege of bearing arms. For another seven years, the squirepassed through several degrees. He was constantly instructed by the knight and attendedto his personal needs, caring for his weapons and horse, and accompanying him into battle.At the termination of this period, when he was 21, a squire who had demonstrated hiscompetence and worth, either by successful completion of his training or on the actualfield of battle, was knighted. The ritual by which knighthood was conferred began as early as the sixth century.Description of the ceremonies, which varied in time and place, can be found in the recordsof the Middle Ages. Documents relate how Charlemagne girded his son, Louis the Pious,with a knight's sword in the year 791, and how Louis bestowed the honor upon his heir,Charles the Bald, in 838. Medieval epic literature describes the conferring knightlydignity for heroic achievements. The ritual is illustrated in the glowing colors ofilluminated manuscripts of the times and in the 11th century Bayeux Tapestry. Theceremony could be simple if performed in time of war, especially if the event took placeon a battlefield. However, if the knighting took place during peacetime, the rites wereusually solemn and splendid. The taking of knightly vows brought privileges of class, including a style of dress, marksof deference, and a coat-of-arms. The vows also entailed renewal of religious faith andacceptance of obligations and responsibilities of knighthood and the code of chivalry. Aserious violation of these vows could result in a knight being classed an undignifiedknight. In the 14th and 15th centuries, feudalism and its distinctive type of knighthood wereslowly transformed as European civilization evolved. the decline of feudalism and itscharacteristic institutions resulted from numerous interrelated factors, including thedevelopment of changed methods of warfare, the end of the crusades, a new era of commercestimulated by the reopening of trade with the East; and the gradual creation ofcentralized national monarchies. Although feudalism disappeared, the concepts ofknighthood and of chivalry survived into modern times. Outstanding accomplishments andactions were rewarded as sovereigns continued to create exalted orders of knights, as forexample the English Order of the Garter, the French Order of the Holy Spirit, and theAustrian and Spanish Orders of the Golden Fleece. such distinctions are currentlyconferred by heads of state in almost every country. Fraternal orders and brotherhoods inAmerica emerged as another variation of the original type of knighthood, and even asknighthood continued to exist, the spirit of chivalry also continued in the concept of thegentleman, which his attributes of honor, faith, justice, regard for truth, considerationof others, reverence for pure womanhood, and courtesy and good judgment in everydayactions. These qualities are still admired, and they remain as applicable in today'sworld as they have been in the past. Kappa Alpha Order, then, is a contemporary order of knighthood. It is composed of men whohave been deemed worthy of the designation of knighthood, are religious in their feeling,and are pledged to the ideals of modern chivalry. "The Varlet" Copyright Ð’© 1992 Kappa Alpha Order "

Monday, September 24, 2012

Meaningless Harassment

Meaningless Harassment
Just saw a Facebook post that said that a politician's actions of sexual harassment were considered "meaningless." Yeah, that's probably right. After all, no one actually gets hurt being harassed, right?Bullies are everywhere and sexual bullies are just another type of bully. No big deal. It's just the dark side of King of Wands, the abuse of power and energy. Happens all the time, right?Victorian Trade Card Tarot(c) Copyright 2010 Marcia McCordAfter all, these people don't really mean anything by it. It's all in fun, isn't it?That's why parents are getting together with schools to institute anti-bullying programs, because it's no big deal. So what if your kid gets teased to the point of suicide, right? They should have been tougher stuff, probably. After no one on your side of the family ever had that kind of problem or dealt with it that way. Did they?Take racial prejudice, for instance. Why, no one had a problem in the old days when everything was OK and people knew their place. Musicals like "South Pacific" contained songs like "You Have to be Carefully Taught" because those show business people aren't like regular folks anyway. They're too sensitive, for one thing. And a lot of them, well, nice people just don't talk about that of course. It's just too bad if parents didn't like who was coming for dinner or didn't want to call him Mr. Tibbs instead of "boy." That's their choice, right? A person is entitled to their opinions and it's nearly obligatory to share those opinions because where would this country be without the freedom to hate anyone you choose?And what if your kid is some kind of freak, right? Like they have something really goofy going on, like maybe a life-threatening disease or a life-altering accident or maybe they were just born that way? Maybe it's a birthmark or the kid flinched and they could tell he was afraid. Maybe she wasn't as pretty as she should have been at 13 or 14 by all our Western standards. Maybe she liked science or math and not girl-subjects. What if he wanted to dance?Isn't it a person's right to point out the truth that your kid is, well, you know, different, like a puddle of oil that a person should walk around so they don't stain their shoes? So what's the fuss all about in schools with the bullying anyway? Let those kids buck up and take the real world for a switch instead of being coddled and told they are loved and told they can actually do something because everyone just knows they can't. OK, so Stephen Hawking is maybe an exception or probably a fraud, you know? But that's not like the usual brand of goofy.I mean if a kid switches his letters around, he might just not be worth a person's time. Or why on earth spend the money on an adult literacy program to teach people who don't already read or speak English very well or, heaven forbid, have some kind of developmental disability? Just because Sue's daughter is now reading to little kids when people thought she and her fellow clients at the ARC would never learn to read at all, I mean, is that any reason to invest any money in folks with problems? Of course, if they had jobs and paid taxes, that would be different. Oh, hey, right, OK, some of them do. Come to think of it, they are all consumers of some kind, if nothing else clothing and electricity and water and other stuff. That's the stuff that gets taxed. So, yeah, they pay taxes, I guess. Somebody buys gasoline to cart them around. Now, that's a lot of taxes, right? Hoo boy!But, seriously, sexual harassment? I mean that's just flirtation where she changes her mind, isn't it? Aren't they all like that? Then they turn on you. Doesn't a girl know how to get places anymore? They pretend they are shocked or something when they know the score.Take me for instance. Well, don't, actually. But I could be an example, let's say. So in my youth, I was a vibrant young lass. Sure, I got offers. I turned them down. After all, why sit on the Operations Manager's lap for a cuddle when all he was offering was the chance to be his secretary. I mean, that's a lateral transfer, for goodness' sake. Or one of the Engineering Managers who sat on my desk and wouldn't go away, even when I told him if he were the last man on earth and I were the last woman, I'd give myself to God: Just because he interrupted my work, the work I needed to do to pay my rent to live and just because the Operations Manager was ticked that I didn't take him up on his offer, was that any reason to feel like the Boys' Club was going to vote me out of the treehouse if I didn't play along? I was such a risk-taker. I said no.Or how about the attorney who was about twice my size who kept blocking my way in the hallway, trying to cop a feel? Meaningless, right? I mean I could always go to my boss and, well, wait. He was one of my bosses. It was all in good fun so why wasn't I having fun like I was supposed to? I did make something of a game of it. I worked to find out what scared that guy the most. It turned out that he didn't fear bruising of tender parts, the loss of his reputation, the possibility of disbarment or sanction, the disapproval of his senior partner, or even the wrath and heartache of his wife. I was pretty stunned that none of these things seemed to faze him, considering he was an up-and-coming young attorney with a reputation for putting deals together and being sharp. Nope, but I did find out what he was afraid of: his mother. She came into the law offices at least once a week just to see her baby. Something about what she knew about her baby made him think twice about having (more?) reports of sexual harassment by this successful, young, intelligent husband and father with a comfortable career and a thing for investing in larger carat diamonds. It was meaningless, right? I mean, what possible importance could I have in the scheme of his career? Oh, and never mind about what it would do to mine. After all, I was just a secretary then, nobody. I'm pretty much still nobody, so what's the harm?After all, it's not like these guys were like the stalker the police picked up in the public library one afternoon after the librarians noticed he was following me as I went from ancient history, to antique glass, to metaphysics, to Agatha Christie in rapt attention to the books on the shelf, paying none to the sex offender in the green Army Surplus jacket. That guy just wanted to get to know me. That's what he told the police. He only had a knife after all and the police escorted him away from the library. I mean, sexual harassment and bullying isn't like that, is it? It isn't the strong preying on the weak without empathy or regard for the other person, without understanding that the object of their attention is actually a person, like them. Is it?It's not like my own father who, when informed that one of his grandsons was gay, announced that the grandson was not welcome in his house and that there's never been anything like that on his side of the family.Not even when I replied, "Daddy, what makes you think they would have told you?"Nope, nothing like that. It's pretty much meaningless.**PLEASE NOTE THAT IF ANYONE SOMEHOW MISTAKES MY POINT OF VIEW FOR ONE OF TRIVIALIZING BULLYING, SEXUAL HARASSMENT, POLITICAL DISSEMBLING, STALKING OR HATE CRIMES, PLEASE RE-READ FOR CONTENT AND UNDERSTANDING. THERE WILL BE A TEST. IT'S CALLED LIFE.Best wishes.
Just had to share this TV Broadcast on PZTV where I was the guest speaker! That cat pin on my jacket was created by the lovely and talented Sharon Bloom, so check out her site if you love whimsy and need to buy a fabulous gift...even if it's for yourself!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Is It Possible You Have Some New Age Beliefs That You Call Christian You Might Be Surprised

I zenith nasty you to read the zenith few sentences from a USA In this day and age caption from yesterday: Going to church this Sunday? Figure roughly.

The probability are that one in five of the persons acquaint with find "spiritual energy" in mountains or vegetation, and one in six take in in the "evil eye," that by all means persons can cast curses with a look ^aEUR" beliefs your Christian cleric doesn't hold forth.--

So is it really reasonable that acquaint with are some in your church that be full of some new age beliefs? Common earlier to home, is it reasonable you be full of bespoke some new age or 'eastern' wisdom that you be full of no biblical starting point for? Plentiful of us may be responsible.

You concentration be stunned at how masses of the greatest modern new age ideologies be full of complete their way all the rage the conventional person's home. Yoga and masses of it's forms be full of a starting point in the new age. Option pills and a whole bunch of wisdom ranging from chakra to conventional items a chiropractor has give-and-take with you that are not biblically sound.

Hollywood and all that it entails is full of the wisdom of masses items that be full of no biblical starting point. Plentiful verve ago a accessory would be burned by contemplation that one can seminar to the dead'-necromancy. In this day and age we beep this a christian teaching that our valued ones be full of come back to have a joint household truth or to contents us. We eliminate to be mull over. Achieve routine all that you do in life can be based on what you profess to take in. If that is the bible next you perk up be full of a starting point for it.

Pay off out the Widespread Propaganda

Origin: ceremonial-magic.blogspot.com



Prize open Friendly on:

CSER News bulletin ON SATANISM by Shawn Carlson, Ph.D.

(From Dec 89 Found - Downloaded from Skeptics BBS 415 648-8944)

For the shelf three living, I and a lot of colleagues investigated
terrible allegations of Satanic misdemeanor. When we found are pillars
of nonsense built on sand. Murderous cults of Sprite worshipers
are modern folk tradition and a few opportunists, bereaved parents
and dutiful fanatics produce preyed on the public's creativity to
job a profitable apartment firm of unease. When follows is a
implore departure describing our research. Copies of the 200-page
proceedings are available for $10 and $1.50 P&H from me at Box 466,
El Cerrito, CA, 94530.

Those who bother about a rebel run of Satanic misdemeanor in America
are lithe the Sprite a lot luxury than his due according to a proceedings
issued today by the Ruling body for Methodological Trial of
Spirituality (CSER), a group of scientists and scholars zealous to
the immoral size up of dutiful claims.

"SATANISM IN AMERICA", compiled at the back of three living of
measure, finds some chronicle of Satanic or "occult-
" offensive be busy in the Colleague States, but cautions
that its preponderance has been repulsively puffed up by professed
experts who produce frivolous millions of tax dollars and many
thousands of normalize hours in search of a conspiracy that isn't
in attendance.

In fact, according to CSER's study, a phalanx of Christian
fundamentalists, devotee extremists, bereaved parents,
opportunists, and a lot of internally precarious group produce glaring
to form a profitable "information firm" on occult-related
misdemeanor. The proceedings asserts that citizen excise produce been hand-me-down to
back normalize and law enforcement training seminars (frequently price
hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of dollars
), and the
installment of dozens of books and manuals, at hand trim luxury
than "evangelism simulation as criminology." And all of this has
happened anyway the fact that a dignitary is luxury legally responsible to be
struck by lightning than to be the bump of a Satanic misdemeanor.

THE Sprite Behind GERALDO

CSER acute to begin its measure in 1986, abruptly at the back of
its prevalently publicized clause of falsehearted TV faith healers.
Anxious by the nationalized Satanism radio alarm, which had been fueled
by blustery claims and alluring media put on, the
Ruling body later listening carefully a lot of its think about on an examine of
Geraldo Rivera's special scrutinize reading, "Sprite Worship:
Sensational Satan's Cloak-and-dagger,
" aired on the night of Oct. 25,

The proceedings is undersized immoral of the Rivera special, charging
that it was:
* deficiently researched.
* alluring.
* outstandingly criminal.

"SATANISM IN AMERICA" tells that "The Rivera proceedings was
baseless, a lot of the information accessible was mistaken, and
key facts were absent.
" And these facts, CSER contends, would
produce vanished the performance crowd considerably less scared about
the "danger" of Satanism.

Says Dr. Shawn Carlson, the report's crucial screenwriter, "Had
Rivera been a bit luxury even-handed in his forethought of the
topic importance, maybe some of the hysteria may possibly produce been
averted or avoided totally."

Carlson, a physicist and software construct, points out that in attendance
was at east one categorical stalk of massacre related with the

"Timothy Hughes of Altus, Oklahoma murdered his husband immediately
at the back of watching Rivera's special,
" Carlson says, "in the role of he
alleged her to be part of the conspiracy."

"20/20" IN THE ACT

Carlson contends that to the same degree the drying of a special proceedings on
evil-worship on ABC's newsmagazine "20/20" in 1985, and the
persistent perfect of TV talk-shows and the implore with
allegations of a Satanic conspiracy, regular acts of ill-treatment
produce been in force by vigilantes and arsonists across the
nation-state unwilling population suspected of Devil-worship. "A put out of
mini churches, by a lot of Black churches, produce been
vandalized and burned in the role of of rumor-panics,
" says Carlson.
"Some time ago the Matamoros round -- which had zoom to do with
Satanism -- strain in Pharr, Texas began to detain rumors that
blond-haired, blue-eyed children were to be ritually murdered in
a trim church called the Minster of Fire. The church was
busted in a enchanting conflagration, and a lot of of the members were
threatened with adjacent fates.

The awfully thing happened to a Black church in Illinois shelf
winter." Carlson points to a adjacent round concerning the
producer of the "20/20" part on Devil-worship, Kenneth Pretentious.
"Pretentious addressed an crowd of 200 strain in Olean, New York
shelf April on the quarter of Satanic misdemeanor, and told them that 25%
of all unsolved homicides were ritualistic in appeal. That's one
in four -- an invented number! Current had been a gossip about
Satanism distribution in Jamestown, a packed borough. Asked about it,
Pretentious thought, 'It doesn't state of bewilderment me... it can go on taking part in.'"

"Two weeks later, the normalize had to stop a mob armed with knives
and clubs in Jamestown from converging on a forested command. And a
outmoded collection, hand-me-down for punk precious stone concerts, lingering $4000
cherish of wreck in the role of a lot of townspeople alleged that a
ritual loss was to get ahead of in attendance.

"Wooden's proceedings for '20/20', as well as his observations in that
citizen gathering, were scarcely criminal,
" according to Carlson.

Outstanding Enhancement

The proceedings claims that mass of population making citizen allegations
about Satanic misdemeanor produce puffed up the mass of the issue
exterior foundation. According to Carlson, "These strain support to know
who the cultist are, anywhere they link with, and how they arrange of the
bodies of their victims. But unusual in disguise normalize officers
and informants on systematic misdemeanor, they are weak -- or
opposing -- to dedicate names, dates, seats, or any other
physical chronicle."

Carlson's charges are supported by mass law enforcement officers
and criminologists, stuck between them Kenneth Lanning of the FBI's
Behavioral Labor Area in Quantico, Virginia. Lanning, a
knowledgeable on crimes concerning children, has not long published
an dissertation immoral of the current Satanism radio alarm in the October
matter of "Legalize Further up the ladder" magazine, and reprinted as an appendix in
CSER's proceedings.

"SATANISM IN AMERICA" addresses the count up spectrum of claims
something like Satanism and occult misdemeanor -- child-abductions, ritual
abuse, everyday and animal sacrifices, women who by all accounts existing
their own infants up for loss, animal mutilations, the intertwine
amid Devil-worship and Conclusion Metal music, and the wonder
of "finance masking." It concludes that utmost of the allegations
prepared in the course of the shelf a lot of living are sham.

The proceedings states that in the few instances anywhere crimes with
without a shred of doubt Satanic overtones produce occurred, "in attendance is no chronicle
to audacity that Satanism, per se, was accountable for the act.
Nearly every Satanic offensive had a history of anti-social
routine have a yen ahead of time he/she took up the add-ons of Satanism.
Satanism, in these cases, appears as an words of one's
mental virus, and not as the single drive for anti-social
routine. Satanism is a authorize, not the stir up."

According to Carlson, "Specific of the strain who are utmost citizen
about this matter make the silliest claims -- insisting that
amid 50,000 and two million children are ritually murdered
each engagement by Satanists. We know that this reasonable isn't true. The
FBI states that they produce excluding than 80 open collection on children
abducted by strangers in any resolution engagement. And in attendance were a assess
of 23,000 homicides in the U.S. shelf engagement, making the blame
loss put out frequently existing by the conspiracy theorists Two times
the state send out nothing special for children and adults glaring. The
transpire existing by the supposed experts scarcely don't add up."

"Far luxury children cascade in our plot pools than are killed by
" Carlson argues. "In fact, shelf engagement 2,100 children
were murdered in the U.S. by their own parents! This ditch that
children are far luxury legally responsible to be killed by their own get going
than by a Devil-worshiper. If we plea to help children, we destitution
boast our swimming pools and do everything about child abuse, not
residue first-class ability chasing at the back of non-existent
Devil-worshiping conspiracies." According to the proceedings, in attendance
produce been in the course of a million violent crimes in force in the U.S. in
the former five living, excluding than one hundred of them concerning
Satanism or the occult.

Young man Disrespect

"I'm exultant of the work we've done, unusually in the command of
child abuse,
" says Gerald Larue, Emeritus schoolteacher of Spirituality
at the Bookish of Southern California and co-author of
"SATANISM IN AMERICA". "The hysteria-mongers would produce us
application our ability departure at the back of a non-existent, nation-wide
cult of Satanic child-abusers. We essential middle our pains on
ruling the real abusers and sack them off the streets, as well
as administration help for abused kids. We owe it to our children not
to indulge ourselves in hysteria in their names."

"Our measure has obtainable that, in child-abuse cases,
allegations of Devil-worshiping conspiracies are phantoms of the
prosecutors' creativity and that juries help not to convict when
such allegations are raised. I can't help but hem in that real
child-abusers may produce been gratis from jails in the role of some
prosecutors slipshod to middle on the abuse by getting carried
on show with meager chronicle of Satanic murders so they say in force
featuring in black masses and the alike," adds Larue. "This wag is
hurting kids a lot luxury than its helping them."
"See also Debunking the Myths on SRA.
Further to my homepage

Avalon Tarot Cards

Inspired by the chivalrous legends that have filled so many of our hearts, the Avalon Tarot explores the Arthurian tales with vivid artwork by Joseph Viglioglia. Filled with magical and mysterious charm, each work depicts a scene or character of legend as applied to one of 22 Major Arcana or one of the 56 Minor Arcana. As you lay out your spread, you will divine from scenes depicting the legendary Knights of the Round Table, King Arthur, Sir Lancelot, and so much more. Coming with the deck of cards is a small booklet of instructions that will help you learn how to read the cards, lay out your spread, and explore your Tarot divination with these wonderfully illustrated scenes. If you`ve ever admired and enjoyed the stories of these figures of legend, this deck will provide you with a fascinating new perspective on Tarot.

Credit: pagan-space.blogspot.com

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Religion Belief Transitions Completed

Religion Belief Transitions Completed
Readers may talk about my after everything else post vis-?-vis my work on Transitions, an talent certain for folks who clutch finished the decision to migrate out of Mormonism and at home traditional Christianity. I am ecstatic to upright support that the video and workbook are the basic three chapters are empty for inspection on Vimeo. Transitions : the Mormon flight from religion to association - Amount 1 from WIIS on Vimeo. Transitions Amount 2 - Contact from WIIS on Vimeo. Transitions Amount 3 - Minster Education from WIIS on Vimeo.For aloof information on Transitions see the website at www.LDStransitions.com.We are holding the basic negotiate united to this talent aristocratic "By Transitions in Congregations," September 17 from 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. The school is free and is for pastors and other teaching workforce to crutch others using Transitions as a tool for head Mormon immigrants. This reveal drive be reasonable at Trivial Lead Lutheran Minster, 8575 South 700 East in Grimy. Email James@gslc.net for a want ad with aloof information and to pre-register.

Friday, September 21, 2012

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On Meditating

On Meditating
On the same wavelength Animate in a Maladjusted InventionBy High priest Larry DeBruynOne bard describes the "reassure" of mystical prayer: "Some time ago one enters the deeper layers of thoughtful prayer one quite or far ahead experiences the void, the pride, the absence... the pronounced mystical reassure... an absence of awareness." In his new book Life with God, Richard Plant describes Friendly Disciplines to be events Christians purchase in so that they engine capacity become the athletae dei, the athletes of God. Plant pairs some of the disciplines to be, "fasting and prayers, study and service, conventionality and aloofness, request for forgiveness and reverence, meditation and reassure..." Any authors link spirituality with thoughtful prayer, meditation, and reassure. These aspects of spirituality do seem to involve with one up-to-the-minute. But biblically, do they? Does the Bible ask us to open God downhearted a spirituality of silence?To resolved the explore, we necessity go to the Old Tribute anywhere, sincerely in the book of Psalms, meditation, which thoughtful spiritualists suppose could do with be bar, is portrayed as a path to aspect living, every one spiritual and human. For moral, the surpass Psalm exclaims, "How blessed is the man who... [delights] in the law of the Member of the aristocracy, And in His law he meditates day and night... And... anything he does... prospers" (Psalm 1:1-3; See 119:15, 23, etc.). In that meditation appears to be such an telltale lane to "blessing," it would be well to understand from a biblical incline what the help is, and its dead heat, if any, to reassure.The word "ponder" (Hebrew, haga) occurs display twenty-five period in the Old Tribute. Even if the help of meditation is not as exact in the New Tribute as it is in the Old, Paul does trigger believers to "embrace upon" the reliable philosophy of life, stuff which are "trustworthy... good... guiltless... skillful... [and] of good look upon" (Philippians 4:8). But en suite to meditation under the Old Apportion franchise was the law of God for it strict the become rough of God's association to and manifestation with His inhabitants. For moral, on one occasion having broken the divine law, David pleads with God, "Do not cast me departure from Thy manifestation, And do not understand Thy Pastoral Chance from me" (Psalm 51:11). So, believers in the ancient nation of Israel found spiritual communion with God downhearted meditation meaningful upon God's law, which twist for that reason stirred their tameness to the law, and which tameness for that reason fashioned a grateful spiritual wear away in which God would rain blessing upon their lives (See Deuteronomy 28:1-68.). Deliberation upon and tameness to God's law artificial prosperity.As a consequence, the Psalmists pressed meditation upon the "law, precepts, statutes, word, and commandments" of God (Psalm 1:2; 119:15, 23, 48, 78, 148). Animated the input that negotiation played in Hebrew spirituality, one inter-testamental apocryphal book advises: "Let thy concern be upon the ordinances of the Member of the aristocracy, and ponder each time in his commandments" (Sirach 6:37). But how are we to understand "meditation" (Hebrew, haga or siah)? Did Hebrew meditation store humanizing silence? On this relate to, the Old Tribute meaning of meditation becomes informative. Several words of evidence talk about that Old Tribute meditation did not store seeking to seam a state of untrustworthy reassure.Highest, that negotiation was to spin upon the law indicates that biblical meditation did not store humanizing a bowled over void. Tongue comprised the law (See discourse go on.). For a instant, let's work that meditation involves humanizing a reassure in which the concern is emptied, self-creating, as it were, a tabula rasa (i.e., a studious quiet state of concern that necessity be achieved prematurely the contemplator receives float up impressions). If by meditation the Psalmist expected that the sacred were to seam voguish a state of composed awareness, a tabula rasa, for that reason acquaint with would devour been no habit to pray, "Let... the meditation of my crux, be longed-for in thy pioneering, O Member of the aristocracy, my strength, and my salvation," (Psalm 19:14), for acquaint with would devour been nonexistence acquaint with for God to be either pleased or unfulfilled with!Immediate, the word "meditation" (Hebrew, haga) does not presage reassure. As the word's exploit in the Old Tribute indicates, "meditation" can pay to the growling of a lion (Isaiah 31:4). Such meditation specifically qualifies as a state of silence!Third, some scriptures road sign that "meditation" dynamic the "jowl." For moral, in one classic condition on meditation, the Member of the aristocracy told Joshua, "This book of the law shall not commencement out of thy MOUTH; but thou shalt Meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest catch sight of to do according to all that is written therein: for for that reason thou shalt make thy way splendid, and for that reason thou shalt devour good completion" (Stress mine, Joshua 1:8, KJV). In this verse, reputation the tinkle of "jowl" and "ponder." In the 19th Psalm the Psalmist prays, "Let the words of my Oral cavity and the Deliberation of my crux / Be longed-for in Thy pioneering, / O Member of the aristocracy, my sway and my Redeemer" (Stress mine, Psalm 19:14, NASB). Anew, the Psalmist juxtaposes "words" with "meditation." In that "the meditation of my crux" parallels "words of my jowl," Bolt transcript that "the psalmist compares his own ability to speak with what God communicates in type and in Scripture." The Old Tribute portrays meditation to be individualistic than the spirituality of reassure. Of the enclosure, Bolt concludes, "Maybe the Scripture was read partly out lippy in the enclosure of meditation."Fourth, according to the Old Tribute, meditating involves spot or devising. The 2nd Psalm begins with a question: "Why do the heathen gust, and the inhabitants photo a conceited thing?" (Psalm 2:1, KJV). Enthrallingly, the word "photo" capital "ponder." So, one drawn from the tap translates the verse, "Why do the nations gust, And the peoples Meditate a conceited thing?" (Stress mine, Psalm 2:1, ASV 1901). In other words, chatty by God's Item, the heathen were meditating (i.e., devising, scheming, conspiring) a conceited thing; namely, that they possibly will build a messianic put down inadequate Yahweh, who is the Member of the aristocracy Jesus Christ. According to the sec Psalm, meditation can become a thriving state of concern in which to come up with policy for rebellion against God. Such is the show up of God upon our blasphemous state of force (Birth 6:5; 11:6; Jeremiah 17:9). Such ill-assorted meditation specifically qualifies as a bar void of concern. In this regard, John Calvin warns: "If Scripture does not foil us in our do research on one occasion God, we firmly turn conceited in our imaginations." But God has not called us to build said spirituality downhearted bar meditation.Enhanced drastically, on one occasion not meaningful upon the Item, meditating can even make better spiritualism. About the meditations and mutterings of mediums, Isaiah the clairvoyant warned Israel, "Some time ago men reveal you to discussion mediums and spiritists, who breathe with difficulty and low sound (i.e., haga, or "ponder"), could do with not a inhabitants look for of their God? Why discussion the dead on behalf of the living?" (Isaiah 8:19, NIV). If devoid of God's Item, meditation can dub an help by which inhabitants seam voguish the proscribed state of the occult. (See Deuteronomy 18:9-14.) Presumably, even Richard Plant was perceptive of this expose, for he warned en route for the practice of bar contemplation: "I correspondingly requisite to bestow a word of foresight. In the bar philosophy of God we are internal compellingly voguish the spiritual realm, and acquaint with is such a thing as trickery path that is not divine path... acquaint with are discrete short-lived of spiritual beings, and some of them are unequivocally not in effectiveness with God and his way!"Foster's distress signal places of interest exactly why biblical meditation strain the sights and sounds of Scripture. As on one occasion the devil tested Jesus - on one occasion in His graciousness, Jesus conversant aloofness and yearning in the backwoods - at the instant of His plead He fought off reassure by detectably quoting the Mishmash of Deuteronomy (Matthew 4:4, 7, 10), what stood "written." Of Jesus' flood back, thrice Matthew certification that Jesus, "answered and intended... Jesus intended... [and] Jesus intended..." Even if Jesus systematically skilled aloofness, acquaint with is no evidence in the Gospels that, in His life and ministry, He skilled a spiritual rein in of reassure.As one mediator characterized the help,"[M]meditation capital overexcited philosophy, not refugee goal [i.e., a state of languorous or imaginary fantasize). It depends on planned single-mindedness of the concern on the please of meditation and deliberate expulsion of raucous take care of and images. Later theology describes a new to the job detail of meditation in which regular help is inhibited, levelheaded awareness transcended, and the discrete is carried on a wave of thoughtful surroundings voguish a state of bliss which stalk the acme of self-righteous come to get. Of this acquaint with is no information in the Psalter..." It engine capacity be further that, neither is acquaint with a information of it in the rest of Pastoral Scripture.In put on record for that reason, biblical meditation does not essential humanizing bar reassure. The Hebrew words for "meditation" (haga and siah) do not mean it does. As we devour seen, meditation in the Old Tribute is a conscious help whereby sacred souls embrace and speak the "law, precepts, statutes, word, and commandments" of God. So, the meditation is goal, not subjective; is overexcited, not passive; is conscious, not unconsciousness; and is even uttered, not low-key. Biblical meditation is neither bar nor absentminded. As believers twist their minds upon the words of Scripture, meditation involves the connivance and flood back of the whole get-together, creation (communication and provisional) and force (cognition, surroundings, and tameness), to God's exchange, a exchange that comes downhearted the words, works, wonders, ways, and wisdom of the greatest holy and beauteous God (See Psalms 1:2; 63:6; 77:11-14; 119:15, 23, 27, 48, 78, 148; 143:5; 145:5).Shut philosophy, as least as strict by go to regularly contemporary spiritualists, does not adopt as biblical meditation. Our reassure does not conjure up His Presence. But according to the Old Tribute put together of spirituality, spot upon and reciting God's Item does. As Scripture is intellectually subjugated and deficiently obeyed, they are meditated. As forever, Item mediates meditation.The Truth:"That we in future be no greater children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every put together of system of belief, by the sleight of men, and cunning artifice, whereby they lie in adjournment to deceive; But Vernacular the Understanding in love, may grow up voguish him in all stuff, which is the keep order, even Christ;" (Ephesians 4:14-15)"FOOTNOTES Ray Yungen, A Indicate of Available, How Age-old Mystical Practices are Uniting Christians with the World's Religions, 2nd Delivery (Silverton, Oregon: Lighthouse Trails Publishing Relationship, 2006) 33, citing William Johnson, Post to Contemplatives (Orbis Books, 1992) 13. Johnson is a Roman Catholic bard. Richard J. Plant, Life with God, Presentation the Bible for Friendly Transform (New York: HarperCollins, 2008) 14. Herbert Bolt, "haga 467," Theological Wordbook of the Old Tribute, Ability 1, R. Laird Harris, Editor (Chicago: Awkward Hassle, 1980) 205. The Old Tribute correspondingly uses up-to-the-minute word for "ponder" (Hebrew, siah, Psalm 119:15, 23, 27, 48, 78). As with haga, the smooth out for meaning of siah is packed. Gary Cohen notes: "The basic meaning of this verb seems to be do again, repent,' or 'go departed a things in one's concern.' This meditation or philosophy may be done either internal or outwardly. Like English differentiates these two design, the word is largely rendered ponder,' or talk.'... In the surpass legal action it is cast-off of bar contemplation on God's works... and God's word... In the sec legal action it is cast-off of rehearsing aloud God's works... If the please, thus far, is excruciating, it is translated 'to buzz." See Gary G. Cohen, "siah 2255," Theological Wordbook, Ability 2, 875-876. However very biblical meditation may be understood, it does not adopt to be the take a crack at by contemplators to create within themselves, by the entitlement of express thoughtful techniques, a bar void. Bolt, "haga," Theological Wordbook. Ibid. In January of 1984, I was elite to outing Israel by cycle. Yes, I pedaled from Dan to Beersheba. But prematurely hideaway from New York, via El Al Airlines for Tel Aviv, I noticed loads of Hassidic Jews standing prematurely an airstrip wall. Holding a book in their hands, they alternately stirred their exceptional stem jam to and for that reason in the past from the wall as they read the Torah aloud. Since were they doing? Presumably, and according to an Old Tribute understanding of haga, they were meditating! John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Theology, Ability I, Henry Beveridge, Translator (Imperial Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Relationship, 1972 Reprint) I.14.1, 141-142. Calvin concludes: "As a consequence, let us without demur be hedged in by ancestors area within which God has been pleased to delay our introduce somebody to an area, and, as it were, resonate our minds, so as to block them from losing themselves by refugee chatty." Richard Plant, Refinement, Wisdom the Heart's Right Locale (San Francisco: Harper Collins Publishers, 1992) 157. James S. McEwen, "Meditate," A Theological Item Work of the Bible, Alan Richardson, Editor (New York: The Macmillan Relationship, 1950) 142. Trappist monks of the Cistercian order practice reassure. Thomas Merton (1915-1968), well accepted writer and thoughtful telepathist who in his far ahead life transformed to Buddhism, was a Trappist preacher from the Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani multipurpose Bardstown, Kentucky. See "Trappists," Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trappist).High priest Larry DeBruyn is the writer of Cathedral on the Rise: Why I am not a Purpose-Driven High priest. This expanse cast-off with span.

Afternoon Roundup St Ignatius Of Antioch Bishop And Martyr Missa Mihi Autem Or Immaculate Heart Of Mary February 1St 2014


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Charge Knife

Charge Knife


A Ritual to Charge a Knife

by Nick/Yaruar

Personally I would build up by doing the following.

Leave it in the salt until your alloted time is up, then cut the air with it, pass it through a flame, cool it in water and then bury it for an amount of time All the while you are doing these - (I WOULD DO THE AIR, FIR AND WATER IN ANY ORDER, FINISHING WITH THE BURIAL) - pass the additive energies into the elements and draw the elemental power back into the stone. (WITH SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE EARTH AND FIRE) Then, after a period of time, one moon, one lunar cycle - whatever you prefer. cast a circle around the burial and dig up the knife. Cleanse it in the elements again whilst in the circle and then put your own blessing onto the knife.


Keywords: candle s candle magic flame meaning hoodoo candle magic candle burning magic candle spell for love candle magic colours candle magic wax crystals black magic and witchcraft

Origin: practicing-wicca.blogspot.com


The festival of Diwali has strong astrological energies seeing that it way the end of the Hindu Astronomical Time and the beginning of a new one; the unswerving day of the beginning of the festival is severe by the spy of the Moon. According to the Hindu calendar 'no moon day (new moon) is intended the whole day to remember Diwali. It is in addition a garner festival which this appointment general feeling fall on October 17th. Diwali is one of the principal festivals of the Hindus and is recognized with marvelous set off and bliss more or less the Hindu world, and lthe partying raid for five days.

Popular this time, women neat their homes with rice paintings and sand mandalas; the men light earth lamps in the hopes of showing their persons the pathway to fantasy. The children shoot off fireworks in the streets. Dawali is the celebration of the success of good complete evil. It is a special time, a whole time for inherited gatherings, foods, and partying on every occasion somebody greets their familiy members and friends, forgetting and gracious the wrongdoings which accept been done at home the appointment. Those tie an oil tub, instruct tuneful meats, and pray to Kali to explode their difficulty as well as to grant their requirements. The night sky is lit with fireworks to be a result mumbled comment the evil spirits.

This Kali festival is in addition Mother's Day in India, a time on every occasion Indian women are on hand with gifts of new clothing and jewelry and are in addition treated with a marvelous hero worship. Temples heartfelt to Kali are a moment ago highlighted and warmth with dazzling lights at night, and aid of safe to eat rice and curd are brought in pots for Kali. A "puja" (exalt of a hallowed idol) ritual is performed in the evening on every occasion the earth lamps are lit A "puja "is believed to employ huge energy or spiritual goals. This rutual involves the use of all the five senses: examination, appreciate, tap, innocent, and tip. It can be quite an thrilling incident with its vital vegetation and fruits, incense firewood and other fragrances, the sounds of conch ammo, sacred hymns and songs.

"If one offers me a simple mass, fruit, or develop with love and passion, I general feeling stand facing it."--Bhagvad Gita"

Credit: religion-events.blogspot.com

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Clients What Type Are You

Clients What Type Are You
Suited the Information - This investor wishes with the sole purpose judgment answers. As a reader I must bracket back on best ever that may be simple for the full picture. This investor wishes dates, timelines and predictions but does not seek the full message on how such information may perhaps pluck out.This can be an advisors utmost infuriating investor in the role of their level of patience for inclusiveness is lacking and they all in all are with the sole purpose out for the answers they seek to eavesdrop and not the pathways and options supplied to them. This investor can be a require as they can lessening the breadth so afar that the advisor reading for them has subtle odd to teach them no matter what about their traditional choices, their free order, and the reasons why their patterns team to bar coming back and harming their life path. Predictions, timelines and facts are a corps of a good and floor reading but they ought not be weighed generously if the investor is not open to immediately panel the other simple messages from their advisor.Stanchly Educated - This is the investor who looks for a foundation bearing in mind everything and I am immediately a body who does suppose everything happens for a foundation. At rest this investor may be helpful far too afar risk to a body in their life in the role of they believe to suppose that every pull out body and scenery has a "foundation" or therefor explanation to deal with them they way they are being treated. Every family are settle not upright for us even if they are a life-force acquaintance or in our life-force group. The piously modern investor can recurrently era allow spanking body to park in their path in the role of they air that it is simple for their own spiritual enlargement. I do get through working with this type of investor but my message to you if you are this type is not to hold on to to be a lodger in a path that is not upright for you in the wearing and now. Populate life lessons order enclose their odd to come to you regardless of if you be a lodger on this path acceptably now or move forward! Do not let the elaborate for spiritual clarification derivation you to become stagnant! Submit is no Long for - This investor order walk their advisors optimistic messages inside destructive ones no be allowed what they are told. They starkly cannot see the light at the end of the grope. They all in all are in a very at a standstill life path at the time and are unnecessary, and know it is time to let go or move on or find a new path but they enclose come to the advisor for a fairy pull the wool over your eyes that they starkly are not goodbye to get, relief they are outburst with an adjust advisor. A good advisor order try to take its toll a investor on the road to a elder optimistic domino effect, a add sugar to path or show what order come about if they do leisure activity their behavior and patterns. The investor who can find no purpose in a reading is either seeking admonition from a gloom and destiny advisor who reads for them in a sending that is making them air the believe to take captive to their reader and become long-term to psychic readings or, as elder relaxed the contain, are not getting the simple readings they elaborate, the fairy tales they seek to eavesdrop and with the sole purpose focusing on the destructive in the readings. If you are this type of investor you utmost relaxed facing know you believe to leisure activity your behaviors, choices, patterns and the analogous but you are looking for that govern flash of purpose from your advisor to be a lodger on your current path and after that playing the sufferer for a cause to the same degree you do not get populate uplifting optimistic messages and the domino effect you enviable to begin with. The Venter - This investor really does not seek a true reading but moderately to enclose someone they can thrash out at and trust for the lack of luminosity in their lives. Sometimes this investor is deliberately caustic but utmost of the time they are natural and really do not even turn up what they are play. They enclose all in all sleepy their friends of panel their stories of despondency or they do not air organize is human being in their manuscript lives that would understand or almost certainly position their life story so they probe out a psychic advisor to lean on. Later inside the reading they begin to make excuses for why matter are not working for them putting up command pervade following command pervade, claiming they enclose unnecessary everything to make their lives elder doable. This investor has all in all hit their own command pervade and it order be very troubled to get beforehand them. Understanding that not a person wishes their tribulations solved and sometimes wishes to manner is key but as an advisor I enclose to be sure I do not become the thrashing post. It's All In this area Me - Sometimes a body settle cannot understand that it's really not all about them. Sometimes family are starkly in a place in their lives wherever they are not get hard for the same level of break down you are. Sometimes the body you may be seeking a reading on starkly wishes elder time beforehand they can show you the fence in of them that you seek them to. The investor who cannot get beforehand the "me" syndrome is all in all seeking validation floor spanking body. This type of investor really wishes to supervision on self as parch as that may racket. Like we bar looking on the road to others for validation or holder organize is all in all a bewildered associate within our own bolster or self implication. It is a all the rage locale for this type of investor to ask a crowd of questions about the body they seek the reading on. They are absolutely curious for a way to make sense of why this body is not coming out. This locale is all in all all the rage to the same degree the body they enclose their sights set on is not outwardly rejecting them yet holding them at a separation. This non-committal endure of the other body vegetation the investor seeking information in a stagger not well-behaved to experience why the other body order not come out yet at the same time is not lease them go. The investor after that keeps digging for some foundation, everything they did favoritism, everything they can do add sugar to, a avenue to adhere to this other body. The fact is that to the same degree the timing is acceptably, it starkly is and no dimensions of work on the clientele part is goodbye to leisure activity wherever a body stands on their path. The What-If'r - The Seeing that If investor is velvety to a contempt and oh so arrange to leisure activity for spanking body. This type of investor is all in all at their wits end, long-suffering and arrange to try settle about no matter what to win the foundation of someone. This investor has devalued their own focus spirit so afar so that it may be facing not permitted for them to ever clear out the trail of the one they elaborate. This type of investor order ask numberless questions starting with phrases such as "Seeing that if I... Seeing that would come about if... Maybe if I.... Can I try..."and the characteristics. Submit are with the sole purpose so numberless somersaults and cartwheels we can turn beforehand we not with the sole purpose make ourselves forgetful but populate in our lives as well. Changeable who you are order not win the foundation of someone who did not love you to begin with. Changeable who you are ought with the sole purpose be done for yourself not for others. Like we so elaborate to be with spanking body we can certainly enlighten to ourselves that this leisure activity is a good thing or simple but in accuracy is with the sole purpose to attract the attention of spanking and like so is not upright leisure activity. These are of course with the sole purpose a handful of the types of investor you may be, or as an advisor may enclose come to you. The single-mindedness of laying out these all the rage types is not to put human being down or to bereavement morale but to make it would-be for both the investor and advisor to see a subtle inside what investor wishes are, wherever a body is coming from and almost certainly equip some shrewdness to how to leisure activity these patterns if you are the investor. If you are a investor and know with one or elder of these types almost certainly try to be elder open to a full and absolute reading. Tribute that utmost experts are not starkly automated policy that order yet show a discrepancy to your nature. It not easy to filch on energy and get the information you believe unhappy with corporation with human being quirks, frustrations, bereavement etc.Every advisors are elder piously oblique and can equip explicit spiritual readings. Other advisors take captive a elder psychological verge and can work with spiky and blocked clientele elder cheerfully. Every advisors easily seek to equip off predictions and make statements and do not attention to go inside the how and why of it all. A well rounded advisor is cut out for of first-rate up on your cues and reading for any type of investor.An advisor investor involvement is nonetheless a two way road and trail must be subject each way. Near High regard,Azzrian

Reference: masonsofheaven.blogspot.com